1 00:00:46,690 --> 00:00:51,980 hi I'm Lee and my name's Jackman we're 2 00:00:50,180 --> 00:00:53,780 on a quest to find the seven gems of the 3 00:00:51,980 --> 00:00:55,760 belt of Deltora that were stolen by the 4 00:00:53,780 --> 00:00:57,800 evil Shadow Lord we've already found the 5 00:00:55,760 --> 00:00:58,670 Topaz the Ruby the opal and the lapis 6 00:00:57,800 --> 00:00:59,989 lazuli 7 00:00:58,670 --> 00:01:01,880 and we've been fighting all kinds of 8 00:00:59,990 --> 00:01:05,449 weird creatures but nothing we can 9 00:01:01,880 --> 00:01:06,950 handle just don't forget there are still 10 00:01:05,449 --> 00:01:08,270 three more gems to find them who knows 11 00:01:06,950 --> 00:01:08,870 what kind of monsters will be guarding 12 00:01:08,270 --> 00:01:11,240 them 13 00:01:08,870 --> 00:01:13,130 come on Barda stop being such a wet 14 00:01:11,240 --> 00:01:14,839 blanket now we're on our way to a place 15 00:01:13,130 --> 00:01:17,920 called dread Mountain where the fifth 16 00:01:14,840 --> 00:01:17,920 gem is hidden 17 00:01:22,649 --> 00:01:27,719 your magical powers are unrivaled 18 00:01:25,719 --> 00:01:30,158 throughout the kingdom 19 00:01:27,719 --> 00:01:34,750 mighty shadow Lord 20 00:01:30,159 --> 00:01:43,420 I am forever in your debt for 21 00:01:34,750 --> 00:01:46,090 resurrecting me from oblivion my lord 22 00:01:43,420 --> 00:01:47,799 what is it now fellow I've just been 23 00:01:46,090 --> 00:01:49,630 informed that the boy the man and the 24 00:01:47,799 --> 00:01:54,210 wild girl have taken the lapis lazuli 25 00:01:49,630 --> 00:01:54,210 from the shifting sands hmm 26 00:02:07,549 --> 00:02:14,629 those are the same three who dared to 27 00:02:10,128 --> 00:02:25,488 attack me ray XL ray Destin dominum put 28 00:02:14,629 --> 00:02:28,780 ten touching a truck mistaken would not 29 00:02:25,489 --> 00:02:31,160 be wise of you to waste your powers here 30 00:02:28,780 --> 00:02:35,690 that's right you're supposed to find 31 00:02:31,160 --> 00:02:37,700 those three and finish them just who do 32 00:02:35,690 --> 00:02:39,890 you think you are to tell me what to do 33 00:02:37,700 --> 00:02:41,720 your stupidity gives me a headache 34 00:02:39,890 --> 00:02:44,029 maybe when I'm finished with those three 35 00:02:41,720 --> 00:02:47,349 maggots I'll come back here and teach 36 00:02:44,030 --> 00:02:47,349 you will it's lesson two 37 00:02:54,730 --> 00:03:02,440 I expect you to search for them as well 38 00:02:58,460 --> 00:03:02,440 yes of course my lord right away 39 00:03:10,099 --> 00:03:15,599 the next gem is hidden somewhere on 40 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:17,640 dread Mountain you know I'm proud of us 41 00:03:15,599 --> 00:03:19,200 we've got more than half the gems we're 42 00:03:17,640 --> 00:03:21,119 pretty good aren't we you should be 43 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:24,179 careful leave your head might float away 44 00:03:21,120 --> 00:03:28,950 and just what do you mean by that that 45 00:03:24,180 --> 00:03:30,780 you've got a big head lighten up believe 46 00:03:28,950 --> 00:03:33,470 she's just giving you a hard time cuz 47 00:03:30,780 --> 00:03:33,470 she knows she can 48 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:57,290 was it a knock Baba then what was it we 49 00:03:54,709 --> 00:03:58,760 left the shifting sands a while ago the 50 00:03:57,290 --> 00:04:00,890 Shadow Lord probably knows me of the 51 00:03:58,760 --> 00:04:02,358 lapis lazuli he must be getting pretty 52 00:04:00,890 --> 00:04:05,000 angry I'm sure he's gonna be trying 53 00:04:02,359 --> 00:04:08,379 