1 00:00:48,649 --> 00:01:00,680 just calm down you fool supposed to end 2 00:00:58,079 --> 00:01:00,680 like this 3 00:01:21,310 --> 00:01:24,880 where am I 4 00:01:27,610 --> 00:01:36,810 I can't move Barda what's going on 5 00:01:40,740 --> 00:02:00,940 what's with that bird huh please help us 6 00:01:58,420 --> 00:02:03,850 we can't get up Philly 7 00:02:00,940 --> 00:02:06,490 we've got new visitors Oh the sort 8 00:02:03,850 --> 00:02:08,410 boring we've got loads of them but look 9 00:02:06,490 --> 00:02:10,530 at this beautiful Club what are you 10 00:02:08,410 --> 00:02:12,970 doing 11 00:02:10,530 --> 00:02:14,980 we're lucky we decided to come this way 12 00:02:12,970 --> 00:02:16,950 today if we'd waited until tomorrow the 13 00:02:14,980 --> 00:02:20,290 cloth would have been all gross 14 00:02:16,950 --> 00:02:21,070 what she just took my cloak hey come 15 00:02:20,290 --> 00:02:23,530 back here 16 00:02:21,070 --> 00:02:27,989 look hey we've got a new blanket for the 17 00:02:23,530 --> 00:02:31,349 nap how dare you my mother made that 18 00:02:27,990 --> 00:02:35,219 please as if you have a mother 19 00:02:31,349 --> 00:02:37,920 no don't go come on you can't just leave 20 00:02:35,219 --> 00:02:39,959 us like this since you're whining so 21 00:02:37,920 --> 00:02:41,548 much I'll leave you with a secret the 22 00:02:39,959 --> 00:02:43,560 animals that attacked you go by the name 23 00:02:41,549 --> 00:02:45,359 of when they brought you here as a gift 24 00:02:43,560 --> 00:02:48,000 for the wine bar it's a monster who 25 00:02:45,359 --> 00:02:52,079 rules this part of the forest and it 26 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:53,939 only accepts fresh meat when bar very 27 00:02:52,079 --> 00:02:55,379 good it'll be coming here when the Sun 28 00:02:53,939 --> 00:02:57,950 Goes Down I guess you could call it 29 00:02:55,379 --> 00:02:57,950 dinner time 30 00:03:01,620 --> 00:03:14,890 there's no use the poison is too strong 31 00:03:06,310 --> 00:03:18,090 we need to think of a plan fast she 32 00:03:14,890 --> 00:03:18,089 can't possibly have a mother 33 00:03:20,870 --> 00:03:30,860 isn't it beautiful it'll keep us nice 34 00:03:23,690 --> 00:03:33,130 and warm it's so soft let go quick it 35 00:03:30,860 --> 00:03:33,130 came 36 00:03:36,790 --> 00:03:39,790 you 37 00:03:58,420 --> 00:04:04,589 just 38 00:04:00,930 --> 00:04:07,260 Jasmine lief and Barda are not the 39 00:04:04,590 --> 00:04:10,349 enemies you believe them to be please 40 00:04:07,260 --> 00:04:12,659 reconsider abandoning them what are you 41 00:04:10,349 --> 00:04:15,810 talking about old tree who are lief and 42 00:04:12,659 --> 00:04:18,599 Barda the two who fell victim to the 43 00:04:15,810 --> 00:04:22,579 woman's venom why are you so concerned 44 00:04:18,600 --> 00:04:22,579 about these two come close 45 00:04:40,180 --> 00:04:46,510 this is the boy's mother that's right 46 00:04:44,110 --> 00:04:49,000 that cloak was created in the fullness 47 00:04:46,510 --> 00:04:50,080 and strength of a mother's love that 48 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:52,030 can't be true 49 00:04:50,080 --> 00:04:53,770 as far as I've ever known great guards 50 00:04:52,030 --> 00:04:56,140 aren't raised by their mothers and who 51 00:04:53,770 --> 00:04:58,359 else could these two be they are from 52 00:04:56,140 --> 00:05:00,640 the West but they are not soldiers of 53 00:04:58,360 --> 00:05:03,840 the Shadow Lord you've got to be joking 54 00:05:00,640 --> 00:05:07,000 only grey guards take the wendel path 55 00:05:03,840 --> 00:05:08,409 the grey guards trap or wipe out every 56 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:18,900 living creature in the forest that they 57 00:05:08,410 --> 00:05:20,920 come into contact with it's getting cold 58 00:05:18,900 --> 00:05:23,049 that's the least of our worries 59 00:05:20,920 --> 00:05:24,910 we've been poisoned robbed and we're 60 00:05:23,050 --> 00:05:27,220 about to become a two course meal for a 61 00:05:24,910 --> 00:05:31,200 creature called wennbar and all we can 62 00:05:27,220 --> 00:05:31,200 do is lie here and wait for it to come 63 00:05:41,310 --> 00:05:55,930 what is this don't waste it it's 64 00:05:44,080 --> 00:06:05,490 valuable open up and hurry hey stop it 65 00:05:55,930 --> 00:06:05,490 burns all over you 66 00:06:09,699 --> 00:06:13,900 what have you done to us isn't it 67 00:06:13,150 --> 00:06:15,609 obvious 68 00:06:13,900 --> 00:06:19,929 you're able to get up and move aren't 69 00:06:15,610 --> 00:06:22,060 you lief and Barda how do you how do you 70 00:06:19,930 --> 00:06:26,159 know our names an old tree of the forest 71 00:06:22,060 --> 00:06:28,840 just told me all about you an old tree 72 00:06:26,159 --> 00:06:32,229 the one Mars almost here hurry 73 00:06:28,840 --> 00:06:34,419 we gotta climb the tree didn't you hear 74 00:06:32,229 --> 00:06:36,400 what I just said before we go anywhere I 75 00:06:34,419 --> 00:06:38,710 want you to give me back my call you 76 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:41,250 won't enjoy the cloak in the wind bar 77 00:06:38,710 --> 00:06:41,250 stomach 78 00:06:42,629 --> 00:06:46,639 it'll be here any minute climb 79 00:06:53,600 --> 00:06:58,800 keep going as high as you can 80 00:06:56,760 --> 00:07:02,539 the Widmark can't quad but it can 81 00:06:58,800 --> 00:07:02,540 stretch its neck up to tree branches 82 00:07:03,320 --> 00:07:06,830 quick its 83 00:07:13,330 --> 00:07:16,330 Lorna 84 00:07:41,199 --> 00:07:43,800 leave 85 00:07:52,240 --> 00:07:58,990 up here which they year it'll get us oh 86 00:07:55,599 --> 00:08:02,360 my hands are starting to go numb again 87 00:07:58,990 --> 00:08:04,120 so where is my cloak huh we're all 88 00:08:02,360 --> 00:08:07,120 freezing 89 00:08:04,120 --> 00:08:07,120 quickly 90 00:08:10,800 --> 00:08:12,830 ah 91 00:08:16,610 --> 00:08:21,819 we'll be warmer if we all huddled 92 00:08:17,930 --> 00:08:21,819 together quick get closer 93 00:08:48,920 --> 00:08:54,589 it just stopped suddenly and left what's 94 00:08:51,529 --> 00:09:02,149 going on it's as if it couldn't see us 95 00:08:54,589 --> 00:09:05,220 anymore I don't get it huh you will find 96 00:09:02,149 --> 00:09:10,350 that this is a very special call 97 00:09:05,220 --> 00:09:14,610 so that's what she meant I want to know 98 00:09:10,350 --> 00:09:16,290 what made you change your mind I already 99 00:09:14,610 --> 00:09:18,089 told you guys an old tree explained 100 00:09:16,290 --> 00:09:21,029 everything all I needed to know is that 101 00:09:18,089 --> 00:09:22,709 you weren't great guards there are sworn 102 00:09:21,029 --> 00:09:25,230 enemy are you telling us that you're 103 00:09:22,709 --> 00:09:29,160 able to talk to the trees of course I 104 00:09:25,230 --> 00:09:31,230 can can't everyone hmm and sewn into 105 00:09:29,160 --> 00:09:33,529 that cloak of yours is your mother's 106 00:09:31,230 --> 00:09:33,529 love 107 00:09:33,600 --> 00:09:38,460 how could you know that look for the 108 00:09:36,120 --> 00:09:39,750 last time an old tree told me everything 109 00:09:38,460 --> 00:09:43,070 okay hmm 110 00:09:39,750 --> 00:09:43,070 what's the matter 111 00:09:44,600 --> 00:09:52,680 now the winner coming I can already see 112 00:09:47,940 --> 00:09:55,760 their red eyes the when those are the 113 00:09:52,680 --> 00:09:55,760 beats that attacked us 114 00:10:04,320 --> 00:10:24,769 I think the wind bars eaten its fill hey 115 00:10:20,699 --> 00:10:24,769 now they've come to devour the scraps 116 00:10:41,000 --> 00:10:47,990 now I understand why they leave food for 117 00:10:43,310 --> 00:10:49,878 it where's me the rest of them have run 118 00:10:47,990 --> 00:10:54,050 away and the wind bars in back to its 119 00:10:49,879 --> 00:10:58,339 cave you're saying that monster lives in 120 00:10:54,050 --> 00:11:00,800 a cave that's right then it's clear what 121 00:10:58,339 --> 00:11:02,779 must be done tomorrow night while it's 122 00:11:00,800 --> 00:11:04,910 out feasting will sneak into its lair 123 00:11:02,779 --> 00:11:07,430 and search it there's nothing in the 124 00:11:04,910 --> 00:11:10,699 wind bars cave but bones instinct what 125 00:11:07,430 --> 00:11:12,949 are you looking for we can't tell you 126 00:11:10,699 --> 00:11:15,560 that but we can tell you that according 127 00:11:12,949 --> 00:11:17,389 to some travelers we met the object we 128 00:11:15,560 --> 00:11:19,489 seek is hidden somewhere in the deepest 129 00:11:17,389 --> 00:11:21,920 most dangerous corners of the forests of 130 00:11:19,490 --> 00:11:24,620 silence they also told us of an evil 131 00:11:21,920 --> 00:11:26,719 Guardian that keeps watch over it the 132 00:11:24,620 --> 00:11:28,329 wine bars cave matches their description 133 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:33,769 perfectly 134 00:11:28,329 --> 00:11:37,609 what you've gotta be kidding me 135 00:11:33,769 --> 00:11:39,250 and that's ridiculous Barda I thought 136 00:11:37,610 --> 00:11:41,899 you at least would be smarter than that 137 00:11:39,250 --> 00:11:44,029 we're only on the edge of the forest of 138 00:11:41,899 --> 00:11:45,680 silence there are three forests in all 139 00:11:44,029 --> 00:11:48,050 and each has a hundred places we're 140 00:11:45,680 --> 00:11:50,620 dangerous and evil than this more 141 00:11:48,050 --> 00:11:56,620 dangerous than this follow me 142 00:11:50,620 --> 00:11:56,620 wait hold on I guess we have no choice 143 00:12:08,290 --> 00:12:13,640 come in watch your step 144 00:12:12,250 --> 00:12:15,470 Wow 145 00:12:13,640 --> 00:12:16,640 where did you get all this oh it all 146 00:12:15,470 --> 00:12:33,680 belonged to grey guards who've been 147 00:12:16,640 --> 00:12:36,230 sacrificed to the wind are my friends 148 00:12:33,680 --> 00:12:40,760 names are filli and Kree and my name is 