1 00:00:45,970 --> 00:00:51,110 my name's Lee I'm on a quest to save 2 00:00:48,920 --> 00:00:53,180 Deltora I've been to the most dangerous 3 00:00:51,110 --> 00:00:56,300 corners of the land to get the Topaz the 4 00:00:53,180 --> 00:00:57,560 Ruby and the opal oh come on don't you 5 00:00:56,300 --> 00:00:59,750 think you're exaggerating slightly 6 00:00:57,560 --> 00:01:04,269 jasmine I mean how many times did I have 7 00:00:59,750 --> 00:01:08,660 to save your butt I helped a bit - Barda 8 00:01:04,269 --> 00:01:10,429 filli Kree okay it's true I never would 9 00:01:08,660 --> 00:01:12,470 have gotten this far without my friends 10 00:01:10,430 --> 00:01:14,120 but we've still got four more gems to 11 00:01:12,470 --> 00:01:17,380 find next up 12 00:01:14,120 --> 00:01:17,380 the shifting sands 13 00:01:33,980 --> 00:01:41,130 hey you slow down you're gonna ruin the 14 00:01:37,470 --> 00:01:42,960 car go all right take it easy I just 15 00:01:41,130 --> 00:01:44,990 want to get this over with as quickly as 16 00:01:42,960 --> 00:01:44,990 possible 17 00:01:56,170 --> 00:02:03,170 what happened where am I 18 00:01:59,300 --> 00:02:05,649 why are my arms tied oh right we fell 19 00:02:03,170 --> 00:02:11,240 into a trap 20 00:02:05,650 --> 00:02:13,220 this isn't good one of the ticks is 21 00:02:11,240 --> 00:02:16,160 moving around should I give it another 22 00:02:13,220 --> 00:02:18,530 whack better not risk it they all have 23 00:02:16,160 --> 00:02:22,220 to be a good condition on delivery you 24 00:02:18,530 --> 00:02:25,780 know the orders good condition for what 25 00:02:22,220 --> 00:02:25,780 and whose orders 26 00:02:30,970 --> 00:02:41,610 I've still got it it's safe Barda 27 00:02:35,650 --> 00:02:44,260 jasmine good we're all still together 28 00:02:41,610 --> 00:02:47,740 you ask me these deer aren't worth the 29 00:02:44,260 --> 00:02:50,130 trouble are transported knows maybe the 30 00:02:47,740 --> 00:02:53,890 big one is but the other two are useless 31 00:02:50,130 --> 00:02:54,730 especially the scrawny little girl can 32 00:02:53,890 --> 00:02:56,769 you believe it 33 00:02:54,730 --> 00:02:58,209 I heard she won the championship I bet 34 00:02:56,770 --> 00:03:00,670 she wouldn't last five minutes against 35 00:02:58,210 --> 00:03:01,690 one of us that's true but it's still 36 00:03:00,670 --> 00:03:03,220 none of our business 37 00:03:01,690 --> 00:03:04,960 the bright need woman supplies the goods 38 00:03:03,220 --> 00:03:07,359 all we have to worry about it's 39 00:03:04,960 --> 00:03:10,030 delivering them to the shadow arena the 40 00:03:07,360 --> 00:03:11,290 shadow arena they must be great guards 41 00:03:10,030 --> 00:03:14,050 what are we gonna do 42 00:03:11,290 --> 00:03:16,890 I can't believe mother brightly was in 43 00:03:14,050 --> 00:03:16,890 on this all along 44 00:03:19,330 --> 00:03:21,930 Wow 45 00:03:22,780 --> 00:03:26,870 it's Cree 46 00:03:24,440 --> 00:03:30,500 he's following us I never should have 47 00:03:26,870 --> 00:03:31,760 let my guard down impossible 48 00:03:30,500 --> 00:03:33,940 there's no way to get out of these 49 00:03:31,760 --> 00:03:33,940 things 50 00:03:41,690 --> 00:03:45,620 great just what we need what do you 51 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:48,140 think should we stop and make sure the 52 00:03:45,620 --> 00:03:50,120 ticks are dry we should be in water than 53 00:03:48,140 --> 00:03:52,579 two otherwise they'll be useless by the 54 00:03:50,120 --> 00:03:58,670 time we get there neither of us needs 55 00:03:52,580 --> 00:04:00,680 that be careful you know what happens if 56 00:03:58,670 --> 00:04:03,589 they find any broken bones in our mother 57 