1 00:00:00,860 --> 00:00:09,450 the kingdom of Deltora is shrouded 2 00:00:04,400 --> 00:00:11,370 darkness there once was a time when the 3 00:00:09,450 --> 00:00:14,489 belt of Deltora protected the kingdom 4 00:00:11,370 --> 00:00:17,310 from such evil it was added the first 5 00:00:14,490 --> 00:00:20,850 king who forged the belt and affixed the 6 00:00:17,310 --> 00:00:23,759 seven tribal gems to it each gem had a 7 00:00:20,850 --> 00:00:29,160 unique in magical power and United they 8 00:00:23,760 --> 00:00:31,199 made Deltora unconquerable however the 9 00:00:29,160 --> 00:00:35,000 gems were stolen and scattered to seven 10 00:00:31,199 --> 00:00:37,950 of the most dangerous places in the land 11 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:40,140 this was the doing of the evil Shadow 12 00:00:37,950 --> 00:00:43,770 Lord who then conquered and ruled the 13 00:00:40,140 --> 00:00:47,070 land by terror it is in dark hours that 14 00:00:43,770 --> 00:00:49,350 true hope and courage are born out of 15 00:00:47,070 --> 00:00:51,809 this despair a boy would step forward to 16 00:00:49,350 --> 00:00:54,899 defy the Shadow Lord and search for the 17 00:00:51,809 --> 00:00:59,300 seven gems these are the adventures of 18 00:00:54,899 --> 00:00:59,300 lief Barda and jasmine 19 00:01:55,930 --> 00:02:01,240 you two are late if it happens again 20 00:01:58,330 --> 00:02:03,730 there will be consequences I apologize 21 00:02:01,240 --> 00:02:05,500 we had to deal with this situation 22 00:02:03,730 --> 00:02:06,790 I don't want to hear excuses and you 23 00:02:05,500 --> 00:02:08,380 better have brought as much food as 24 00:02:06,790 --> 00:02:10,830 you're supposed to this time of course 25 00:02:08,380 --> 00:02:13,930 we did it's all in the cart 26 00:02:10,830 --> 00:02:16,650 hmm so the rocket jars give the food 27 00:02:13,930 --> 00:02:19,930 over to the grey guards and then what 28 00:02:16,650 --> 00:02:23,040 well good morning to all to my Lords and 29 00:02:19,930 --> 00:02:26,490 milady rockatuer a fine day isn't it 30 00:02:23,040 --> 00:02:26,489 look it's Tom 31 00:02:31,180 --> 00:02:35,990 enough small talk we're already late 32 00:02:33,860 --> 00:02:37,400 because of these fools that's not good 33 00:02:35,990 --> 00:02:39,560 sure you don't have time for a cold 34 00:02:37,400 --> 00:02:41,420 drink Tom we'll see to the changing of 35 00:02:39,560 --> 00:02:43,670 the beasts you should relax before 36 00:02:41,420 --> 00:02:45,649 continuing your journey it's a long 37 00:02:43,670 --> 00:02:48,230 drive way back to Del they're going to 38 00:02:45,650 --> 00:02:49,760 Del it all makes sense now all that food 39 00:02:48,230 --> 00:02:52,250 from NORAD's doesn't get thrown away 40 00:02:49,760 --> 00:02:53,870 it's taken to the palace and del which 41 00:02:52,250 --> 00:02:56,780 means that the rocket chars inspection 42 00:02:53,870 --> 00:02:58,850 is actually for the Shadow Lord it's 43 00:02:56,780 --> 00:03:00,950 also wrong the people of NORAD's are 44 00:02:58,850 --> 00:03:02,120 just being used what would tear think if 45 00:03:00,950 --> 00:03:04,519 she found out that her people are 46 00:03:02,120 --> 00:03:06,020 actually slaves the Shadow Lord the grey 47 00:03:04,520 --> 00:03:10,520 guards the rocket jars I'll never 48 00:03:06,020 --> 00:03:12,380 forgive them especially Tom when we came 49 00:03:10,520 --> 00:03:14,270 into his store before he acted as if he 50 00:03:12,380 --> 00:03:15,650 supported the resistance but now he's 51 00:03:14,270 --> 00:03:18,170 laughing it up with a bunch of great 52 00:03:15,650 --> 00:03:26,180 guards yeah hey what was that I heard a 53 