1 00:00:47,410 --> 00:00:52,489 my name is Lee and I'm on a quest with 2 00:00:50,090 --> 00:00:53,960 my two friends jasmine and Barda we're 3 00:00:52,489 --> 00:00:56,029 searching for the missing gems of the 4 00:00:53,960 --> 00:00:58,220 belt of Deltora we've only got two more 5 00:00:56,030 --> 00:01:00,350 left to find but now the evil Shadow 6 00:00:58,220 --> 00:01:02,180 Lord knows of our quest he's after a man 7 00:01:00,350 --> 00:01:04,460 a boy and a wild girl with a black bird 8 00:01:02,180 --> 00:01:07,420 why do they always say wild girl just 9 00:01:04,459 --> 00:01:10,759 cuz I'm independent doesn't make me wild 10 00:01:07,420 --> 00:01:12,650 all I know is our quest just got more 11 00:01:10,759 --> 00:01:14,270 dangerous right now we're heading 12 00:01:12,650 --> 00:01:17,140 towards the maze of the Beast where the 13 00:01:14,270 --> 00:01:17,140 sixth gem is hidden 14 00:01:29,740 --> 00:01:34,479 for three long days lief Barda and 15 00:01:32,590 --> 00:01:37,840 jasmine were forced to stay in the 16 00:01:34,479 --> 00:01:39,610 testing room under constant watch this 17 00:01:37,840 --> 00:01:43,590 was done so that the resistance could 18 00:01:39,610 --> 00:01:43,590 determine whether or not they were old 19 00:01:46,979 --> 00:01:52,440 no this is boring why don't they just 20 00:01:50,290 --> 00:01:55,840 admit the rules so we can fight it out 21 00:01:52,440 --> 00:01:57,670 yeah I know I was so excited to see Leif 22 00:01:55,840 --> 00:01:59,979 again you never expected something like 23 00:01:57,670 --> 00:02:01,659 this don't lie to me I know you just 24 00:01:59,979 --> 00:02:03,369 wanted to cheat him out of more money 25 00:02:01,659 --> 00:02:04,780 that's not true 26 00:02:03,369 --> 00:02:06,970 what do you know anyway for your 27 00:02:04,780 --> 00:02:09,570 information I really like lead well sure 28 00:02:06,970 --> 00:02:12,519 I believe you 29 00:02:09,570 --> 00:02:15,010 jinx former Acrobat at the palace and 30 00:02:12,519 --> 00:02:17,890 Dell brought in the first meal Barda had 31 00:02:15,010 --> 00:02:20,470 known the man by reputation one it seems 32 00:02:17,890 --> 00:02:23,440 that was well deserved it sure has been 33 00:02:20,470 --> 00:02:25,600 a long time hi Barda I mean I'm really 34 00:02:23,440 --> 00:02:28,930 surprised to see you I thought you were 35 00:02:25,600 --> 00:02:30,970 a Connor then again as far as I can 36 00:02:28,930 --> 00:02:32,920 remember they always said you were the 37 00:02:30,970 --> 00:02:35,739 strongest and bravest of all the palace 38 00:02:32,920 --> 00:02:37,480 guards didn't a tough guy but still I 39 00:02:35,739 --> 00:02:39,310 was told that not one single guard 40 00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:41,950 survived that night the Shadow Lord 41 00:02:39,310 --> 00:02:43,450 invaded the palace so I'm a little 42 00:02:41,950 --> 00:02:46,119 puzzled as to why you're still around 43 00:02:43,450 --> 00:02:48,399 what are you trying to say nothing 44 00:02:46,120 --> 00:02:50,739 unless of course the quiet man sitting 45 00:02:48,400 --> 00:02:52,570 next to you the brave Barda sold himself 46 00:02:50,739 --> 00:02:54,970 to the Shadow Lord and that's how he 47 00:02:52,570 --> 00:02:58,570 managed to escape how dare you that's a 48 00:02:54,970 --> 00:03:00,670 lie are you sure I mean you are locked 49 00:02:58,570 --> 00:03:03,370 in here because doom is suspicious of 50 00:03:00,670 --> 00:03:06,070 you for the last time we're not old all 51 00:03:03,370 --> 00:03:06,989 right right and just