00:04:00,680 --> 00:04:05,360 brightly support wielding ones fighting 58 00:04:03,590 --> 00:04:08,090 for our lives in the arena instead of 59 00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:09,800 these miserable fools seriously do you 60 00:04:08,090 --> 00:04:12,560 want to end your days and gladiators 61 00:04:09,800 --> 00:04:15,340 leather fighting a brawl don't even joke 62 00:04:12,560 --> 00:04:19,459 about that we're gonna fight overall I 63 00:04:15,340 --> 00:04:21,560 think I'll skip that thanks anyway 64 00:04:19,459 --> 00:04:24,490 so the Shadow Lord even has his hands 65 00:04:21,560 --> 00:04:24,490 and their rhythm your games 66 00:04:35,570 --> 00:04:42,909 hey it's your turn to give the tick's 67 00:04:37,430 --> 00:04:42,910 something to eat mm-hmm oh what a pain 68 00:04:46,660 --> 00:04:54,040 oh no please don't tell me they're gonna 69 00:04:51,760 --> 00:04:56,530 make us eat that nasty dirty dry meat 70 00:04:54,040 --> 00:04:58,000 all the same looks a heck of a lot 71 00:04:56,530 --> 00:05:03,219 better than that stuff they're eating 72 00:04:58,000 --> 00:05:06,240 right now come on there's gotta be some 73 00:05:03,220 --> 00:05:06,240 way to get out of these things 74 00:05:15,580 --> 00:05:21,020 here you go tics be happy you get 75 00:05:18,590 --> 00:05:22,609 anything to eat at all I am happy but I 76 00:05:21,020 --> 00:05:25,099 can't eat with these shackles on my 77 00:05:22,610 --> 00:05:26,990 wrist shut up little girl get smart with 78 00:05:25,100 --> 00:05:29,630 me and I'll put you back in the sack and 79 00:05:26,990 --> 00:05:34,070 throw you into the shifting sands we'll 80 00:05:29,630 --> 00:05:36,409 be there soon enough we should do as 81 00:05:34,070 --> 00:05:39,980 they say they tell me that you still 82 00:05:36,410 --> 00:05:41,900 have the belt hmm the shifting sands 83 00:05:39,980 --> 00:05:44,000 this is good for us they're taking us 84 00:05:41,900 --> 00:05:45,500 right past where we wanted to go what do 85 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:47,210 you mean good in case you didn't notice 86 00:05:45,500 --> 00:05:48,680 were chained out who cares which way 87 00:05:47,210 --> 00:05:50,270 we're going anyway 88 00:05:48,680 --> 00:05:51,710 looks like mother brightly really made 89 00:05:50,270 --> 00:05:53,090 fools of us didn't she 90 00:05:51,710 --> 00:05:54,320 the whole time I thought she was the 91 00:05:53,090 --> 00:05:56,510 fool but that's just part of her act 92 00:05:54,320 --> 00:05:58,820 it's all part of it the rhythm your 93 00:05:56,510 --> 00:06:00,650 games are just a trap they use gold to 94 00:05:58,820 --> 00:06:03,590 lure the best and strongest fighters 95 00:06:00,650 --> 00:06:05,479 around and then they capture them do you 96 00:06:03,590 --> 00:06:08,270 remember what orwen said the first time 97 00:06:05,480 --> 00:06:09,740 we saw him in town yeah cuz I hear last 98 00:06:08,270 --> 00:06:11,180 year's champion got the money and just 99 00:06:09,740 --> 00:06:11,720 took off somewhere without telling 100 00:06:11,180 --> 00:06:14,030 anyone 101 00:06:11,720 --> 00:06:15,590 I bet the champion was captured like we 102 00:06:14,030 --> 00:06:17,510 were and taken to the shadow arena 103 00:06:15,590 --> 00:06:23,200 uh-huh we should have suspected 104 00:06:17,510 --> 00:06:23,200 something hey check out our two guards 105 00:06:25,099 --> 00:06:30,719 are they asleep yeah looks like it if 106 00:06:28,979 --> 00:06:33,209 there were any way we could escape this 107 00:06:30,719 --> 00:06:35,629 would be the time we just need to get 108 00:06:33,209 --> 00:06:35,629 rid of these 109 00:06:46,980 --> 00:06:50,700 I can't stand the thought that