harder than ever to hunt us down true 54 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:08,379 we'd better be extra careful 55 00:04:50,949 --> 00:04:58,610 aren't you happy to see your mother my 56 00:04:53,539 --> 00:05:04,729 beautiful children taught Nick Nick 57 00:04:58,610 --> 00:05:10,210 then Zod b-fly LUN Lord my lovely 58 00:05:04,729 --> 00:05:10,210 Ichabod and of course Tina Jones 59 00:05:18,310 --> 00:05:24,139 Jim jawed this time we'll make certain 60 00:05:21,740 --> 00:05:25,759 that we get those three vermin you get 61 00:05:24,139 --> 00:05:28,039 your revenge for what they did to you 62 00:05:25,759 --> 00:05:30,860 you came so close to getting those guys 63 00:05:28,039 --> 00:05:31,630 we're gonna go this time we won't let 64 00:05:30,860 --> 00:05:36,110 him get away 65 00:05:31,630 --> 00:05:38,330 mm-hmm listen children capture the three 66 00:05:36,110 --> 00:05:39,710 mega salive and to bring them to me but 67 00:05:38,330 --> 00:05:42,590 don't you dare touch a hair on their 68 00:05:39,710 --> 00:05:48,909 wretched little bodies yeah sure we 69 00:05:42,590 --> 00:05:48,909 understand mommy gray ex Hagen 70 00:05:52,150 --> 00:06:06,630 a rainbow 71 00:06:08,030 --> 00:06:12,960 there's something really creepy about 72 00:06:10,740 --> 00:06:15,150 this Valley yeah I think it'd be best if 73 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:17,280 we didn't go through it the trees here 74 00:06:15,150 --> 00:06:22,250 tell me we shouldn't even they're afraid 75 00:06:17,280 --> 00:06:28,650 of it huh 76 00:06:22,250 --> 00:06:34,490 hello are you all right oh I'm fine 77 00:06:28,650 --> 00:06:37,489 thank you for your kindness you're 78 00:06:34,490 --> 00:06:37,490 welcome 79 00:06:42,400 --> 00:06:48,820 are you traveling alone yes but I'm on 80 00:06:46,030 --> 00:06:52,299 my way to visit my dear old mother your 81 00:06:48,820 --> 00:06:54,190 mother yes she lives in a lovely place 82 00:06:52,300 --> 00:06:57,610 just over that way it's called rainbow 83 00:06:54,190 --> 00:07:00,370 plane you mean in that Valley 84 00:06:57,610 --> 00:07:03,130 yes however nobody dares go there 85 00:07:00,370 --> 00:07:05,139 because it's ever so evil-looking but 86 00:07:03,130 --> 00:07:07,570 then that's exactly why it's safe for my 87 00:07:05,139 --> 00:07:08,860 mother to live there interesting it 88 00:07:07,570 --> 00:07:10,479 actually makes sense 89 00:07:08,860 --> 00:07:13,000 you see I've traveled a great distance 90 00:07:10,479 --> 00:07:15,219 from my home to get here regrettably my 91 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:18,060 mother is not well so I'm on my way to 92 00:07:15,220 --> 00:07:21,400 pay her a visit you already said that oh 93 00:07:18,060 --> 00:07:24,160 you must be worried about her so tell me 94 00:07:21,400 --> 00:07:25,750 where is your destination oh we're going 95 00:07:24,160 --> 00:07:27,610 to a mountain over that mountain perhaps 96 00:07:25,750 --> 00:07:32,080 if so I propose that we all go together 97 00:07:27,610 --> 00:07:33,669 huh together yes so long as it's not a 98 00:07:32,080 --> 00:07:35,740 problem that I travel with you 99 00:07:33,669 --> 00:07:38,710 rainbow plane happens to be a shortcut 100 00:07:35,740 --> 00:07:40,810 to dread Mountain and to be completely 101 00:07:38,710 --> 00:07:43,690 honest traveling alone has been very 102 00:07:40,810 --> 00:07:46,120 lonely hmm you're sure it's a shortcut 103 00:07:43,690 --> 00:07:48,400 it could be besides there's only one way 104 00:07:46,120 --> 00:07:50,050 to find out say it again I don't want to 105 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:53,310 