149 00:12:36,230 --> 00:12:50,420 Jasmine what's wrong eat or do you still 150 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:53,600 think I'm trying to poison you what mmm 151 00:12:50,420 --> 00:12:54,979 it's good hey Jasmine have you been 152 00:12:53,600 --> 00:12:58,370 living here in the forests of silence 153 00:12:54,980 --> 00:13:01,850 your whole life I have 16 years and 154 00:12:58,370 --> 00:13:06,640 counting 16 so you're the same age as me 155 00:13:01,850 --> 00:13:06,640 how long have you been living alone hmm 156 00:13:06,760 --> 00:13:14,270 when I was 7 I was filling the water 157 00:13:11,420 --> 00:13:16,370 bags at the stream my parents were 158 00:13:14,270 --> 00:13:19,210 searching for food and carrying it up to 159 00:13:16,370 --> 00:13:22,490 our house in the treetops 160 00:13:19,210 --> 00:13:26,420 the cards caught them burnt our house 161 00:13:22,490 --> 00:13:29,740 and took them away but how was it that 162 00:13:26,420 --> 00:13:29,740 the guards didn't find you 163 00:13:32,570 --> 00:13:37,430 my mother looked back to me and made a 164 00:13:35,310 --> 00:13:40,109 sign for me to stay where I was 165 00:13:37,430 --> 00:13:44,969 please Jasmine be a good girl 166 00:13:40,110 --> 00:13:46,890 hide amongst those ferns so I did as my 167 00:13:44,970 --> 00:13:50,910 mother told me to I thought my mother 168 00:13:46,890 --> 00:13:54,209 and father would come back but they 169 00:13:50,910 --> 00:14:01,430 never did your mother believed in you 170 00:13:54,209 --> 00:14:03,810 she knew you'd survive on your own and 171 00:14:01,430 --> 00:14:05,640 you've been living here in this forest 172 00:14:03,810 --> 00:14:08,279 on your own ever since then that's 173 00:14:05,640 --> 00:14:10,110 impressive I wouldn't still be here if 174 00:14:08,279 --> 00:14:12,660 it wasn't for the help of the trees and 175 00:14:10,110 --> 00:14:15,690 the birds ah and I remembered things my 176 00:14:12,660 --> 00:14:17,850 parents had taught me it's because of 177 00:14:15,690 --> 00:14:20,160 them I knew how to build this place on 178 00:14:17,850 --> 00:14:21,570 behalf of all the citizens of Deltora I 179 00:14:20,160 --> 00:14:24,089 would like to thank you 180 00:14:21,570 --> 00:14:26,160 Jasmine we are able to continue our 181 00:14:24,089 --> 00:14:27,430 quest because you chose to save our 182 00:14:26,160 --> 00:14:29,709 lives 183 00:14:27,430 --> 00:14:31,239 hmm well if your quest of the forest 184 00:14:29,710 --> 00:14:33,880 leaves each other place I think it will 185 00:14:31,240 --> 00:14:35,950 you won't survive for very long anyway I 186 00:14:33,880 --> 00:14:38,380 might as well have left you to be eaten 187 00:14:35,950 --> 00:14:42,250 by the wine bar wait a minute what kind 188 00:14:38,380 --> 00:14:43,730 of place is it they call it the dark the 189 00:14:42,250 --> 00:14:45,799 dark 190 00:14:43,730 --> 00:14:47,749 there's a guardian there much more 191 00:14:45,799 --> 00:14:51,290 horrible than the wind bar and even the 192 00:14:47,749 --> 00:14:53,749 trees fear it but I thought it ate it's 193 00:14:51,290 --> 00:14:59,719 Phil it's never come out this far 194 00:14:53,749 --> 00:15:02,179 this is terrible huh what are you two 195 00:14:59,720 --> 00:15:03,829 doing we've got a run do you plan to