after all 110 00:06:49,290 --> 00:06:52,260 we've been through they're sure to find 111 00:06:50,700 --> 00:06:59,099 the belt when we get to the Shadowlands 112 00:06:52,260 --> 00:07:04,400 and the quest will be over you hear that 113 00:06:59,100 --> 00:07:07,890 someone's there someone or something oh 114 00:07:04,400 --> 00:07:12,060 no not him it's doom have you been 115 00:07:07,890 --> 00:07:14,159 following us wait let me guess you came 116 00:07:12,060 --> 00:07:16,320 to get your revenge you three be quiet 117 00:07:14,160 --> 00:07:20,850 and don't move until I give you the 118 00:07:16,320 --> 00:07:22,770 signal I'm here to set you free I don't 119 00:07:20,850 --> 00:07:25,530 get it why would you come to rescue us 120 00:07:22,770 --> 00:07:28,650 anyway we'll have done to talk later we 121 00:07:25,530 --> 00:07:30,419 have time now don't worry about impacts 122 00:07:28,650 --> 00:07:31,919 and weapons I've already taken in to one 123 00:07:30,420 --> 00:07:33,990 of our secret hiding places 124 00:07:31,920 --> 00:07:35,400 after we unchain you will need to get 125 00:07:33,990 --> 00:07:37,280 through the woods without being noticed 126 00:07:35,400 --> 00:07:40,349 please follow us quickly and quietly 127 00:07:37,280 --> 00:07:42,809 wait I remember you you're the one who 128 00:07:40,350 --> 00:07:44,550 tried to drug all the finalists you seem 129 00:07:42,810 --> 00:07:47,040 a lot different than I remember 130 00:07:44,550 --> 00:07:49,320 you can call me Dane I was nervous 131 00:07:47,040 --> 00:07:50,970 before so maybe that's why I needed you 132 00:07:49,320 --> 00:07:53,520 to drink your queen bee nectar but you 133 00:07:50,970 --> 00:07:55,740 refused why did you want me to drink it 134 00:07:53,520 --> 00:07:56,880 to put you to sleep of course we didn't 135 00:07:55,740 --> 00:07:58,920 want you to fight in the final match 136 00:07:56,880 --> 00:08:00,630 against doom we've had our suspicions 137 00:07:58,920 --> 00:08:02,670 about the games we planned for that 138 00:08:00,630 --> 00:08:04,980 animal Glock domain and then we were 139 00:08:02,670 --> 00:08:07,560 going to follow him but he took the drug 140 00:08:04,980 --> 00:08:09,930 drink intended for you instead of losing 141 00:08:07,560 --> 00:08:13,620 to him I had to find a way to pretend to 142 00:08:09,930 --> 00:08:15,240 lose to you Oh get real you know better 143 00:08:13,620 --> 00:08:18,240 than anyone that you really lost that 144 00:08:15,240 --> 00:08:20,070 match and badly it's true you fought 145 00:08:18,240 --> 00:08:22,050 well but in the end you'll never know if 146 00:08:20,070 --> 00:08:23,280 you really want or not will you yeah 147 00:08:22,050 --> 00:08:25,140 right huh 148 00:08:23,280 --> 00:08:28,229 in any case right now we should 149 00:08:25,140 --> 00:08:29,610 concentrate on the task at hand first 150 00:08:28,230 --> 00:08:30,540 why don't you tell us who you people 151 00:08:29,610 --> 00:08:32,909 really are 152 00:08:30,540 --> 00:08:34,890 I'll tell you right now is that on the 153 00:08:32,909 --> 00:08:36,750 leader of a group sworn to resist the 154 00:08:34,890 --> 00:08:40,140 Shadow Lord you're the leader of the 155 00:08:36,750 --> 00:08:42,450 resistance he is and I'm a member of it 156 00:08:40,140 --> 00:08:44,100 so smart guy if you're the leader of the 157 00:08:42,450 --> 00:08:45,930 resistance why risk your life fighting 158 00:08:44,100 --> 00:08:48,329 in the Rif mirror games we knew the 159 00:08:45,930 --> 00:08:51,029 games were more than just entertainment 160 00:08:48,329 --> 00:08:52,769 masses but had no way to prove it I had 161 00:08:51,029 --> 00:08:54,540 to become a competitor to get a glimpse 162 