00:03:18,170 --> 00:03:28,238 noise man a pesky black bird again he 54 00:03:26,180 --> 00:03:33,410 followed us all the way from NORAD's 55 00:03:28,239 --> 00:03:35,540 mm-hmm this isn't good Tom seen Kree 56 00:03:33,410 --> 00:03:36,890 before hasn't he yeah he has and I'm 57 00:03:35,540 --> 00:03:41,000 pretty sure he's smart enough to figure 58 00:03:36,890 --> 00:03:44,000 out the rest please enjoy yourself at 59 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:45,070 Toms shop mmm by the way I must give you 60 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:46,940 some bad news 61 00:03:45,070 --> 00:03:48,739 unfortunately there are no beasts for 62 00:03:46,940 --> 00:03:52,640 you to ride back to nor ads so you'll 63 00:03:48,739 --> 00:03:54,709 have to walk how can that be tom is very 64 00:03:52,640 --> 00:03:56,390 ashamed but the mud le'ts would set 65 00:03:54,709 --> 00:03:59,360 aside in the barn for your return have 66 00:03:56,390 --> 00:04:01,940 been stolen by three wicked and crafty 67 00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:04,310 travelers you should have taken more 68 00:04:01,940 --> 00:04:05,959 care we found the beasts trying to get 69 00:04:04,310 --> 00:04:07,340 back into their field and NORAD's 70 00:04:05,959 --> 00:04:11,239 they must have thrown them off at our 71 00:04:07,340 --> 00:04:13,310 front gates I see and the travelers they 72 00:04:11,239 --> 00:04:16,668 brought evil to our halls they'll be 73 00:04:13,310 --> 00:04:19,160 staying in our dungeons for good that is 74 00:04:16,668 --> 00:04:20,539 good news indeed as for right now why 75 00:04:19,160 --> 00:04:22,550 don't the three of you go into Tom's 76 00:04:20,540 --> 00:04:24,110 shop and relax there's some work outside 77 00:04:22,550 --> 00:04:24,800 that Tom needs to finish but it 78 00:04:24,110 --> 00:04:26,540 shouldn't take long 79 00:04:24,800 --> 00:04:27,979 then when the gray guards have left 80 00:04:26,540 --> 00:04:30,830 perhaps the three of you will enjoy a 81 00:04:27,979 --> 00:04:33,800 drink with Tom yes that sounds like a 82 00:04:30,830 --> 00:04:35,690 fine plan he can't be trusted when we 83 00:04:33,800 --> 00:04:37,719 went to his story fooled us just like 84 00:04:35,690 --> 00:04:40,669 he's fooling them 85 00:04:37,719 --> 00:04:42,560 to anyone who cares to listen if you 86 00:04:40,669 --> 00:04:44,389 wish to leave a cart unobserved and run 87 00:04:42,560 --> 00:04:46,400 to the bushes by the shop then this 88 00:04:44,389 --> 00:04:48,259 would definitely be the time to do so 89 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:50,239 old tom is the only one around who would 90 00:04:48,259 --> 00:04:52,520 notice right now what kind of trick is 91 00:04:50,240 --> 00:04:53,960 he up to I think he's trying to help us 92 00:04:52,520 --> 00:04:56,359 he's saying we should go hide in those 93 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:58,068 bushes over there do you really think we 94 00:04:56,360 --> 00:04:59,930 should trust a word he says I don't 95 00:04:58,069 --> 00:05:10,460 trust him any more than you do but we 96 00:04:59,930 --> 00:05:12,110 can't stay here yeah Tom almost forgot 97 00:05:10,460 --> 00:05:14,779 that these bushes needed to be trimmed 98 00:05:12,110 --> 00:05:18,590 today tell us Tom what exactly is going 99 00:05:14,779 --> 00:05:22,099 on just business as usual my young 100 00:05:18,590 --> 00:05:24,229 friend business huh that's right tom is 101 00:05:22,099 --> 00:05:27,128 but a poor shopkeeper who simply looks 102 00:05:24,229 --> 00:05:30,318 after the needs of all of his customers 103 00:05:27,129 --> 00:05:31,939 