go into that Valley but a shortcut could 106 00:07:50,050 --> 00:07:53,310 save us a lot of time ah 107 00:07:53,740 --> 00:07:58,330 Creed is inton I don't like the look of 108 00:07:56,680 --> 00:07:59,919 that place and I really don't like that 109 00:07:58,330 --> 00:08:01,450 girl she's got nothing to do with our 110 00:07:59,919 --> 00:08:04,090 quest and we'd be taking a big risk 111 00:08:01,450 --> 00:08:06,159 that's true but if this shortcut saves 112 00:08:04,090 --> 00:08:08,530 us time and energy it could be worth it 113 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:10,300 totally plus we'd be helping this poor 114 00:08:08,530 --> 00:08:15,669 girl go and visit her sick mom at the 115 00:08:10,300 --> 00:08:17,380 same time unbelievable is that really 116 00:08:15,669 --> 00:08:19,180 all it takes with you two hmm 117 00:08:17,380 --> 00:08:22,590 what do you mean the real reason you 118 00:08:19,180 --> 00:08:22,590 want to go is cuz she's a cute girl 119 00:08:26,800 --> 00:08:31,220 they're so delicate at first I thought 120 00:08:29,900 --> 00:08:33,470 it might be nice to pick a bunch for 121 00:08:31,220 --> 00:08:35,270 mother I just can't bring myself to do 122 00:08:33,470 --> 00:08:38,890 that we've talked about it and decided 123 00:08:35,270 --> 00:08:38,890 we'll come with you to your mom's 124 00:08:39,950 --> 00:08:46,910 my name's leaf that's Barda and Jasmine 125 00:08:43,130 --> 00:08:51,260 so what's your name huh well my name is 126 00:08:46,910 --> 00:08:58,959 Fran this was yeah prints mug it's very 127 00:08:51,260 --> 00:08:58,960 nice to meet you lief my pleasure 128 00:09:05,290 --> 00:09:09,170 why does it feel like I'm the only one 129 00:09:07,550 --> 00:09:29,540 here who's not completely blind right 130 00:09:09,170 --> 00:09:31,910 now is there a problem with my bag hmm 131 00:09:29,540 --> 00:09:40,810 yeah I have big balls a sharp teeth and 132 00:09:31,910 --> 00:09:42,889 trying to lightly hmm hey Jasmine hmm I 133 00:09:40,810 --> 00:09:45,018 don't know what you're talking about it 134 00:09:42,889 --> 00:09:50,930 seems normal to me trust me I saw it 135 00:09:45,019 --> 00:09:53,149 happen it looks as if the fruit of an 136 00:09:50,930 --> 00:09:54,888 illusion plant fell on you it can cause 137 00:09:53,149 --> 00:09:57,130 hallucinations if it comes in contact 138 00:09:54,889 --> 00:10:00,290 with your skin are you serious 139 00:09:57,130 --> 00:10:02,389 did you say illusion plant I've never 140 00:10:00,290 --> 00:10:04,610 heard of anything like that before well 141 00:10:02,389 --> 00:10:07,639 it does exist in his indigenous to this 142 00:10:04,610 --> 00:10:09,800 area I beg you to be more careful thanks 143 00:10:07,639 --> 00:10:13,540 for the tip it sure is great to have a 144 00:10:09,800 --> 00:10:13,540 local with us couldn't agree more 145 00:10:21,480 --> 00:10:35,220 it might have worked on them but she's 146 00:10:23,520 --> 00:10:36,960 not fooling me what on earth's wrong 147 00:10:35,220 --> 00:10:38,760 with you Jazmin what are you doing this 148 00:10:36,960 --> 00:10:40,380 time I knew I wanted hallucinating huh 149 00:10:38,760 --> 00:10:43,410 perhaps kissing is it tried to bite 150 00:10:40,380 --> 00:10:44,730 Barda this is most unusual are you quite 151 00:10:43,410 --> 00:10:47,219 sure you're feeling okay 152 00:10:44,730 --> 00:10:48,660 I'm sorry Francois Jasmine doesn't 153 00:10:47,220 --> 00:10:51,300 normally act like this but for some 154 00:10:48,660 --> 00:10:53,579 reason she's on edge I wonder if it's 155 00:10:51,300 --> 00:10:55,859 because of that illusion