1 00:00:45,790 --> 00:00:49,670 hi I'm Lea 2 00:00:47,660 --> 00:00:51,470 and my name is Jasmine we're on a quest 3 00:00:49,670 --> 00:00:53,360 to find the seven gems of the belt of 4 00:00:51,470 --> 00:00:54,890 Deltora that were stolen by the evil 5 00:00:53,360 --> 00:00:57,230 Shadow Lord we've already found the 6 00:00:54,890 --> 00:00:58,700 Topaz the Ruby the opal on the lapis 7 00:00:57,230 --> 00:01:01,010 lazuli and we've been fighting all kinds 8 00:00:58,700 --> 00:01:04,580 of gear creature but nothing we can 9 00:01:01,010 --> 00:01:06,050 handle just don't forget there are still 10 00:01:04,580 --> 00:01:07,399 three more gems to find them who knows 11 00:01:06,050 --> 00:01:07,910 what kind of monsters will be guarding 12 00:01:07,400 --> 00:01:10,340 them 13 00:01:07,910 --> 00:01:12,320 come on Barda stop being such a wet 14 00:01:10,340 --> 00:01:13,970 blanket now we're on our way to a place 15 00:01:12,320 --> 00:01:17,020 called dread Mountain where the fifth 16 00:01:13,970 --> 00:01:17,020 gem is hidden 17 00:01:22,470 --> 00:01:30,310 follow follow take it has not yet 18 00:01:27,070 --> 00:01:33,910 returned the three thieves where is she 19 00:01:30,310 --> 00:01:36,220 why is she not here I'm afraid things 20 00:01:33,910 --> 00:01:38,440 have not gone as planned you see I only 21 00:01:36,220 --> 00:01:40,660 just received news of digging myself 22 00:01:38,440 --> 00:01:43,120 and they defeated her again my lord 23 00:01:40,660 --> 00:01:45,090 seems this time she was undone forever 24 00:01:43,120 --> 00:01:48,760 by the power of the lapis lazuli 25 00:01:45,090 --> 00:01:50,350 impossible I'm losing patience it is 26 00:01:48,760 --> 00:01:52,570 only a matter of time before they're 27 00:01:50,350 --> 00:01:54,369 caught my lord I gave the orders of the 28 00:01:52,570 --> 00:01:56,169 grey guards to search for them as we 29 00:01:54,369 --> 00:01:59,229 speak numerous pods are scouring the 30 00:01:56,170 --> 00:02:01,960 countryside you fear send the Carn 31 00:01:59,229 --> 00:02:04,600 squirrel I assure you that really is 32 00:02:01,960 --> 00:02:08,639 necessary your highness you will do as I 33 00:02:04,600 --> 00:02:08,639 say of course my lord 34 00:02:20,640 --> 00:02:24,239 let's get it men 35 00:02:42,140 --> 00:02:48,049 you guys want to take a break hmm huh 36 00:02:45,190 --> 00:02:51,620 it's about time I don't suppose either 37 00:02:48,050 --> 00:02:53,390 of you of any water laughs do you my 38 00:02:51,620 --> 00:02:58,180 bottles completely empty 39 00:02:53,390 --> 00:02:58,179 I finished mine a while ago yeah me too 40 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:10,440 what are you looking at Leif I don't 41 00:03:08,400 --> 00:03:15,600 think I've ever seen Cree take off that 42 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:19,770 fast what are you talking about he's 43 00:03:15,600 --> 00:03:22,170 back are you positive 44 00:03:19,770 --> 00:03:24,180 good news you guys Cree just told me he 45 00:03:22,170 --> 00:03:24,720 saw a big pool of water not too far from 46 00:03:24,180 --> 00:03:27,470 here 47 00:03:24,720 --> 00:03:27,470 great 48 00:03:38,629 --> 00:03:56,260 let's go I'm so thirsty it's a spring 49 00:03:59,650 --> 00:04:04,920 I can't believe it I don't think I've 50 00:04:02,560 --> 00:04:07,599 ever tasted water this good before I 51 00:04:04,920 --> 00:04:10,510 know what you mean it's so refreshing 52 00:04:07,599 --> 00:04:12,010 sure is I just had an idea 53 00:04:10,510 --> 00:04:14,890 what do you do think of setting up camp 54 00:04:12,010 --> 