that's a lie and you know it you sold us 104 00:05:30,319 --> 00:05:33,229 mud leads that belong to the rocket cars 105 00:05:31,939 --> 00:05:35,270 and then you told them that we stole 106 00:05:33,229 --> 00:05:35,659 them from you all you care about is 107 00:05:35,270 --> 00:05:38,029 money 108 00:05:35,659 --> 00:05:41,389 leave you may be right about him but now 109 00:05:38,029 --> 00:05:43,400 is not the time how right you are my 110 00:05:41,389 --> 00:05:45,310 young friend poor Tom admits he finds it 111 00:05:43,400 --> 00:05:47,539 hard to resist the allure of easy gold 112 00:05:45,310 --> 00:05:49,460 thanks to you we almost spent the rest 113 00:05:47,539 --> 00:05:50,960 of our lives rotting in a dungeon that's 114 00:05:49,460 --> 00:05:53,060 not true what happened after you left 115 00:05:50,960 --> 00:05:55,549 Tom's shop was entirely your fault not 116 00:05:53,060 --> 00:05:57,680 his if you had taken the left-hand path 117 00:05:55,550 --> 00:05:59,149 as Tom advised the beasts would never 118 00:05:57,680 --> 00:06:00,169 have caught the scent of their home and 119 00:05:59,149 --> 00:06:02,509 bolted like that 120 00:06:00,169 --> 00:06:04,068 but you're still a liar you pretended to 121 00:06:02,509 --> 00:06:05,990 be against the Shadow Lord and with the 122 00:06:04,069 --> 00:06:07,520 resistance but we saw you today talking 123 00:06:05,990 --> 00:06:10,129 those great guards as if there were old 124 00:06:07,520 --> 00:06:13,060 friends of yours obviously the three of 125 00:06:10,129 --> 00:06:16,160 you never cared to notice 126 00:06:13,060 --> 00:06:16,910 Tom's name looks the same whichever side 127 00:06:16,160 --> 00:06:18,440 you're on 128 00:06:16,910 --> 00:06:21,020 it's the same way they were approached 129 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:22,789 from the west or the east it's the same 130 00:06:21,020 --> 00:06:25,969 whether you are inside his shop or 131 00:06:22,789 --> 00:06:28,669 outside it and Tom himself is exactly 132 00:06:25,970 --> 00:06:31,580 like his name it's all about money 133 00:06:28,669 --> 00:06:33,650 certainly Tom's never said otherwise has 134 00:06:31,580 --> 00:06:35,780 he he's the same Tom to all who pass 135 00:06:33,650 --> 00:06:38,000 through his shop he never chooses to 136 00:06:35,780 --> 00:06:39,530 take sides this is because tom is not 137 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:43,610 interested in things that are not his 138 00:06:39,530 --> 00:06:45,169 concern you're a traitor not true 139 00:06:43,610 --> 00:06:46,729 don't forget that Tom saved your lives 140 00:06:45,169 --> 00:06:50,270 and because of that you are able to 141 00:06:46,729 --> 00:06:52,520 fight another day but that's in the past 142 00:06:50,270 --> 00:06:54,049 right now tom is the only one who knows 143 00:06:52,520 --> 00:06:56,180 you're here and he suggests you leave 144 00:06:54,050 --> 00:06:58,190 while you have the chance tom will not 145 00:06:56,180 --> 00:07:00,740 take any responsibility if the grey 146 00:06:58,190 --> 00:07:02,870 guards pick up your trail so quickly and 147 00:07:00,740 --> 00:07:06,550 quietly and be sure to take all of your 148 00:07:02,870 --> 00:07:06,550 belongings with you even your garbage 149 00:07:15,620 --> 00:07:20,039 you've got to admit he did save our 150 00:07:18,029 --> 00:07:22,080 lives back there really it's more than I 151 00:07:20,039 --> 00:07:23,669 expected there are a lot of animals that 152 00:07:22,080 --> 00:07:26,159 only look out for themselves and I 153 00:07:23,669 --> 00:07:28,859 wouldn't say they're bad yeah but he's a 154 00:07:26,159 --> 00:07:30,930 human