run 196 00:15:02,179 --> 00:15:05,329 for the rest of your life you're not 197 00:15:03,829 --> 00:15:08,540 actually thinking of fighting the wind 198 00:15:05,329 --> 00:15:13,309 bar are you yes I am I won't be so easy 199 00:15:08,540 --> 00:15:17,040 to eat now that I can move all right 200 00:15:13,309 --> 00:15:19,519 please don't it's crazy you're fools for 201 00:15:17,040 --> 00:15:19,519 trying this 202 00:15:22,690 --> 00:15:27,680 listen leaf will defeat it with one 203 00:15:25,279 --> 00:15:36,140 decisive blow don't calm down until I 204 00:15:27,680 --> 00:15:39,130 give you the signal where is it which 205 00:15:36,140 --> 00:15:39,130 way will it attack from 206 00:16:04,440 --> 00:16:06,800 is bad 207 00:16:13,040 --> 00:16:16,510 what's with this line 208 00:16:27,140 --> 00:16:31,000 it's time to put my training to the test 209 00:16:36,360 --> 00:16:38,720 wait 210 00:16:44,100 --> 00:16:49,240 you saved me jasmine that was cool 211 00:16:47,230 --> 00:16:50,620 that's the second time I'm starting to 212 00:16:49,240 --> 00:16:53,200 think you want to get eaten by the wine 213 00:16:50,620 --> 00:16:55,180 bar you should know that not all the 214 00:16:53,200 --> 00:16:56,620 trees in the forest are kind there are 215 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:57,489 those that will deliberately make you 216 00:16:56,620 --> 00:17:00,250 slip and fall 217 00:16:57,490 --> 00:17:07,109 they've become evil wait a minute I've 218 00:17:00,250 --> 00:17:07,109 got it can I use that for a sec 219 00:17:15,800 --> 00:17:23,119 hey good-looking over here show me what 220 00:17:20,730 --> 00:17:23,120 you got 221 00:17:46,659 --> 00:17:51,890 good job Barda we defeated the wine bar 222 00:17:50,029 --> 00:17:54,470 look lief I told you to wait for my 223 00:17:51,890 --> 00:17:55,940 signal if Jasmine hadn't saved you you 224 00:17:54,470 --> 00:17:58,309 would have been eaten by that monster 225 00:17:55,940 --> 00:18:00,020 for sure I didn't save him I just didn't 226 00:17:58,309 --> 00:18:02,678 want when bar slobber on that nice cloak 227 00:18:00,020 --> 00:18:05,150 of his okay that's all it was 228 00:18:02,679 --> 00:18:07,760 step lightly and choose each tree you 229 00:18:05,150 --> 00:18:09,529 walk on wisely they sense what is in 230 00:18:07,760 --> 00:18:19,750 your hearts oh boy 231 00:18:09,529 --> 00:18:19,750 not this again told you so 232 00:18:20,200 --> 00:18:24,799 so that slime that I slipped on back 233 00:18:22,669 --> 00:18:26,990 there do you really think a tree put 234 00:18:24,799 --> 00:18:29,240 that there on purpose I know it did 235 00:18:26,990 --> 00:18:30,710 there are some trees that turn evil when 236 00:18:29,240 --> 00:18:37,070 they don't get enough sunshine their 237 00:18:30,710 --> 00:18:39,350 spirits become twisted I've never seen a 238 00:18:37,070 --> 00:18:41,658 place as dark as this that's why they 239 00:18:39,350 --> 00:18:43,428 call it the dark we're venturing into a 240 00:18:41,659 --> 00:18:45,289 part of the forest that even the birds 241 00:18:43,429 --> 00:18:48,039 don't want to fly through and evil 242 00:18:45,289 --> 00:18:51,279 dwells here and old and wicked evil 243 00:18:48,039 --> 00:18:53,510 thinking pre fears the danger no way 244 00:18:51,279 --> 00:18:55,730 