why should I 52 00:03:06,070 --> 00:03:09,670 believe you 53 00:03:06,989 --> 00:03:13,230 jasmine let him say what he wants in 54 00:03:09,670 --> 00:03:13,230 three days our innocence will be proven 55 00:03:17,200 --> 00:03:22,179 Bulls are monsters from the Shadowlands 56 00:03:19,870 --> 00:03:24,340 who can take the shape of any animal a 57 00:03:22,180 --> 00:03:26,620 person but they have one weakness 58 00:03:24,340 --> 00:03:29,020 they cannot old the same shape for more 59 00:03:26,620 --> 00:03:32,170 than three days at some point they 60 00:03:29,020 --> 00:03:36,040 change or at least waver this is known 61 00:03:32,170 --> 00:03:38,069 as the tremor fine then see you in three 62 00:03:36,040 --> 00:03:38,069 days 63 00:04:08,430 --> 00:04:15,660 here's your food guys Dain is that 64 00:04:12,819 --> 00:04:18,820 really you you're feeling better already 65 00:04:15,660 --> 00:04:20,680 yes whoo thanks for getting me back here 66 00:04:18,820 --> 00:04:22,630 to the stronghold there's something I 67 00:04:20,680 --> 00:04:24,850 need to talk to you about why what's 68 00:04:22,630 --> 00:04:26,199 wrong I know what doomed hold everyone 69 00:04:24,850 --> 00:04:29,860 else but I don't think that's the real 70 00:04:26,199 --> 00:04:32,110 reason he's keeping you in here Dain 71 00:04:29,860 --> 00:04:34,479 explained to lief what was troubling him 72 00:04:32,110 --> 00:04:36,610 he knew that doom didn't need to watch a 73 00:04:34,479 --> 00:04:38,710 nolle for three days for unlike most 74 00:04:36,610 --> 00:04:41,139 people doing could spot one just by 75 00:04:38,710 --> 00:04:42,880 looking at it this meant that doom had 76 00:04:41,139 --> 00:04:44,680 known they weren't oles from the moment 77 00:04:42,880 --> 00:04:46,810 I first saw them in the stronghold and 78 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:53,949 it only confirmed Leafs suspicions of 79 00:04:46,810 --> 00:04:55,630 the man suspicions that started when 80 00:04:53,949 --> 00:05:00,100 they found writing in blood on the wall 81 00:04:55,630 --> 00:05:01,630 of the cave on dread Mountain so do you 82 00:05:00,100 --> 00:05:03,220 think it's possible that doom could have 83 00:05:01,630 --> 00:05:05,590 actually been to the Shadowlands and 84 00:05:03,220 --> 00:05:07,690 survived absolutely that's where he 85 00:05:05,590 --> 00:05:09,669 learned to recognize oles at least 86 00:05:07,690 --> 00:05:11,830 that's what he's always told me don't 87 00:05:09,669 --> 00:05:13,599 you get it the real reason he locked us 88 00:05:11,830 --> 00:05:15,580 in here is cuz he wants to interrogate 89 00:05:13,599 --> 00:05:17,500 us he's the one working for the shadow 90 00:05:15,580 --> 00:05:20,620 Lorne Wow 91 00:05:17,500 --> 00:05:22,090 I think he might be right how else would 92 00:05:20,620 --> 00:05:24,780 he be able to tell an old just by 93 00:05:22,090 --> 00:05:24,780 looking at it 94 00:05:24,970 --> 00:05:28,750 considering your fingers I suppose I 95 00:05:27,310 --> 00:05:31,060 won't take that personally 96 00:05:28,750 --> 00:05:34,060 there are oils in this world but even I 97 00:05:31,060 --> 00:05:35,950 can't recognize I call them level threes 98 00:05:34,060 --> 00:05:38,680 from what I've seen they can transform 99 00:05:35,950 --> 00:05:39,490 at anything plants chairs even books it 100 00:05:38,680 --> 00:05:43,120 doesn't matter 101 00:05:39,490 --> 00:05:45,430 get real huh because you found out about 102 00:05:43,120 --> 00:05:48,280 our stronghold in such a suspicious way 103 00:05:45,430 --> 00:05:50,560 