00:04:17,918 here mm-hmm what you don't think it 55 00:04:14,890 --> 00:04:19,839 would be a good spot I do but there's 56 00:04:17,918 --> 00:04:21,488 something about the trees I don't know 57 00:04:19,839 --> 00:04:23,789 what it is but it's almost as if they're 58 00:04:21,488 --> 00:04:26,409 dead are you serious 59 00:04:23,790 --> 00:04:27,760 they look pretty alive to me I mean 60 00:04:26,410 --> 00:04:31,180 they're green and they all have leaves 61 00:04:27,760 --> 00:04:33,760 hmm I'd have to agree with leaf they 62 00:04:31,180 --> 00:04:34,930 look just like ordinary trees yeah but 63 00:04:33,760 --> 00:04:37,990 the weird thing is that they're 64 00:04:34,930 --> 00:04:47,580 completely silent that is weird 65 00:04:37,990 --> 00:04:50,830 Hey look what is that dreaming spring 66 00:04:47,580 --> 00:04:53,948 drink gentle stranger and welcome all of 67 00:04:50,830 --> 00:04:54,760 evil will be where what do you think 68 00:04:53,949 --> 00:04:57,160 that means 69 00:04:54,760 --> 00:04:58,659 looks like a warning to me maybe it 70 00:04:57,160 --> 00:05:01,510 wasn't a good idea for us to drink the 71 00:04:58,660 --> 00:05:03,250 water the sign seems to be telling us 72 00:05:01,510 --> 00:05:05,700 that if a bad person drinks the water 73 00:05:03,250 --> 00:05:07,510 they'll be punished in some way I 74 00:05:05,700 --> 00:05:09,450 suppose we should have been more 75 00:05:07,510 --> 00:05:13,030 cautious the water might be poisoned 76 00:05:09,450 --> 00:05:13,930 poisoned in any case we're gonna find 77 00:05:13,030 --> 00:05:15,789 out soon enough 78 00:05:13,930 --> 00:05:18,010 by the way there's no sense in worrying 79 00:05:15,789 --> 00:05:19,690 about it now yeah but it says evil 80 00:05:18,010 --> 00:05:22,389 beware you guys don't think that you're 81 00:05:19,690 --> 00:05:24,700 evil do you of course we're not evil 82 00:05:22,389 --> 00:05:27,370 well then stop being such worrywarts 83 00:05:24,700 --> 00:05:28,960 what the sign welcomes kind and gentle 84 00:05:27,370 --> 00:05:32,789 people like us to drink from the spring 85 00:05:28,960 --> 00:05:32,789 I guess so 86 00:05:35,890 --> 00:05:40,180 I think it was wise for us to sleep here 87 00:05:38,290 --> 00:05:42,130 if any gray guards are nearby they'll 88 00:05:40,180 --> 00:05:43,840 come straight to the spring as well we 89 00:05:42,130 --> 00:05:46,150 probably shouldn't make a fire even 90 00:05:43,840 --> 00:05:48,310 though I'd really like one don't you 91 00:05:46,150 --> 00:05:50,409 think we've become a bit too cautious in 92 00:05:48,310 --> 00:05:52,450 the last few days I mean we used to 93 00:05:50,410 --> 00:05:54,610 sleep and make fires wherever we wanted 94 00:05:52,450 --> 00:05:56,260 but things are different now we know the 95 00:05:54,610 --> 00:05:57,940 shadow lord has started looking for us 96 00:05:56,260 --> 00:06:01,120 so we've got to be more careful 97 00:05:57,940 --> 00:06:04,300 I think jasmine knows that of course I 98 00:06:01,120 --> 00:06:06,280 do one thing we've always done is to 99 00:06:04,300 --> 00:06:08,740 take turns keeping watch I'll be first 100 00:06:06,280 --> 00:06:09,460 sounds good I'll take the second turn 101 00:06:08,740 --> 00:06:13,930 this time 102 00:06:09,460 --> 00:06:16,960 so why don't you get some sleep Wow out 103 00:06:13,930 --> 00:06:19,540 like a light I don't blame her we've 104 00:06:16,960 --> 00:06:25,299 been going pretty hard lately yeah 105 00:06:19,540 --> 00:06:28,060 you're right I have to admit what 106 00:06:25,300 --> 00:06:31,030 jasmine said about these trees it makes 107 00:06:28,060 --> 00:06:33,880 you wonder I think we're fine just take 108 00:06:31,030 --> 00:06:35,739 a look at Cree and filly over there they 109 00:06:33,880 --> 00:06:37,630 sound asleep that there was something 110 00:06:35,740 --> 00:06:39,840 dangerous about these trees they'd sense 111 00:06:37,630 --> 00:06:39,840 it 112 00:06:40,139 --> 00:06:46,039 that's true I guess it's all good yeah 113 00:06:43,500 --> 00:06:50,330 now why don't you get some rest right 114 00:06:46,039 --> 00:06:50,330 good night good night 115 00:06:52,060 --> 00:06:58,950 I can't wait till we finish this quest 116 00:06:55,120 --> 00:06:58,950 and then I can go back home to Dell 117 00:07:21,890 --> 00:07:27,240 my old Kindle Monte 118 00:07:24,720 --> 00:07:30,110 Ivan played with that in years I wonder 119 00:07:27,240 --> 00:07:30,110 what it's doing on the floor 120 00:07:34,620 --> 00:07:50,280 the place is a disaster what happened 121 00:07:42,420 --> 00:07:56,510 everything's ripped apart huh we robbed 122 00:07:50,280 --> 00:07:56,510 or worse gray guards where's mom and dad 123 00:08:13,370 --> 00:08:21,320 oh what a nightmare but it was more than 124 00:08:19,550 --> 00:08:23,710 that cuz I really felt like I was back 125 00:08:21,320 --> 00:08:23,710 home 126 00:08:24,490 --> 00:08:31,910 hey Barda Barda are you asleep 127 00:08:29,479 --> 00:08:35,289 hmm I guess Jasmine wasn't the only one 128 00:08:31,910 --> 00:08:35,289 who was tired huh 129 00:08:44,039 --> 00:08:59,550 oh is that really you can I thought they 130 00:08:50,370 --> 00:09:05,850 only existed in stories wow it's an 131 00:08:59,550 --> 00:09:09,839 actual live one what you talking about 132 00:09:05,850 --> 00:09:12,810 what's an actual live one hmm did you 133 00:09:09,840 --> 00:09:14,940 really just speak to me of course I did 134 00:09:12,810 --> 00:09:17,729 who else would I be talking to why is 135 00:09:14,940 --> 00:09:20,670 there something wrong with that no of 136 00:09:17,730 --> 00:09:23,730 course not you know you're kind of funny 137 00:09:20,670 --> 00:09:25,770 what's your name my name's leaf sorry if 138 00:09:23,730 --> 00:09:28,530 I'm acting funny don't worry I kind of 139 00:09:25,770 --> 00:09:29,340 like it my name is prin I'm so happy to 140 00:09:28,530 --> 00:09:32,339 meet you print 141 00:09:29,340 --> 00:09:33,810 I'm happy too we can play together but 142 00:09:32,340 --> 00:09:37,860 first tell me what you were saying 143 00:09:33,810 --> 00:09:40,079 before what it was nothing actually I 144 00:09:37,860 --> 00:09:42,120 was talking about you I didn't know that 145 00:09:40,080 --> 00:09:44,070 kins still existed well they're not that 146 00:09:42,120 --> 00:09:46,020 many of a laugh but of course we still 147 00:09:44,070 --> 00:09:46,560 exist I mean you're talking to one 148 00:09:46,020 --> 00:09:49,140 aren't ya 149 00:09:46,560 --> 00:09:52,319 what else could I be anyway so you want 150 00:09:49,140 --> 00:09:54,480 to play here what you want to play sorry 151 00:09:52,320 --> 00:09:57,030 I know your real kin but I feel like I'm 152 00:09:54,480 --> 00:09:58,590 in a dream or something dream Oh what 153 00:09:57,030 --> 00:10:05,130 are you doing that really hurts let me 154 00:09:58,590 --> 00:10:06,000 go right I guess I'm not dreaming of 155 00:10:05,130 --> 00:10:07,770 course not 156 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:13,500 I wish I were dreaming like all the 157 00:10:07,770 --> 00:10:15,569 grown-ups over there see them they look 158 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:17,310 like boulders 159 00:10:15,570 --> 