00:08:52,769 --> 00:09:02,189 of what went on behind the scenes 163 00:08:54,540 --> 00:09:05,899 ah the choice is yours if you want to 164 00:09:02,189 --> 00:09:05,899 get away I'm offering you a chance I 165 00:09:06,139 --> 00:09:10,529 think you need to answer barda's 166 00:09:08,549 --> 00:09:13,379 original question why did you come to 167 00:09:10,529 --> 00:09:15,569 rescue us when I first saw you in Tom's 168 00:09:13,379 --> 00:09:26,160 shop there was something about you that 169 00:09:15,569 --> 00:09:28,170 interested me I didn't realize it then 170 00:09:26,160 --> 00:09:30,329 but ever since wherever I've gone I've 171 00:09:28,170 --> 00:09:33,899 heard whispers about three travelers I 172 00:09:30,329 --> 00:09:35,819 knew it was you a man a boy and a wild 173 00:09:33,899 --> 00:09:39,089 girl who are always accompanied by a 174 00:09:35,819 --> 00:09:40,549 blackbird and all who spoke of you 175 00:09:39,089 --> 00:09:42,509 seemed to say the exact same thing 176 00:09:40,549 --> 00:09:43,319 everywhere you went part of the 177 00:09:42,509 --> 00:09:50,879 shadowlord's 178 00:09:43,319 --> 00:09:54,660 evil was undone could you take these 179 00:09:50,879 --> 00:09:56,759 things off hmm I stained said earlier we 180 00:09:54,660 --> 00:10:00,110 have a hiding place close by we'll go 181 00:09:56,759 --> 00:10:00,110 there and figure out our next move 182 00:10:14,380 --> 00:10:17,220 guess they woke up 183 00:10:42,760 --> 00:10:51,189 there's nowhere to run unless you want 184 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:56,350 to feel the pain of a mr. put your hands 185 00:10:51,190 --> 00:10:56,920 in the air and no sudden movements you 186 00:10:56,350 --> 00:10:59,709 heard him 187 00:10:56,920 --> 00:11:01,449 hands in the air right now oh but you 188 00:10:59,709 --> 00:11:03,550 guys can't do anything to us cuz you'll 189 00:11:01,450 --> 00:11:05,500 be in trouble if we're hurt don't get 190 00:11:03,550 --> 00:11:07,540 smart with us little girl we'll decide 191 00:11:05,500 --> 00:11:10,060 what we can and can't do now raise your 192 00:11:07,540 --> 00:11:11,740 hands are all blast you know please 193 00:11:10,060 --> 00:11:12,399 don't shoot we'll do whatever you want 194 00:11:11,740 --> 00:11:15,610 hmm 195 00:11:12,399 --> 00:11:18,100 good that's more like it boy looks like 196 00:11:15,610 --> 00:11:20,740 the kid knows what to do what about you 197 00:11:18,100 --> 00:11:23,470 two all right 198 00:11:20,740 --> 00:11:25,810 I surrender too seriously thanks for the 199 00:11:23,470 --> 00:11:36,970 backup guys you know you three have 200 00:11:25,810 --> 00:11:39,268 caused us a little where did these two 201 00:11:36,970 --> 00:11:39,269 come from 202 00:11:39,870 --> 00:11:45,209 not getting away with this now let's get 203 00:11:44,410 --> 00:11:48,209 going 204 00:11:45,209 --> 00:11:48,209 right 205 00:11:48,980 --> 00:11:51,880 hmm 206 00:12:06,270 --> 00:12:12,689 at first like tomorrow we'll head up 207 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:14,819 into the mountains we have a stronghold 208 00:12:12,690 --> 00:12:18,390 there and so we can hole up and work on 209 00:12:14,820 --> 00:12:19,890 our next plan of action I'm sure those 210 00:12:18,390 --> 00:12:23,189 two great guards have reported your 211 00:12:19,890 --> 00:12:25,040 escape to their superiors by now I'd say 212 00:12:23,190 --> 00:12:28,050 you need all the help you can get 213 00:12:25,040 --> 00:12:36,270 we never asked for it besides how do we 214 00:12:28,050 --> 00:12:37,649 know we can trust the two of you you're 215 00:12:36,270 --> 00:12:39,839 not the only one with a knife around 216 00:12:37,649 --> 