I need to be particularly careful with 104 00:05:48,280 --> 00:05:52,570 you how was it suspicious stain told us 105 00:05:50,560 --> 00:05:54,250 where it was all of you get undressed 106 00:05:52,570 --> 00:05:56,620 the only real test is to see if you have 107 00:05:54,250 --> 00:05:57,370 the shadowlord's brand or not in your 108 00:05:56,620 --> 00:05:59,260 dreams 109 00:05:57,370 --> 00:06:00,670 doom you saved us after the Rif mere 110 00:05:59,260 --> 00:06:03,310 games and you're the leader of the 111 00:06:00,670 --> 00:06:04,600 resistance we respect you but don't 112 00:06:03,310 --> 00:06:05,230 think we're just gonna do whatever you 113 00:06:04,600 --> 00:06:06,880 say 114 00:06:05,230 --> 00:06:09,160 we're not members of the resistance and 115 00:06:06,880 --> 00:06:11,890 we don't want to be so I don't see why 116 00:06:09,160 --> 00:06:16,530 you expect us to obey your rules because 117 00:06:11,890 --> 00:06:16,530 while you're here I am the law huh 118 00:06:17,670 --> 00:06:21,940 what do you think you're doing this will 119 00:06:20,020 --> 00:06:24,750 go a lot easier for you don't give us 120 00:06:21,940 --> 00:06:24,750 any problems 121 00:06:31,559 --> 00:06:35,549 come on you wanna fight or what cuz if 122 00:06:34,229 --> 00:06:37,558 you think you're gonna weasel out of it 123 00:06:35,549 --> 00:06:39,119 this time you've got it all wrong 124 00:06:37,559 --> 00:06:41,369 Leif I know things ended really badly 125 00:06:39,119 --> 00:06:42,749 the last time we met but this is 126 00:06:41,369 --> 00:06:44,039 different why don't you join the 127 00:06:42,749 --> 00:06:46,499 resistance in our fight against the 128 00:06:44,039 --> 00:06:48,748 Shadow Lord no this isn't the right way 129 00:06:46,499 --> 00:06:50,879 to recruit new members I've had enough 130 00:06:48,749 --> 00:06:52,589 of his excuses what we all really want 131 00:06:50,879 --> 00:06:55,079 to know is who's the real champion am I 132 00:06:52,589 --> 00:06:58,019 wrong no look you can't hurt him okay 133 00:06:55,079 --> 00:07:02,179 let him go I'm ready for a good scrap 134 00:06:58,019 --> 00:07:02,179 everyone stop you all need to calm down 135 00:07:07,159 --> 00:07:18,899 hmm we'll know in one day anyway let's 136 00:07:11,429 --> 00:07:20,758 go three days isn't enough for these 137 00:07:18,899 --> 00:07:22,789 guys we should keep them here for three 138 00:07:20,759 --> 00:07:22,789 years 139 00:07:42,990 --> 00:07:45,990 hmm 140 00:07:50,020 --> 00:07:56,539 dane is that you I have a question for 141 00:07:54,470 --> 00:07:58,880 doom the three days are up so why are we 142 00:07:56,540 --> 00:08:01,310 still in here what you mean he still 143 00:07:58,880 --> 00:08:03,290 isn't convinced that you're not old of 144 00:08:01,310 --> 00:08:05,570 course not he doesn't plan to let us out 145 00:08:03,290 --> 00:08:08,150 of this place for a long time this has 146 00:08:05,570 --> 00:08:10,190 gone too far no one's ever been locked 147 00:08:08,150 --> 00:08:15,620 in here for more than three days dooms 148 00:08:10,190 --> 00:08:17,270 breaking his own rules huh grab on to it 149 00:08:15,620 --> 00:08:19,910 I'm gonna pull you three out of here 150 00:08:17,270 --> 00:08:21,890 thank you we can't stay here because the 151 00:08:19,910 --> 00:08:24,370 guard on duty will be back soon come on 152 00:08:21,890 --> 00:08:24,370 hurry up 153 00:08:38,820 --> 00:08:44,620 I'm amazed we got this far yeah I think 154 00:08:42,099 --> 00:08:46,570 we should be safe under these trees hey 155 00:08:44,620 --> 