00:10:18,750 I guess so but that's only because 160 00:10:17,310 --> 00:10:20,339 they're all sleeping right now and 161 00:10:18,750 --> 00:10:22,920 they'll stay like that too the Sun rises 162 00:10:20,340 --> 00:10:24,660 my mommy told me that I'm supposed to 163 00:10:22,920 --> 00:10:26,550 stay with them but it's not fair cuz 164 00:10:24,660 --> 00:10:31,589 it's so boring I don't have anything 165 00:10:26,550 --> 00:10:35,130 interesting to dream about ha ha but now 166 00:10:31,590 --> 00:10:38,100 I've got you let's play I know a great 167 00:10:35,130 --> 00:10:41,220 game let's hide and find that be fun 168 00:10:38,100 --> 00:10:43,530 oh right so you got hi Dan Austin I 169 00:10:41,220 --> 00:10:48,870 promise you I won't cheat I believe you 170 00:10:43,530 --> 00:10:51,569 now quick go hide hide and find hide and 171 00:10:48,870 --> 00:10:57,300 find you can hide Makai will find you by 172 00:10:51,570 --> 00:11:05,520 sharp eye you can hide but I will find 173 00:10:57,300 --> 00:11:09,329 you flap your wings in yoga I can't 174 00:11:05,520 --> 00:11:12,710 believe it I'm actually playing hide and 175 00:11:09,330 --> 00:11:12,710 find with a real kin 176 00:11:31,710 --> 00:11:38,670 hey give me a hand over here will ya 177 00:11:34,240 --> 00:11:38,670 this thing's really putting up a fight 178 00:11:50,630 --> 00:11:55,590 do you know what those great guards have 179 00:11:52,890 --> 00:11:57,900 in that bag yeah it's a young female kin 180 00:11:55,590 --> 00:11:59,790 we were playing hide and find and they 181 00:11:57,900 --> 00:12:01,890 caught her when she was singing we were 182 00:11:59,790 --> 00:12:05,849 playing hide and find the kid and we're 183 00:12:01,890 --> 00:12:09,600 supposed to believe 10 for breakfast 184 00:12:05,850 --> 00:12:12,390 nothing better you think is a pig don't 185 00:12:09,600 --> 00:12:14,430 look like one to me it's fat whatever it 186 00:12:12,390 --> 00:12:18,150 is it'll be good eating and that's all 187 00:12:14,430 --> 00:12:20,130 that really matters this is great we 188 00:12:18,150 --> 00:12:21,720 smelled this water just in time I don't 189 00:12:20,130 --> 00:12:23,820 know about you but my bottle was 190 00:12:21,720 --> 00:12:34,080 completely empty our luck might just 191 00:12:23,820 --> 00:12:36,150 turned around I don't know if I'd go 192 00:12:34,080 --> 00:12:38,130 that far we may have found food and 193 00:12:36,150 --> 00:12:40,620 drink but we still lost those two ticks 194 00:12:38,130 --> 00:12:42,000 from the games did you hear that clock 195 00:12:40,620 --> 00:12:42,690 and Narita must have been there 196 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:44,850 prisoners 197 00:12:42,690 --> 00:12:46,170 my guess would be that do mundane 198 00:12:44,850 --> 00:12:50,250 rescued them and took them to the 199 00:12:46,170 --> 00:12:51,180 resistance stronghold well get them by 200 00:12:50,250 --> 00:12:54,570 nightfall 201 00:12:51,180 --> 00:13:08,180 I'm gonna enjoy teaching those ticks a 202 00:12:54,570 --> 00:13:08,180 lesson they'll pay for that 203 00:13:12,370 --> 00:13:17,920 what was that let's check it out yeah 204 00:13:20,750 --> 00:13:28,120 now 205 00:13:23,630 --> 00:13:31,520 brain I've come to save you calm down I 206 00:13:28,120 --> 00:13:35,690 don't see anything that always did come 207 00:13:31,520 --> 00:13:41,199 from around here right there you go 208 00:13:35,690 --> 00:13:41,200 you're free oh thank you you're welcome 209 00:13:44,380 --> 00:13:54,710 oh no I left my sword in the woods wait 210 00:13:52,280 --> 00:13:56,720 a sec