being not some animal that means 155 00:07:28,860 --> 00:07:32,580 he should know right from wrong that 156 00:07:30,930 --> 00:07:34,889 means he should know right from wrong 157 00:07:32,580 --> 00:07:36,960 spare me like you've never done anything 158 00:07:34,889 --> 00:07:38,909 wrong before mr. perfect what are you 159 00:07:36,960 --> 00:07:40,409 trying to say I'm saying who are you to 160 00:07:38,909 --> 00:07:41,819 judge this might come as a surprise to 161 00:07:40,409 --> 00:07:43,289 you but you don't know everything 162 00:07:41,819 --> 00:07:46,409 so stop walking around here thinking 163 00:07:43,289 --> 00:07:48,539 you're better than everyone why do I get 164 00:07:46,409 --> 00:07:50,069 the feeling this could go on forever you 165 00:07:48,539 --> 00:07:54,089 know if you were smart like me you'd 166 00:07:50,069 --> 00:07:55,710 save your energy for walking okay but we 167 00:07:54,089 --> 00:07:57,210 have to go back to neurons first and 168 00:07:55,710 --> 00:08:00,330 tell the people they're being lied to 169 00:07:57,210 --> 00:08:02,430 that's insane Tiras being used by the 170 00:08:00,330 --> 00:08:05,099 rocket chars as a slave for the Shadow 171 00:08:02,430 --> 00:08:07,379 Lord and she doesn't even know it what 172 00:08:05,099 --> 00:08:09,149 good would it do for us to go there if 173 00:08:07,379 --> 00:08:10,740 by some chance the people believe what 174 00:08:09,149 --> 00:08:12,029 we tell them can you imagine what will 175 00:08:10,740 --> 00:08:13,379 happen if they broke the pattern of 176 00:08:12,029 --> 00:08:15,419 centuries and rebelled against the 177 00:08:13,379 --> 00:08:17,249 rocket chars The Shadow Lord would 178 00:08:15,419 --> 00:08:21,748 undoubtedly be so angry he'd destroy 179 00:08:17,249 --> 00:08:23,129 NORAD's is that what you want all we 180 00:08:21,749 --> 00:08:25,409 should be thinking about right now is 181 00:08:23,129 --> 00:08:27,870 how to get to the city of rats and find 182 00:08:25,409 --> 00:08:32,958 where the third gem is hidden so stay 183 00:08:27,870 --> 00:08:32,959 focused hmm 184 00:08:51,370 --> 00:08:59,769 wants to tell us something he says that 185 00:08:57,290 --> 00:09:02,540 he can see the river so how close is it 186 00:08:59,769 --> 00:09:04,220 sounds like we're almost there that's 187 00:09:02,540 --> 00:09:21,500 good once we've crossed Broughton river 188 00:09:04,220 --> 00:09:22,370 the city of the rats can't be far this 189 00:09:21,500 --> 00:09:24,709 must be it 190 00:09:22,370 --> 00:09:30,889 it certainly is broad it looks more like 191 00:09:24,709 --> 00:09:33,709 a lake do you think that's the city of 192 00:09:30,889 --> 00:09:34,490 rats that'd be my guess then we're 193 00:09:33,709 --> 00:09:36,859 almost there 194 00:09:34,490 --> 00:09:37,820 we just gotta cross the river yeah but 195 00:09:36,860 --> 00:09:39,860 how are we gonna do that 196 00:09:37,820 --> 00:09:42,140 we can't just swim and they're only 197 00:09:39,860 --> 00:09:45,250 reeds here I can't see anything we can 198 00:09:42,140 --> 00:09:45,250 use to build a raft with 199 00:09:45,850 --> 00:09:50,620 so what we gonna do I know is I'm hungry 200 00:09:48,430 --> 00:09:51,579 and tired I really can't think on an 201 00:09:50,620 --> 00:09:53,560 empty stomach 202 00:09:51,580 --> 00:09:57,930 all right then why don't we have a 203 00:09:53,560 --> 00:09:57,930 little something to eat first mm-hmm 204 00:09:58,990 --> 00:10:02,860 I even turned the bag upside down to see 205 00:10:01,149 --> 00:10:04,810 if there was anything else but no hey 206 00:10:02,860 --> 00:10:05,680 wait a minute what did we get at Tom's 207 00:10:04,810 --> 