00:08:48,640 thanks for saving us huh 156 00:08:46,570 --> 00:08:50,410 well I've got to admit I have another 157 00:08:48,640 --> 00:08:53,740 motive there's a favor I wanted to ask 158 00:08:50,410 --> 00:08:56,890 you huh finally I've been waiting for 159 00:08:53,740 --> 00:08:59,870 you to tell us what you wanted huh 160 00:08:56,890 --> 00:09:04,010 all right I was hoping you take me with 161 00:08:59,870 --> 00:09:04,580 you to tora tora yeah you know the city 162 00:09:04,010 --> 00:09:07,310 of Tora 163 00:09:04,580 --> 00:09:08,810 dells sister city in the West it's quite 164 00:09:07,310 --> 00:09:11,329 a ways from here along the river tour 165 00:09:08,810 --> 00:09:13,010 isn't it that's right from what I hear 166 00:09:11,330 --> 00:09:14,510 the river is completely lawless 167 00:09:13,010 --> 00:09:16,610 not only are there oils but there are 168 00:09:14,510 --> 00:09:18,470 pirates everywhere you've got to be on 169 00:09:16,610 --> 00:09:23,510 guard even when you sleep that's why I 170 00:09:18,470 --> 00:09:25,190 can't make the trip alone oh I get it 171 00:09:23,510 --> 00:09:27,590 doom doesn't want you to go because he's 172 00:09:25,190 --> 00:09:29,870 worried so why do you want to go anyway 173 00:09:27,590 --> 00:09:31,730 I mean it doesn't exactly sound like fun 174 00:09:29,870 --> 00:09:34,640 yeah what's the big attraction in Tora 175 00:09:31,730 --> 00:09:37,310 I'm sorry but I can't tell you that 176 00:09:34,640 --> 00:09:39,199 right now still remember after I saved 177 00:09:37,310 --> 00:09:42,310 you you said you owed me this is the 178 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:42,310 favor I'd like to ask of you 179 00:09:42,340 --> 00:09:47,810 we can't go huh but I saved you from 180 00:09:46,370 --> 00:09:49,730 those oles they were gonna finish you 181 00:09:47,810 --> 00:09:51,949 off for sure and then I betrayed you by 182 00:09:49,730 --> 00:09:55,010 helping you escape you gotta understand 183 00:09:51,950 --> 00:09:57,860 we want to help but we can't huh I knew 184 00:09:55,010 --> 00:10:00,140 you guys were too good to be true when I 185 00:09:57,860 --> 00:10:02,270 heard the rumors about how a man a boy 186 00:10:00,140 --> 00:10:04,339 and a girl with a black bird were going 187 00:10:02,270 --> 00:10:06,380 around the kingdom destroying all sorts 188 00:10:04,339 --> 00:10:09,130 of evil connected to the shadow horde I 189 00:10:06,380 --> 00:10:11,420 began to think you were the answer I 190 00:10:09,130 --> 00:10:13,970 guess it was dumb to put too much faith 191 00:10:11,420 --> 00:10:16,550 in rumors why am I always making such 192 00:10:13,970 --> 00:10:20,750 stupid mistakes we might come if you 193 00:10:16,550 --> 00:10:23,630 tell us what's going on yeah when I was 194 00:10:20,750 --> 00:10:26,050 just a kid a pod of grey guards raided 195 00:10:23,630 --> 00:10:26,050 my house 196 00:10:28,050 --> 00:10:33,990 my mom told me to hide in the closet so 197 00:10:31,600 --> 00:10:33,990 I did 198 00:11:08,100 --> 00:11:13,470 when I finally came out my parents had 199 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:16,220 already been taken away and I was left 200 00:11:13,470 --> 00:11:16,220 all by myself 201 00:11:17,860 --> 00:11:22,840 that's like what happened to me 202 00:11:20,510 --> 00:11:26,480 I kept looking for them night and day 203 00:11:22,840 --> 00:11:29,990 but of course I never found them I'm 204 00:11:26,480 --> 00:11:32,390 sorry I was alone lost and starving 205 00:11:29,990 --> 00:11:34,280 that's when doom found