you're that blond boy that escaped 211 00:13:54,710 --> 00:13:59,330 where are your friends huh 212 00:13:56,720 --> 00:14:00,380 I'm really scared me it's all right 213 00:13:59,330 --> 00:14:04,750 there's no need to worry 214 00:14:00,380 --> 00:14:04,750 I'm with you but you've got no weapon 215 00:14:15,050 --> 00:14:24,150 uh-huh they just turned into trees seems 216 00:14:20,700 --> 00:14:26,370 to be going around lately I guess that's 217 00:14:24,150 --> 00:14:29,010 what the sign meant by all of evil will 218 00:14:26,370 --> 00:14:32,870 be where that would explain why the 219 00:14:29,010 --> 00:14:32,870 trees are so silent around here 220 00:14:36,510 --> 00:14:43,770 look over there the rocks are coming 221 00:14:38,550 --> 00:14:45,930 alive huh hmm that's not nice see Hard 222 00:14:43,770 --> 00:14:48,449 Rock's at all thanks mommy and the other 223 00:14:45,930 --> 00:14:51,030 adults I guess it's time for them to get 224 00:14:48,450 --> 00:14:53,780 up now she's so cute I can't believe it 225 00:14:51,030 --> 00:14:53,780 prim 226 00:15:09,680 --> 00:15:15,930 unbelievable a whole bunch of Kinze my 227 00:15:13,920 --> 00:15:18,420 name is kren i am the elder of this 228 00:15:15,930 --> 00:15:20,640 tribe thank you for saving Prynne she is 229 00:15:18,420 --> 00:15:22,380 the only young our small tribe has I 230 00:15:20,640 --> 00:15:25,170 also apologize for the trouble she 231 00:15:22,380 --> 00:15:27,540 caused you thank you so much for saving 232 00:15:25,170 --> 00:15:31,250 my daughter you have only one person to 233 00:15:27,540 --> 00:15:31,250 thank and he's standing right here 234 00:15:32,149 --> 00:15:40,200 thanks Prynne this isn't a game Prynne 235 00:15:38,339 --> 00:15:43,260 you were almost taken away from us by 236 00:15:40,200 --> 00:15:44,970 two very evil people but it was okay cuz 237 00:15:43,260 --> 00:15:47,459 those bullies jenker in the spring 238 00:15:44,970 --> 00:15:49,860 I heard them I knew that they turned 239 00:15:47,459 --> 00:15:51,390 into trees what I don't understand is 240 00:15:49,860 --> 00:15:53,480 why it didn't happen as soon as they 241 00:15:51,390 --> 00:15:55,260 drank the water is sometimes the 242 00:15:53,480 --> 00:15:59,220 transformation just takes a little 243 00:15:55,260 --> 00:16:01,260 longer those who mean no harm can't 244 00:15:59,220 --> 00:16:03,660 drink without harm they don't have to 245 00:16:01,260 --> 00:16:05,550 think if they want a drink you are all 246 00:16:03,660 --> 00:16:07,469 very kind and it's a privilege to meet 247 00:16:05,550 --> 00:16:10,949 you I never thought I'd see the kin in 248 00:16:07,470 --> 00:16:13,440 my lifetime sadly there are not many of 249 00:16:10,950 --> 00:16:15,839 us left only a very few of us survived 250 00:16:13,440 --> 00:16:17,670 when we had to flee our Mountain it was 251 00:16:15,839 --> 00:16:22,110 dread Mountain wasn't it why would you 252 00:16:17,670 --> 00:16:23,969 leave your home hmm good question 253 00:16:22,110 --> 00:16:25,890 dread Mountain had always been a 254 00:16:23,970 --> 00:16:27,810 dangerous place for us to live 255 00:16:25,890 --> 00:16:29,699 the gnomes on the mountain had tried to 256 00:16:27,810 --> 00:16:31,949 hunt us for as long as I could remember 257 00:16:29,700 --> 00:16:33,300 but fortunately from the ground their 258 00:16:31,950 --> 00:16:35,660 arrows were little more than an 259 00:16:33,300 --> 00:16:35,660 inconvenience 260 00:16:36,010 --> 00:16:40,870 all that changed when they began using 261 00:16:38,410 --> 00:16:42,699 poison on their arrow tips it was a 262 