00:10:07,510 shop again 208 00:10:05,680 --> 00:10:10,660 I remember we bought some sort of food 209 00:10:07,510 --> 00:10:12,430 sure if that's what it really is I think 210 00:10:10,660 --> 00:10:14,680 twice before eating anything of his 211 00:10:12,430 --> 00:10:16,989 dough we've got beads that supposedly 212 00:10:14,680 --> 00:10:19,000 make fire a pipe that blows bubbles of 213 00:10:16,990 --> 00:10:21,490 light powder that cleans water and the 214 00:10:19,000 --> 00:10:23,110 no bakes well that's something we could 215 00:10:21,490 --> 00:10:24,399 eat it's that stuff that turns into 216 00:10:23,110 --> 00:10:27,040 bread if you just add a bit of water 217 00:10:24,399 --> 00:10:29,050 like that could happen and he gave us 218 00:10:27,040 --> 00:10:33,310 this free gift they're called water 219 00:10:29,050 --> 00:10:36,839 eaters water eaters how do you suppose 220 00:10:33,310 --> 00:10:39,459 they work are they alive I don't know 221 00:10:36,839 --> 00:10:40,029 sparingly drop water eaters one at a 222 00:10:39,459 --> 00:10:42,339 time 223 00:10:40,029 --> 00:10:44,050 wherever dry land is required Yeah right 224 00:10:42,339 --> 00:10:45,399 do you really think that whatever's in 225 00:10:44,050 --> 00:10:47,290 there could work on a whole river 226 00:10:45,399 --> 00:10:51,700 look I'm just reading what's on the back 227 00:10:47,290 --> 00:10:55,560 of the box hmm hmm well it wouldn't hurt 228 00:10:51,700 --> 00:10:55,560 to try let's give it a shot 229 00:10:57,170 --> 00:11:02,740 all right little water readers let's see 230 00:10:59,510 --> 00:11:02,740 what you can do with this big river 231 00:11:13,010 --> 00:11:18,839 didn't work what a drag I told you so 232 00:11:16,649 --> 00:11:21,209 why would Tom give us something for free 233 00:11:18,839 --> 00:11:24,260 that he could have charged us for hold 234 00:11:21,209 --> 00:11:24,260 on a sec look over there 235 00:11:34,550 --> 00:11:38,420 I can't believe it's working look at all 236 00:11:36,830 --> 00:11:41,260 that water from the river being sucked 237 00:11:38,420 --> 00:11:41,260 up inside it 238 00:11:43,089 --> 00:11:45,930 is incredible 239 00:12:05,100 --> 00:12:09,790 looks like some sort of magic crystal 240 00:12:07,570 --> 00:12:11,079 that's drawing up the water that's great 241 00:12:09,790 --> 00:12:12,639 now there's dry land in the middle of 242 00:12:11,079 --> 00:12:14,589 the river with these we should be able 243 00:12:12,639 --> 00:12:16,269 to get across what do you guys really 244 00:12:14,589 --> 00:12:19,209 think we should put this much faith in 245 00:12:16,269 --> 00:12:20,740 something we got at Toms shop what's the 246 00:12:19,209 --> 00:12:25,380 matter are you scared your hair's going 247 00:12:20,740 --> 00:12:25,380 to get wet I'm not scared of anything Oh 248 00:12:27,540 --> 00:12:32,709 watch your step 249 00:12:29,170 --> 00:12:34,660 yeah it's slippery it's a little muddy 250 00:12:32,709 --> 00:12:37,069 but not too bad considering it was just 251 00:12:34,660 --> 00:12:39,370 under water a minute ago 252 00:12:37,070 --> 00:12:42,370 hey Lee why don't you throw another one 253 00:12:39,370 --> 00:12:42,370 okay 254 00:12:58,130 --> 00:13:03,939 I still can't get over it yeah doesn't 255 00:13:01,370 --> 00:13:03,940 seem possible 256 00:13:12,100 --> 00:13:17,139 thanks to those water heaters we'll be 257 00:13:14,110 --> 00:13:19,300 cross in no time the problem is there's 258 00:13:17,139 --> 00:13:20,769 only a few of these things left I'm not 259 00:13:19,300 --> 00:13:24,219 even sure we have enough to get to the 260 00:13:20,769 --> 00:13:27,570 other side Oh what's wrong with you it's 261 