there's a guardian there in the dark 245 00:18:53,510 --> 00:18:59,210 anyone who's tried to fight him has 246 00:18:55,730 --> 00:19:01,010 never been seen again interesting this 247 00:18:59,210 --> 00:19:03,039 sounds like the place we've been looking 248 00:19:01,010 --> 00:19:03,039 for 249 00:19:13,810 --> 00:19:17,840 what's the matter the trees are wanting 250 00:19:16,610 --> 00:19:20,479 us to turn around 251 00:19:17,840 --> 00:19:23,389 they say going any further can only end 252 00:19:20,480 --> 00:19:29,120 badly if that's where the dark is then 253 00:19:23,390 --> 00:19:29,570 that's where we want to go right let's 254 00:19:29,120 --> 00:19:32,600 do it 255 00:19:29,570 --> 00:19:33,260 I can't go with you I can't take that 256 00:19:32,600 --> 00:19:35,449 risk 257 00:19:33,260 --> 00:19:39,680 I'm all these to half and it would be 258 00:19:35,450 --> 00:19:41,750 wrong to abandon them I understand we 259 00:19:39,680 --> 00:19:44,150 thank you for all you've done but we 260 00:19:41,750 --> 00:19:46,790 must go on yeah thanks for everything 261 00:19:44,150 --> 00:19:48,680 especially for not taking my cloak take 262 00:19:46,790 --> 00:19:52,810 good care of that cloak leaf after all 263 00:19:48,680 --> 00:19:52,810 you out your life hmm bye 264 00:20:13,100 --> 00:20:19,820 what's the matter the belt it feels like 265 00:20:18,230 --> 00:20:20,420 it's getting warmer the closer we get to 266 00:20:19,820 --> 00:20:22,700 this place 267 00:20:20,420 --> 00:20:25,100 interesting what do you think it means I 268 00:20:22,700 --> 00:20:27,890 don't really know but the belt seems to 269 00:20:25,100 --> 00:20:29,689 be sensing something perhaps it reacts 270 00:20:27,890 --> 00:20:32,960 like that whenever it's close to one of 271 00:20:29,690 --> 00:20:36,320 the seven gems which also means were 272 00:20:32,960 --> 00:20:40,220 close to the Eagle Guardian guardian 273 00:20:36,320 --> 00:20:43,429 that even the trees fear what's the 274 00:20:40,220 --> 00:20:44,990 matter nothing Lee don't tell me you're 275 00:20:43,430 --> 00:20:48,710 starting to chicken out on me already 276 00:20:44,990 --> 00:20:49,010 hey I'm not a chicken all right calm 277 00:20:48,710 --> 00:20:51,110 down 278 00:20:49,010 --> 00:20:53,480 don't treat me like a kid even the 279 00:20:51,110 --> 00:20:56,179 bravest of men will have his fears yeah 280 00:20:53,480 --> 00:20:56,870 well I'm not afraid you're being 281 00:20:56,180 --> 00:20:59,690 stubborn 282 00:20:56,870 --> 00:21:02,030 in that case lift I the sword forged by 283 00:20:59,690 --> 00:21:04,360 your father and fight with courage and 284 00:21:02,030 --> 00:21:04,360 honor 285 00:21:04,989 --> 00:21:11,019 will you do this you bet I will 286 00:21:14,710 --> 00:21:22,260 the belt is warmer than before right 287 00:21:17,170 --> 00:21:22,260 then we must find that jab 288 00:21:43,470 --> 00:21:45,530 you 289 00:22:17,920 --> 00:22:22,850 located the first gem now we've got a 290 00:22:20,480 --> 00:22:24,530 battle the evil Guardian our enemy is 291 00:22:22,850 --> 00:22:26,570 strong but I know we can defeat it as 292 00:22:24,530 --> 00:22:30,139 some join forces wait 293 00:22:26,570 --> 00:22:33,280 Barda I can't lose you now next episode 294 00:22:30,140 --> 00:22:33,280 the golden Knight