plant hm 156 00:10:53,580 --> 00:10:58,200 why have none of us ever heard of it 157 00:10:55,860 --> 00:11:00,360 maybe it's because it doesn't exist you 158 00:10:58,200 --> 00:11:02,070 really need not worry the symptoms will 159 00:11:00,360 --> 00:11:05,240 pass in no time and there are known to 160 00:11:02,070 --> 00:11:05,240 be no other side-effects 161 00:11:08,830 --> 00:11:13,180 hey don't think I didn't see that 162 00:11:14,830 --> 00:11:18,590 Jasmine cutting out what she had at 163 00:11:17,060 --> 00:11:20,930 eight I think perhaps we should pause 164 00:11:18,590 --> 00:11:22,610 for short rest it's a lovely sunny day 165 00:11:20,930 --> 00:11:24,010 and it might allow miss Jasmine to 166 00:11:22,610 --> 00:11:25,700 collect yourself before we continue 167 00:11:24,010 --> 00:11:28,520 sounds good to me 168 00:11:25,700 --> 00:11:30,410 I must admit my motives are selfish as 169 00:11:28,520 --> 00:11:35,240 well I'd like to freshen up if you 170 00:11:30,410 --> 00:11:37,760 wouldn't mind I can't believe she's not 171 00:11:35,240 --> 00:11:39,290 upset after what Jasmine did to her she 172 00:11:37,760 --> 00:11:39,530 doesn't seem to be fazed by much does 173 00:11:39,290 --> 00:11:42,459 she 174 00:11:39,530 --> 00:11:42,459 hmm 175 00:11:45,900 --> 00:11:51,660 what's wrong with you guys what do you 176 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:53,700 think you're doing buddy expect us to 177 00:11:51,660 --> 00:11:59,390 stay still with that fresh-made dangling 178 00:11:53,700 --> 00:11:59,390 in front of us yeah you know you want to 179 00:12:18,930 --> 00:12:23,020 how are you feeling Jasmine just fine 180 00:12:22,300 --> 00:12:25,719 thanks 181 00:12:23,020 --> 00:12:27,250 rest a bit longer she did say that it 182 00:12:25,720 --> 00:12:29,440 shouldn't take long but the poison may 183 00:12:27,250 --> 00:12:34,810 make you feel tired I don't feel tired 184 00:12:29,440 --> 00:12:36,280 coz there was never any poison why'd you 185 00:12:34,810 --> 00:12:38,890 have to dog so your tail 186 00:12:36,280 --> 00:12:41,500 don't worry only the girl noticed forget 187 00:12:38,890 --> 00:12:43,630 that let's just gobble him up we can't 188 00:12:41,500 --> 00:12:45,820 we have to take them back to mommy's 189 00:12:43,630 --> 00:12:47,680 first remember she's gonna cook them 190 00:12:45,820 --> 00:12:49,420 anyway what's the difference if we chow 191 00:12:47,680 --> 00:12:52,449 down first I won't hate I'm all right 192 00:12:49,420 --> 00:12:55,079 yeah yeah I'm with you can't you listen 193 00:12:52,450 --> 00:12:55,080 to mommy 194 00:13:15,980 --> 00:13:28,890 huh when does it leave have I been gone 195 00:13:19,590 --> 00:13:30,960 for a long time why do you believe me I 196 00:13:28,890 --> 00:13:34,290 seem to mistaken my hat for my bag and 197 00:13:30,960 --> 00:13:36,350 my bag for my hat ha ha I'm sorry I must 198 00:13:34,290 --> 00:13:41,240 have scared you here let me carry that 199 00:13:36,350 --> 00:13:41,240 is it ok if we get going 200 00:13:41,660 --> 00:13:45,020 how embarrassing 201 00:13:45,470 --> 00:13:50,190 don't blame me if anything happens to 202 00:13:47,940 --> 00:13:53,460 YouTube guys please go eh agree not to 203 00:13:50,190 --> 00:13:55,170 talk about it anymore you know your bags 204 00:13:53,460 --> 00:13:58,170 pretty heavy what's in it 205 00:13:55,170 --> 00:13:58,979 oh my clothes can I ask you a personal 206 00:13:58,170 --> 00:14:01,860 question 207 00:13:58,980 --> 00:14:03,320 yes what is it don't answer if you don't 208 00:14:01,860 --> 00:14:07,110 feel like it but what's your mom like 209 00:14:03,320 --> 00:14:09,900 hmm she's beautiful and she's incredibly 210 00:14:07,110 --> 00:14:12,360 strong him for the most part everyone's 211 00:14:09,900 --> 00:14:14,910 terrified of her really and why would 212 00:14:12,360 --> 00:14:16,740 that be well she's very strict 213 00:14:14,910 --> 00:14:19,079 my grandmother was even strict her piss 214 00:14:16,740 --> 00:14:21,120 made training extremely difficult you're 215 00:14:19,080 --> 00:14:22,710 in training yes you see my mother is a 216 00:14:21,120 --> 00:14:25,530 master in her field and she's teaching 217 00:14:22,710 --> 00:14:27,050 me I want to be just like her really 218 00:14:25,530 --> 00:14:31,500 what does she do 219 00:14:27,050 --> 00:14:32,099 she's a sort she's a magician yeah 220 00:14:31,500 --> 00:14:33,900 that's it 221 00:14:32,100 --> 00:14:35,790 it'd be interesting to learn the secrets 222 00:14:33,900 --> 00:14:37,439 of show business yeah that sounds like a 223 00:14:35,790 --> 00:14:38,430 fun job do you have any other family 224 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:40,410 besides your mother 225 00:14:38,430 --> 00:14:42,780 I have 12 brothers and sisters wow 226 00:14:40,410 --> 00:14:44,910 that's a lot it's not always spending 227 00:14:42,780 --> 00:14:47,010 games you know we fight and bicker a lot 228 00:14:44,910 --> 00:14:49,350 especially when mother died we couldn't 229 00:14:47,010 --> 00:14:52,380 agree on anything she died huh 230 00:14:49,350 --> 00:14:54,839 no we all thought she had died but she 231 00:14:52,380 --> 00:14:56,520 is very ill if she's that sick then she 232 00:14:54,839 --> 00:14:57,030 must be very weak and probably needs 233 00:14:56,520 --> 00:14:59,520 your help 234 00:14:57,030 --> 00:15:01,680 yes but I'm sure she'll recover quite 235 00:14:59,520 --> 00:15:04,140 quickly you see she's been eating Ravens 236 00:15:01,680 --> 00:15:06,829 they're her favorite food she eats them 237 00:15:04,140 --> 00:15:06,830 raisins 238 00:15:09,390 --> 00:15:15,510 since raisins you know the crepes dried 239 00:15:12,450 --> 00:15:20,390 in the Sun what you just said reminded 240 00:15:15,510 --> 00:15:20,390 me of something but I can't place it 241 00:15:20,450 --> 00:15:23,450 huh 242 00:15:24,440 --> 00:15:28,500 I'm so sorry 243 00:15:26,880 --> 00:15:29,939 it seems my bag opened up by accident 244 00:15:28,500 --> 00:15:34,160 and pinched your fingers 245 00:15:29,940 --> 00:15:34,160 those old bindings can be so troublesome 246 00:15:38,660 --> 00:15:45,240 are you alright oh yes I'm sorry please 247 00:15:43,230 --> 00:15:45,899 excuse me for screaming I'm so 248 00:15:45,240 --> 00:15:48,839 embarrassed 249 00:15:45,899 --> 00:15:50,790 but I heard other screaming Oh miss 250 00:15:48,839 --> 00:15:53,060 Jasmine you must still be feeling the 251 00:15:50,790 --> 00:15:55,649 effects of the illusion plant 252 00:15:53,060 --> 00:15:58,439 hmmm I don't think we'll be able to get 253 00:15:55,649 --> 00:16:00,240 your stuff it's quite all right I wasn't 254 00:15:58,440 --> 00:16:03,180 carrying anything of value anyway not 255 00:16:00,240 --> 00:16:06,140 your lucky day oh no this is my lucky 256 00:16:03,180 --> 00:16:08,579 day after all I met you wonderful people 257 00:16:06,140 --> 00:16:11,279 she's pretending to be cheerful so we 258 00:16:08,579 --> 00:16:14,010 don't feel bad yeah she's such a nice 259 00:16:11,279 --> 00:16:17,899 girl there is obviously something fishy 260 00:16:14,010 --> 00:16:17,899 about her why don't those two see that 261 00:16:21,330 --> 00:16:31,589 never forget hey my brother's gonna eat 262 00:16:24,390 --> 00:16:32,189 the feast