00:13:24,220 --> 00:13:27,570 a little late to be telling us this now 262 00:13:29,400 --> 00:13:38,449 what was that the pillars are all 263 00:13:35,730 --> 00:13:38,450 collapsing 264 00:13:38,920 --> 00:13:43,140 we're gonna be drowned yet moving 265 00:13:45,130 --> 00:13:50,269 in the fine print it warns that they're 266 00:13:47,600 --> 00:13:51,860 effective for only one hour what you 267 00:13:50,269 --> 00:13:53,029 know maybe you should have rent out 268 00:13:51,860 --> 00:13:56,380 while you're still on bright brown 269 00:13:53,029 --> 00:13:59,860 forget about that we've gotta hurry 270 00:13:56,380 --> 00:13:59,860 don't look back 271 00:14:19,709 --> 00:14:24,969 Wow we were really lucky that could have 272 00:14:22,480 --> 00:14:28,570 been the end yeah somehow the Bell must 273 00:14:24,970 --> 00:14:31,000 have protected us is that what you think 274 00:14:28,570 --> 00:14:33,670 oh yeah nothing like nearly drowning to 275 00:14:31,000 --> 00:14:39,790 make you feel protected well we all made 276 00:14:33,670 --> 00:14:41,500 it across alive didn't we don't know 277 00:14:39,790 --> 00:14:43,360 about you guys but I'm tired I'm pretty 278 00:14:41,500 --> 00:14:46,180 hungry too we never did get anything to 279 00:14:43,360 --> 00:14:49,390 eat I could fall asleep in a heartbeat 280 00:14:46,180 --> 00:14:51,550 but we're so close to the city of rats 281 00:14:49,390 --> 00:14:53,860 you've got to be kidding me you want to 282 00:14:51,550 --> 00:14:55,779 go there right now I don't think we have 283 00:14:53,860 --> 00:14:57,040 time to rest I don't get it what's the 284 00:14:55,779 --> 00:14:58,810 difference if we get there tonight or 285 00:14:57,040 --> 00:15:00,430 tomorrow we're so close to where the 286 00:14:58,810 --> 00:15:02,949 third gem is hidden I'd have thought 287 00:15:00,430 --> 00:15:03,939 you'd want to hurry too what's the point 288 00:15:02,950 --> 00:15:05,290 of the whole thing anyway 289 00:15:03,940 --> 00:15:07,180 I mean is something really gonna happen 290 00:15:05,290 --> 00:15:09,430 when we get all the gems what do you 291 00:15:07,180 --> 00:15:11,019 mean by that exactly what I just asked 292 00:15:09,430 --> 00:15:14,050 you do you know what's gonna happen when 293 00:15:11,019 --> 00:15:15,970 we get all the gems sort of come on 294 00:15:14,050 --> 00:15:17,199 let's all have something to eat I'm so 295 00:15:15,970 --> 00:15:20,560 hungry I could probably eat an entire 296 00:15:17,200 --> 00:15:23,170 mudlick and I want to dry my clothes too 297 00:15:20,560 --> 00:15:24,369 Hey hang on a sec leave didn't you say 298 00:15:23,170 --> 00:15:26,920 we ended up buying some of those 299 00:15:24,370 --> 00:15:29,140 fire-making beads at Toms shop maybe we 300 00:15:26,920 --> 00:15:31,689 should give him a try I've had enough of 301 00:15:29,140 --> 00:15:33,699 Tom's stuff come on I don't think it'll 302 00:15:31,690 --> 00:15:35,740 harm us those water eaters actually 303 00:15:33,700 --> 00:15:37,450 really helped us out the only reason we 304 00:15:35,740 --> 00:15:38,770 nearly drowned was because some genius 305 00:15:37,450 --> 00:15:44,130 didn't read the instructions all the way 306 00:15:38,770 --> 00:15:47,920 through before using them all right fine 307 00:15:44,130 --> 00:15:51,300 let's see here it says to ignite bead 308 00:15:47,920 --> 00:15:51,300 strike with a hard object 309 00:15:52,089 --> 00:16:00,129 oh wow look at that it actually worked 310 00:15:57,339 --> 00:16:03,970 that's really amazing now I wonder what 311 00:16:00,129 --> 00:16:05,439 will happen if I add another one this is 312 00:16:03,970 --> 00:16:06,550 great at this rate our