00:16:40,870 --> 00:16:46,090 powerful poison and it spelled the end 263 00:16:42,700 --> 00:16:50,290 for many of our kind I was very young 264 00:16:46,090 --> 00:16:53,140 then but I recall was a terrible time at 265 00:16:50,290 --> 00:16:55,030 last the few of us that remained decided 266 00:16:53,140 --> 00:16:59,710 we could stay on the mountain no longer 267 00:16:55,030 --> 00:17:01,540 so we fled our home never to return this 268 00:16:59,710 --> 00:17:03,430 Grove used to be our winter home a good 269 00:17:01,540 --> 00:17:05,560 place for the growing young now we are 270 00:17:03,430 --> 00:17:08,619 here all year long we are able to visit 271 00:17:05,560 --> 00:17:10,359 our real home only in our dreams what 272 00:17:08,619 --> 00:17:12,459 about it do you miss the most the ice 273 00:17:10,359 --> 00:17:14,889 cold streams and Boon Heong trees hmm 274 00:17:12,460 --> 00:17:17,140 what the young one says is true 275 00:17:14,890 --> 00:17:19,570 the boolong trees grow thick and sway 276 00:17:17,140 --> 00:17:22,420 with a sweet cool breeze beautiful 277 00:17:19,569 --> 00:17:24,669 streams ripple through the forest we 278 00:17:22,420 --> 00:17:26,530 miss our mountain greatly and of course 279 00:17:24,670 --> 00:17:29,290 we cannot eat the boo lungs delicious 280 00:17:26,530 --> 00:17:31,270 cones in our dreams I know there's 281 00:17:29,290 --> 00:17:33,760 nothing quite like home but now you live 282 00:17:31,270 --> 00:17:35,830 here by this beautiful spring you speak 283 00:17:33,760 --> 00:17:38,170 wisely this grass is sweet and 284 00:17:35,830 --> 00:17:40,300 nourishing but this is not enough the 285 00:17:38,170 --> 00:17:42,130 problem is we cannot thrive here we can 286 00:17:40,300 --> 00:17:44,320 only give birth if we eat the cones and 287 00:17:42,130 --> 00:17:46,090 leaves of the boolong trees Prynne is 288 00:17:44,320 --> 00:17:48,070 the only child to be born to us since we 289 00:17:46,090 --> 00:17:50,919 moved here this is why she is so 290 00:17:48,070 --> 00:17:52,540 precious to us however if we return to 291 00:17:50,920 --> 00:17:54,100 dread Mountain that means returning to 292 00:17:52,540 --> 00:17:56,620 the fearsome gnome tribe and their 293 00:17:54,100 --> 00:17:59,260 poisoned arrows and that would surely be 294 00:17:56,620 --> 00:18:01,239 the end of us but I want to dream of the 295 00:17:59,260 --> 00:18:03,610 boolong trees rippling streams and cool 296 00:18:01,240 --> 00:18:05,950 mountain air too it's not fair that only 297 00:18:03,610 --> 00:18:07,719 the grownups can dream about it Prynne 298 00:18:05,950 --> 00:18:09,130 dreams aren't always fun you know there 299 00:18:07,720 --> 00:18:11,590 are some nights when I'd rather have no 300 00:18:09,130 --> 00:18:13,570 dreams at all last night I had one that 301 00:18:11,590 --> 00:18:15,909 made me so mad when I woke up I wanted 302 00:18:13,570 --> 00:18:19,300 to scream what did you dream about I 303 00:18:15,910 --> 00:18:22,270 dreamt about doom why in the world would 304 00:18:19,300 --> 00:18:23,710 I want to dream about that guy I must 305 00:18:22,270 --> 00:18:25,660 tell you if you drank the water from 306 00:18:23,710 --> 00:18:28,840 this spring then whatever you dreamed is 307 00:18:25,660 --> 00:18:31,060 not a dream but the truth huh what do 308 00:18:28,840 --> 00:18:33,250 you mean by the truth what you dreamed 309 00:18:31,060 --> 00:18:35,770 of was real this is the Dreaming spring 310 00:18:33,250 --> 00:18:37,870 whatever or whoever you picture in your 311 00:18:35,770 --> 00:18:40,150 mind when you drink you visit in