all by themselves we're almost 263 00:16:31,589 --> 00:16:33,690 there 264 00:16:32,190 --> 00:16:38,149 my mother's house is just at the other 265 00:16:33,690 --> 00:16:43,220 end of this cave great let's go no wait 266 00:16:38,149 --> 00:16:43,220 what is it there's something in there 267 00:16:47,480 --> 00:16:55,660 oh they're just bats 268 00:17:09,359 --> 00:17:14,169 you always have to go through this cave 269 00:17:11,770 --> 00:17:15,069 get your mom's place yes isn't it 270 00:17:14,170 --> 00:17:17,620 charming 271 00:17:15,069 --> 00:17:22,869 if charming means dark and smelly then 272 00:17:17,619 --> 00:17:24,458 yeah what now 273 00:17:22,869 --> 00:17:32,500 looks like we have no choice but to 274 00:17:24,459 --> 00:17:38,920 fight them French was do you stay behind 275 00:17:32,500 --> 00:17:50,710 but what are you going to do do be 276 00:17:38,920 --> 00:17:52,720 careful all the luck if these maggots 277 00:17:50,710 --> 00:17:55,050 turn our human everything we did was for 278 00:17:52,720 --> 00:17:55,050 nothing 279 00:18:10,060 --> 00:18:13,060 Buster's 280 00:18:15,310 --> 00:18:19,889 I guess you're gonna burn our dinner 281 00:18:36,370 --> 00:18:44,260 you tricked us I'm gonna tell ya hurt 282 00:18:41,990 --> 00:18:44,260 real bad 283 00:18:49,660 --> 00:18:52,970 that was easier than I thought it'd be 284 00:18:51,800 --> 00:18:58,000 yeah 285 00:18:52,970 --> 00:18:58,000 we're did friends Wasco friends woz 286 00:18:59,790 --> 00:19:03,440 oh I'm over here 287 00:19:15,799 --> 00:19:20,668 did you find her what seems to be the 288 00:19:18,539 --> 00:19:24,509 matter leaf you looked awfully pale just 289 00:19:20,669 --> 00:19:26,159 then uh I'm fine 290 00:19:24,509 --> 00:19:30,059 maybe I got some of that illusion plant 291 00:19:26,159 --> 00:19:32,519 stuff on me too well I'm glad you're 292 00:19:30,059 --> 00:19:35,129 okay but how did you get your hat and 293 00:19:32,519 --> 00:19:36,779 bag back it's the oddest thing but while 294 00:19:35,129 --> 00:19:38,579 I was hiding I came across them over 295 00:19:36,779 --> 00:19:40,769 there I can only imagine those gray 296 00:19:38,579 --> 00:19:42,479 guards must have brought them well yeah 297 00:19:40,769 --> 00:19:44,489 that is weird but at least you got him 298 00:19:42,479 --> 00:19:46,229 back we should get going 299 00:19:44,489 --> 00:19:48,619 chances are there are more great guards 300 00:19:46,229 --> 00:19:48,619 coming 301 00:20:06,810 --> 00:20:09,810 I really have a bad feeling about this 302 00:20:08,610 --> 00:20:12,409 place me too 303 00:20:09,810 --> 00:20:14,820 but Francois says that's why it's safe 304 00:20:12,410 --> 00:20:17,120 see that house that's where my mother 305 00:20:14,820 --> 00:20:17,120 lives 306 00:20:34,049 --> 00:20:38,260 please do come in I'm sure my mother 307 00:20:36,610 --> 00:20:40,209 will be very pleased to have visitors 308 00:20:38,260 --> 00:20:42,940 I'll prepare some tea for us all to have 309 00:20:40,210 --> 00:20:49,570 come on let's go all we agreed on was to 310 00:20:42,940 --> 00:20:51,940 bring her here isn't that enough I think 311 00:20:49,570 --> 00:20:53,918 the Ruby senses danger what is it I 312 00:20:51,940 --> 00:20:55,570 don't know the only thing I can think of 313 00:20:53,919 --> 00:20:59,549 is maybe something bad has happened to 314 00:20:55,570 --> 00:20:59,549 friends woz mother let's check it out Oh 315 00:21:03,179 --> 00:21:08,880 well done my children I see you 316 00:21:06,929 --> 00:21:15,559 successfully brought them to me in one 317 00:21:08,880 --> 00:21:15,559 piece for me 318 00:22:05,120 --> 00:22:07,179 you