00:12:43,110 here buddy hmm 217 00:12:39,839 --> 00:12:45,149 I was just testing you we put our necks 218 00:12:43,110 --> 00:12:46,589 on the line twice to rescue you I think 219 00:12:45,149 --> 00:12:49,080 that alone should have earned your trust 220 00:12:46,589 --> 00:12:50,850 so at the very least you owe us an 221 00:12:49,080 --> 00:12:52,950 explanation as to why you're refusing 222 00:12:50,850 --> 00:12:55,140 our help we can tell you that much 223 00:12:52,950 --> 00:12:57,120 no leave we don't owe them anything and 224 00:12:55,140 --> 00:12:58,740 we can't trust them I mean this guy just 225 00:12:57,120 --> 00:13:00,839 pulled a knife on Barda would you like 226 00:12:58,740 --> 00:13:03,570 to continue what we started in rithmere 227 00:13:00,839 --> 00:13:04,709 I'll take you on anytime just let me 228 00:13:03,570 --> 00:13:06,600 know when you're ready and I'll teach 229 00:13:04,709 --> 00:13:09,260 you another lesson it looks like school 230 00:13:06,600 --> 00:13:09,260 is in session 231 00:13:10,119 --> 00:13:14,959 stop 232 00:13:11,329 --> 00:13:16,399 cut it out Jasmine hi well they just sat 233 00:13:14,959 --> 00:13:18,709 back at the inn and watched as we were 234 00:13:16,399 --> 00:13:21,379 being taken away why are you coming back 235 00:13:18,709 --> 00:13:23,388 there was nothing I could do I had to 236 00:13:21,379 --> 00:13:30,860 find out how the trap was work that was 237 00:13:23,389 --> 00:13:33,319 the whole reason why I was there stop it 238 00:13:30,860 --> 00:13:34,489 right now I don't get you too why are 239 00:13:33,319 --> 00:13:35,509 you fighting when you're both on the 240 00:13:34,489 --> 00:13:37,610 same side 241 00:13:35,509 --> 00:13:40,910 relax Dane we were just having a little 242 00:13:37,610 --> 00:13:43,639 fun right I'm sorry I didn't mean any 243 00:13:40,910 --> 00:13:45,319 disrespect by it but we need you to be 244 00:13:43,639 --> 00:13:47,299 able to trust us and understand our 245 00:13:45,319 --> 00:13:49,128 motives we've committed our lives to 246 00:13:47,299 --> 00:13:54,139 helping everyone who suffers under the 247 00:13:49,129 --> 00:13:56,329 cruelty of The Shadow Lord hmm as much 248 00:13:54,139 --> 00:13:57,949 as I admire your cause I don't think it 249 00:13:56,329 --> 00:14:00,920 would be a good idea for us to go to the 250 00:13:57,949 --> 00:14:02,599 stronghold of the resistance you know 251 00:14:00,920 --> 00:14:04,849 it's only a matter of time before the 252 00:14:02,600 --> 00:14:06,649 Shadow Lord comes after us I think that 253 00:14:04,850 --> 00:14:12,559 it'd be best for you if you keep as far 254 00:14:06,649 --> 00:14:14,720 away from us as possible hmm too bad you 255 00:14:12,559 --> 00:14:16,399 feel that way when doom told me who we 256 00:14:14,720 --> 00:14:18,049 were going to rescue I'd hoped that 257 00:14:16,399 --> 00:14:20,720 afterwards we'd be able to fight the 258 00:14:18,049 --> 00:14:26,529 enemy together as friends we're sorry to 259 00:14:20,720 --> 00:14:26,529 disappoint you all right let's go hmm 260 00:14:26,649 --> 00:14:30,769 thank you for saving us 261 00:14:28,669 --> 00:14:33,730 but it's true right now we really can't 262 00:14:30,769 --> 00:14:33,730 join your fight 263 00:14:35,080 --> 00:14:42,500 hold it hmm I'm sure I don't have to say 264 00:14:40,490 --> 00:14:45,560 this but you shouldn't tell anyone about 265 00:14:42,500 --> 00:14:47,420 our meeting tonight if you do I swear 266 00:14:45,560 --> 00:14:49,099 you'll regret it and you'll wish those 267 00:14:47,420 --> 00:14:52,209 two grey guards had taken me to the 268 00:14:49,100 --> 00:14:52,210 Shadowlands after all 269 00:14:59,240 --> 00:15:04,589 so what was all