clothes will be 313 00:16:05,439 --> 00:16:08,469 dry in no time 314 00:16:06,550 --> 00:16:10,300 Haley why don't you break out those 315 00:16:08,470 --> 00:16:12,389 no-bake things I bet they'd really hit 316 00:16:10,300 --> 00:16:16,809 the spot 317 00:16:12,389 --> 00:16:18,040 here you go do you really think that 318 00:16:16,809 --> 00:16:19,779 those little crackers are gonna be 319 00:16:18,040 --> 00:16:21,399 enough for all of us they're supposed to 320 00:16:19,779 --> 00:16:27,819 become loaves of bread by adding water 321 00:16:21,399 --> 00:16:28,930 like bread soup you think this will be 322 00:16:27,819 --> 00:16:31,540 enough hmm 323 00:16:28,930 --> 00:16:33,008 and we'll use that cleansing powder we 324 00:16:31,540 --> 00:16:34,809 shouldn't take any chances with the 325 00:16:33,009 --> 00:16:43,269 bread and we can always drink whatever's 326 00:16:34,809 --> 00:16:45,309 left over look at that the water 327 00:16:43,269 --> 00:16:50,290 instantly cleared up now I'll just try a 328 00:16:45,309 --> 00:16:52,629 few drops oh yeah it totally worked 329 00:16:50,290 --> 00:16:56,709 fantastic looks like we're not going to 330 00:16:52,629 --> 00:16:58,629 bed hungry tonight hmm our only great 331 00:16:56,709 --> 00:16:59,258 cook yeah tastes like it just came out 332 00:16:58,629 --> 00:17:01,449 of an oven 333 00:16:59,259 --> 00:17:04,240 What's Wrong Lee aren't you gonna have 334 00:17:01,449 --> 00:17:06,609 some I'm not hungry Thanks is the baby 335 00:17:04,240 --> 00:17:10,870 being stubborn now whatever I said I 336 00:17:06,609 --> 00:17:13,178 don't want any I think your stomach 337 00:17:10,869 --> 00:17:16,029 disagrees would you stop being such a 338 00:17:13,179 --> 00:17:18,360 know-it-all here come on leave you have 339 00:17:16,029 --> 00:17:18,359 to eat something 340 00:17:21,369 --> 00:17:24,760 I don't really like Tom either but 341 00:17:23,349 --> 00:17:26,409 there's nothing wrong with the goods he 342 00:17:24,760 --> 00:17:28,750 sells come on you wouldn't want to get 343 00:17:26,410 --> 00:17:31,080 any skinnier lief just eat Tom's bread 344 00:17:28,750 --> 00:17:31,080 okay 345 00:17:35,529 --> 00:17:38,700 something's coming this way 346 00:17:46,390 --> 00:17:51,220 those are crap what rats yeah and 347 00:17:49,090 --> 00:17:54,070 there's so many of them we'd better run 348 00:17:51,220 --> 00:17:56,380 but where to the river our only chance 349 00:17:54,070 --> 00:17:57,490 is to get into the water good idea and 350 00:17:56,380 --> 00:18:00,180 we should put on the rock the char 351 00:17:57,490 --> 00:18:00,180 uniforms too 352 00:18:10,050 --> 00:18:20,060 I've never seen so many rats in my whole 353 00:18:12,300 --> 00:18:20,060 life let's not stand around here 354 00:18:31,429 --> 00:18:34,599 more and more food coming but just know 355 00:18:33,769 --> 00:18:38,710 in Jesus 356 00:18:34,599 --> 00:18:38,710 hey rich is the fire beads 357 00:18:47,670 --> 00:18:50,390 it's working 358 00:18:52,110 --> 00:18:59,129 you know you're still coming head 359 00:18:57,210 --> 00:19:02,659 upstream we'll use the wall of fire as a 360 00:18:59,130 --> 00:19:02,659 shield good drinking 361 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:10,780 this is the last one 362 00:19:21,950 --> 00:19:28,320 please no more it seems that those 363 00:19:26,520 --> 00:19:30,960 Rockets our uniforms have saved our 364 00:19:28,320 --> 00:19:32,580 lives once again I guess even the rats 365 00:19:30,960 --> 00:19:34,190 can't stand the poison of that weird 366 00:19:32,580 --> 00:19:37,110 fungus 367 00:19:34,190 --> 00:19:39,380 clean noradzir wasn't it why bring that 368 00:19:37,110 --> 00:19:42,300 up I don't want to ever hear that again 369 00:19:39,380 --> 00:19:44,910 maybe it means something else cuz then 370 00:19:42,300 --> 00:19:46,678 they do this don't they almost like 371 00:19:44,910 --> 00:19:48,570 they're swatting rats off their bodies 372 00:19:46,679 --> 00:19:50,730 what are you getting at Leif 373 00:19:48,570 --> 00:19:53,040 I think NORAD's used to be a part of the 374 00:19:50,730 --> 00:19:54,990 city of rats but when the rats took over 375 00:19:53,040 --> 00:19:57,330 the people got so scared that they ended 376 00:19:54,990 --> 00:20:01,100 up deserting it what makes you say that 377 00:19:57,330 --> 00:20:01,100 that symbol up there 378 00:20:02,320 --> 00:20:11,439 it looks a lot like the one we saw all 379 00:20:04,360 --> 00:20:14,050 over the place in NORAD's Yeah right I 380 00:20:11,440 --> 00:20:15,730 remember seeing it before maybe that's 381 00:20:14,050 --> 00:20:19,990 why they were afraid of Philly he does 382 00:20:15,730 --> 00:20:21,430 look a bit like a rat that would explain 383 00:20:19,990 --> 00:20:23,710 why they're so obsessed with keeping 384 00:20:21,430 --> 00:20:26,590 everything clean it was to keep the rats 385 00:20:23,710 --> 00:20:28,000 away the rocket cars were able to fight 386 00:20:26,590 --> 00:20:29,709 the rats because they wore those red 387 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:32,170 suits that's why the people of NORAD's 388 00:20:29,710 --> 00:20:33,790 believes are all-powerful and then the 389 00:20:32,170 --> 00:20:35,470 rocket chars became the leaders when 390 00:20:33,790 --> 00:20:37,300 they fled I never would have thought of 391 00:20:35,470 --> 00:20:39,940 it but what you're saying is making a 392 00:20:37,300 --> 00:20:41,620 lot of sense but the worst thing is we 393 00:20:39,940 --> 00:20:42,640 know that the rocket chars are servants 394 00:20:41,620 --> 00:20:44,530 of the Shadow Lord 395 00:20:42,640 --> 00:20:45,880 so NORAD's was saved by the Shadow Lord 396 00:20:44,530 --> 00:20:50,379 not the rocket chars 397 00:20:45,880 --> 00:20:51,880 I bet the reason they're so strict is 398 00:20:50,380 --> 00:20:53,650 because the Shadow Lord doesn't want 399 00:20:51,880 --> 00:21:00,880 them to know the truth about their past 400 00:20:53,650 --> 00:21:03,490 I think we should wear these when we 401 00:21:00,880 --> 00:21:04,990 enter the city of the rats agreed I'm 402 00:21:03,490 --> 00:21:07,400 sure they'll be swarming all over the 403 00:21:04,990 --> 00:21:09,260 place once we get in there 404 00:21:07,400 --> 00:21:10,850 are you guys are really still planning 405 00:21:09,260 --> 00:21:11,870 on going into that city after what we've 406 00:21:10,850 --> 00:21:14,059 just been through 407 00:21:11,870 --> 00:21:18,439 of course we are we know for sure that 408 00:21:14,059 --> 00:21:20,480 the third gem is hidden there I'm sorry 409 00:21:18,440 --> 00:21:25,160 but I can't help you with this quest of 410 00:21:20,480 --> 00:21:27,110 yours anymore hmm I thought about it and 411 00:21:25,160 --> 00:21:28,370 it looks like this is where you guys 412 00:21:27,110 --> 00:21:31,809 carry on without me 413 00:21:28,370 --> 00:21:31,809 but jasmine 414 00:22:19,320 --> 00:22:22,809 Jazmin decides she isn't gonna continue 415 00:22:21,730 --> 00:22:24,640 the quest with us 416 00:22:22,809 --> 00:22:26,950 so Barda and I go without her into the 417 00:22:24,640 --> 00:22:28,960 city of the rats next thing I know was 418 00:22:26,950 --> 00:22:30,620 fighting Riya the guardian of the third 419 00:22:28,960 --> 00:22:35,110 gem 420 00:22:30,620 --> 00:22:35,110 next episode the king of the rats