spirit 312 00:18:37,870 --> 00:18:41,679 and you fall asleep I was thinking of 313 00:18:40,150 --> 00:18:44,740 doom before I went to sleep last night 314 00:18:41,680 --> 00:18:46,420 what's wrong with me this is great I 315 00:18:44,740 --> 00:18:48,070 dreamt of Manas and his people last 316 00:18:46,420 --> 00:18:48,650 night they were happy and singing in 317 00:18:48,070 --> 00:18:51,530 their underground 318 00:18:48,650 --> 00:18:55,850 in town so you're saying that everything 319 00:18:51,530 --> 00:18:59,780 we dreamt of was true the brand of the 320 00:18:55,850 --> 00:19:02,560 Shadow Lord hmm oh please 321 00:18:59,780 --> 00:19:06,710 is something wrong I have to go home 322 00:19:02,560 --> 00:19:11,270 leave what are you talking about mommy 323 00:19:06,710 --> 00:19:17,180 why did we get sad all of a sudden wait 324 00:19:11,270 --> 00:19:19,700 leave come on Leif you know you can't go 325 00:19:17,180 --> 00:19:23,620 home right now you don't understand I 326 00:19:19,700 --> 00:19:23,620 have to but why 327 00:19:27,730 --> 00:19:33,840 right I get it you dreamt about your 328 00:19:30,940 --> 00:19:33,840 parents didn't you 329 00:19:33,980 --> 00:19:40,850 in my dream I was back home at the forge 330 00:19:37,480 --> 00:19:43,070 it was completely empty and everything 331 00:19:40,850 --> 00:19:46,870 was a mess but worst of all burned on 332 00:19:43,070 --> 00:19:46,870 the door was the shadowlord's brand 333 00:19:47,679 --> 00:19:54,529 that's why I have to go home I've got it 334 00:19:50,710 --> 00:19:56,149 find my parents no lief your duty is to 335 00:19:54,529 --> 00:19:58,190 finish what we started 336 00:19:56,149 --> 00:19:59,510 don't you get it they're my mom and dad 337 00:19:58,190 --> 00:20:02,029 and something horrible might have 338 00:19:59,510 --> 00:20:04,220 happened to them I don't need you to 339 00:20:02,029 --> 00:20:06,470 tell me what my duty is don't forget 340 00:20:04,220 --> 00:20:08,510 that they're my friends my only friends 341 00:20:06,470 --> 00:20:10,070 since before you were even born but I 342 00:20:08,510 --> 00:20:13,929 know just what they'd say if they were 343 00:20:10,070 --> 00:20:16,460 here they'd beg you not to go back 344 00:20:13,929 --> 00:20:18,409 they've sacrificed a lot for us to be 345 00:20:16,460 --> 00:20:22,269 here this quest has always been theirs 346 00:20:18,409 --> 00:20:22,269 and don't you ever forget that 347 00:20:24,590 --> 00:20:31,320 he's right of course 348 00:20:27,260 --> 00:20:32,850 this is their quest if he hadn't gotten 349 00:20:31,320 --> 00:20:47,760 injured who would have been dad looking 350 00:20:32,850 --> 00:20:49,409 for the gems Barda I'm sorry mom and dad 351 00:20:47,760 --> 00:20:51,210 told me so many times that no matter 352 00:20:49,410 --> 00:20:56,309 what might happen I need to finish this 353 00:20:51,210 --> 00:20:57,510 I know and that's exactly what I plan to 354 00:20:56,309 --> 00:20:59,700 do with your help 355 00:20:57,510 --> 00:21:02,730 this is our quest as much as it is 356 00:20:59,700 --> 00:21:05,850 theirs I couldn't agree with you more 357 00:21:02,730 --> 00:21:06,510 lief great now that we worked all that 358 00:21:05,850 --> 00:21:09,139 stuff out 359 00:21:06,510 --> 00:21:13,530 could we get going to Dredd milk hmm 360 00:21:09,140 --> 00:21:15,530 wait a minute hmm I just had an idea how 361 00:21:13,530 --> 00:21:17,940 we might be able to get there faster 362 00:21:15,530 --> 00:21:20,178 what do you want us to run the whole way 363 00:21:17,940 --> 00:21:20,179 there 364 00:22:04,190 --> 00:22:06,220 Oh