that about did he really 270 00:15:02,070 --> 00:15:06,209 think he had to threaten us I think he 271 00:15:04,589 --> 00:15:06,720 was pretty angry with us for not going 272 00:15:06,209 --> 00:15:08,609 with him 273 00:15:06,720 --> 00:15:10,560 my guess would be that he's someone who 274 00:15:08,610 --> 00:15:13,019 probably doesn't trust other people all 275 00:15:10,560 --> 00:15:14,790 that often but he did trust us and he 276 00:15:13,019 --> 00:15:17,910 put himself in danger to rescue us and 277 00:15:14,790 --> 00:15:20,279 then we let him down so I understand why 278 00:15:17,910 --> 00:15:21,959 he'd be upset I wish it could have been 279 00:15:20,279 --> 00:15:24,480 otherwise he would have been a valuable 280 00:15:21,959 --> 00:15:25,229 ally but we can't take that sort of risk 281 00:15:24,480 --> 00:15:27,060 right now 282 00:15:25,230 --> 00:15:28,500 doom wouldn't be content to let us keep 283 00:15:27,060 --> 00:15:29,369 our secret and there are spies 284 00:15:28,500 --> 00:15:32,010 everywhere 285 00:15:29,370 --> 00:15:33,660 I guess you're right hey well go on like 286 00:15:32,010 --> 00:15:36,060 we always have just the three of us 287 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:38,180 besides I thought I made it clear enough 288 00:15:36,060 --> 00:15:40,949 that I don't like that guy 289 00:15:38,180 --> 00:15:42,719 maybe later four successful in our quest 290 00:15:40,950 --> 00:15:44,910 and the Shadow Lord is defeated we can 291 00:15:42,720 --> 00:15:46,890 be friends with them I think that'd be 292 00:15:44,910 --> 00:15:49,290 good well if we are going to succeed 293 00:15:46,890 --> 00:15:51,390 then we better find the shifting sands 294 00:15:49,290 --> 00:15:53,130 where the fourth gem is hidden you're 295 00:15:51,390 --> 00:15:55,260 right but we have no idea where we are 296 00:15:53,130 --> 00:15:56,279 and we don't even have the Stars to 297 00:15:55,260 --> 00:15:58,470 guide us anymore 298 00:15:56,279 --> 00:16:04,079 are you serious have you two already 299 00:15:58,470 --> 00:16:05,700 forgotten about Kree hmm he's followed 300 00:16:04,079 --> 00:16:07,050 us since we were captured and riskier he 301 00:16:05,700 --> 00:16:10,399 knows where we are and I bet he knows 302 00:16:07,050 --> 00:16:10,399 how to get to the shifting sands 303 00:16:19,360 --> 00:16:26,810 what do we do now he says we need to 304 00:16:24,770 --> 00:16:28,370 cross it the sounds are probably over 305 00:16:26,810 --> 00:16:30,770 there somewhere I think we must be 306 00:16:28,370 --> 00:16:32,780 pretty close perfect the stream will 307 00:16:30,770 --> 00:16:35,780 disguise our scent it'll throw the great 308 00:16:32,780 --> 00:16:37,990 guards off it picked up our trail let's 309 00:16:35,780 --> 00:16:37,990 go 310 00:16:53,730 --> 00:16:58,060 it's gotta be on the other side don't 311 00:16:56,200 --> 00:17:02,460 you think let's just hope the gem is 312 00:16:58,060 --> 00:17:02,459 there enough talking let's go 313 00:17:02,730 --> 00:17:12,010 come on you slowpokes for all we know 314 00:17:06,250 --> 00:17:14,619 the grey guards are right behind us you 315 00:17:12,010 --> 00:17:16,359 guys are always slowing me down what 316 00:17:14,619 --> 00:17:20,469 just cuz we're not hopping up the hill 317 00:17:16,359 --> 00:17:24,240 like hyped up bunnies whatever we still 318 00:17:20,470 --> 00:17:24,240 got a long way to go to get to the top 319 00:17:27,640 --> 00:17:38,710 what is it creep did you see something 320 00:17:30,280 --> 00:17:41,680 over there Hey look at this 321 00:17:38,710 --> 00:17:44,760 what do you think it is it looks like a 322 00:17:41,680 --> 00:17:44,760 sign of some sort 323 00:17:48,040 --> 00:17:53,860 the shifting sands danger that much I 324 00:17:51,910 --> 00:17:55,840 can make out but I can't figure out what 325 00:17:53,860 --> 00:17:57,340 the rest of the words say a lot of the 326 00:17:55,840 --> 00:17:59,020 letters have been worn away by the wind 327 00:17:57,340 --> 00:18:01,570 but I think I can read the first three 328 00:17:59,020 --> 00:18:04,030 lines it says something like the end 329 00:18:01,570 --> 00:18:07,179 lies within its rocky walls where all 330 00:18:04,030 --> 00:18:10,780 are one one will rules all below the 331 00:18:07,180 --> 00:18:13,720 dead the living strive it's so weird 332 00:18:10,780 --> 00:18:16,990 what do you think it means I don't have 333 00:18:13,720 --> 00:18:23,500 any idea that said we need to find out 334 00:18:16,990 --> 00:18:25,120 quickly anyway what we do know is that 335 00:18:23,500 --> 00:18:27,670 the shifting sands is not a very 336 00:18:25,120 --> 00:18:29,620 pleasant place not a pleasant place I 337 00:18:27,670 --> 00:18:31,320 think we knew that before we got here 338 00:18:29,620 --> 00:18:36,090 but we don't have a lot of choice do we 339 00:18:31,320 --> 00:18:36,090 yeah you're right of course I am 340 00:18:37,390 --> 00:18:41,799 hang on you said the first line on the 341 00:18:40,030 --> 00:18:44,230 stone was the end lies within its rocky 342 00:18:41,799 --> 00:18:48,580 walls right I think so what have you 343 00:18:44,230 --> 00:18:50,830 come up with something I could be wrong 344 00:18:48,580 --> 00:18:52,840 but those cliffs over there look like a 345 00:18:50,830 --> 00:18:57,280 rocky wall to me I wonder if that's what 346 00:18:52,840 --> 00:19:00,730 it's talking about I think you're on to 347 00:18:57,280 --> 00:19:02,230 something well if you're right then that 348 00:19:00,730 --> 00:19:06,040 means the sands are just on the other 349 00:19:02,230 --> 00:19:08,549 side we're there you guys let's get the 350 00:19:06,040 --> 00:19:08,549 fourth gem 351 00:19:14,230 --> 00:19:18,130 looks like a tough climb 352 00:19:25,119 --> 00:19:30,279 it doesn't look like much of a wall when 353 00:19:27,679 --> 00:19:33,470 you get this close 354 00:19:30,279 --> 00:19:35,059 it sure is rocky though I'm still 355 00:19:33,470 --> 00:19:36,799 feeling pretty confident this must be 356 00:19:35,059 --> 00:19:38,869 the wall mentioned on that stone me read 357 00:19:36,799 --> 00:19:45,980 and let me guess the only way to get to 358 00:19:38,869 --> 00:19:50,559 the other side is to climb almost there 359 00:19:45,980 --> 00:19:50,559 it's a long way down be careful 360 00:19:56,510 --> 00:20:02,320 oh the views amazing we're way above the 361 00:19:59,990 --> 00:20:02,320 clouds 362 00:20:08,110 --> 00:20:14,520 we climbed all the way up here just to 363 00:20:09,940 --> 00:20:14,520 go down again huh come on let's go 364 00:20:25,840 --> 00:20:29,129 look at that it's beautiful 365 00:20:34,290 --> 00:20:39,460 I'm gonna guess that those are the 366 00:20:37,120 --> 00:20:41,500 shifting sands finally feels like it 367 00:20:39,460 --> 00:20:44,460 took us forever to get here now we just 368 00:20:41,500 --> 00:20:44,460 got to look for the gem 369 00:20:50,640 --> 00:20:54,960 what's making that sound what sound that 370 00:20:53,370 --> 00:20:57,590 buzzing it sounds as if there's a 371 00:20:54,960 --> 00:20:57,590 thousand bees 372 00:21:03,360 --> 00:21:07,289 I don't know what you mean I don't hear 373 00:21:05,249 --> 00:21:10,590 anything neither do I you must be tired 374 00:21:07,289 --> 00:21:12,889 Leif no I'm fine but I definitely hear a 375 00:21:10,590 --> 00:21:12,889 buzzing 376 00:21:14,430 --> 00:21:19,940 I don't get it why can't they hear too