me and that's 206 00:11:32,390 --> 00:11:36,770 when you joined the resistance you see 207 00:11:34,280 --> 00:11:38,270 my mom originally came from Torah so I 208 00:11:36,770 --> 00:11:39,770 always hoped that if I went there I 209 00:11:38,270 --> 00:11:43,730 might find a clue that would tell me 210 00:11:39,770 --> 00:11:45,560 where they were taken and lately for 211 00:11:43,730 --> 00:11:46,610 some reason I've wanted to start looking 212 00:11:45,560 --> 00:11:48,619 for my parents again 213 00:11:46,610 --> 00:11:51,710 sometimes it's like it's all I can think 214 00:11:48,620 --> 00:11:53,690 of I've asked doom over and over again 215 00:11:51,710 --> 00:11:56,210 if we could make a quick trip there but 216 00:11:53,690 --> 00:11:59,270 he always says no Torrez too dangerous 217 00:11:56,210 --> 00:12:01,360 for the resistance I suppose it would 218 00:11:59,270 --> 00:12:04,490 with the entire organization at risk 219 00:12:01,360 --> 00:12:06,770 that's true apparently these days the 220 00:12:04,490 --> 00:12:07,880 city is crawling with Shadow Lord spies 221 00:12:06,770 --> 00:12:11,540 and grey guards 222 00:12:07,880 --> 00:12:13,430 I guess it's cuz Tora has strong ties 223 00:12:11,540 --> 00:12:15,910 with the royal family so they keep a 224 00:12:13,430 --> 00:12:15,910 close watch 225 00:12:16,499 --> 00:12:22,679 hey I just had a crazy idea I don't know 226 00:12:19,769 --> 00:12:26,629 about those two but I know I want to get 227 00:12:22,679 --> 00:12:26,629 unit or oh are you serious 228 00:12:39,990 --> 00:12:44,410 but I'm not going with you I think it'd 229 00:12:42,639 --> 00:12:46,750 be good for all of us if we split up for 230 00:12:44,410 --> 00:12:49,269 now mmm what are you saying what do you 231 00:12:46,750 --> 00:12:50,769 mean good for us all Jane told us that 232 00:12:49,269 --> 00:12:52,930 where we're going there gonna be a lot 233 00:12:50,769 --> 00:12:54,910 of Shadow Lord spies and we know that 234 00:12:52,930 --> 00:13:00,099 everyone is gonna be looking for a man a 235 00:12:54,910 --> 00:13:02,620 boy and a girl with a black bird so I 236 00:13:00,100 --> 00:13:04,269 thought that the safest thing for all of 237 00:13:02,620 --> 00:13:06,550 us is if one of us separates from the 238 00:13:04,269 --> 00:13:08,709 group you two started this quest so you 239 00:13:06,550 --> 00:13:10,300 need to stay together besides we all 240 00:13:08,709 --> 00:13:14,319 know that Crean eyes stick out like sore 241 00:13:10,300 --> 00:13:17,969 thumbs think about it you'll be able to 242 00:13:14,319 --> 00:13:17,969 fly as high in the air as you want 243 00:13:19,230 --> 00:13:26,639 wait Jasmine she shouldn't go off on her 244 00:13:22,180 --> 00:13:26,638 own Jasmine hey let's talk about this 245 00:13:29,220 --> 00:13:34,750 she can be so stubborn sometimes I'm 246 00:13:32,740 --> 00:13:37,660 gonna miss her I don't like her doing 247 00:13:34,750 --> 00:13:39,730 this but we've got to keep on moving Wow 248 00:13:37,660 --> 00:13:44,469 she's making it a lot easier for us to 249 00:13:39,730 --> 00:13:45,839 get to Tora Jasmine's a really kind 250 00:13:44,470 --> 00:13:48,839 person isn't she 251 00:13:45,839 --> 00:13:48,839 hmm 252 00:14:01,209 --> 00:14:06,130 isn't this great we can stay here for 253 00:14:03,860 --> 00:14:06,130 the night 254 00:14:06,940 --> 00:14:12,670 all right I forgot 255 00:14:08,990 --> 00:14:12,670 lief and Barda aren't with me anymore 256 00:14:13,209 --> 00:14:21,138 yeah yeah you're right Kree I've always 257 00:14:16,370 --> 00:14:24,880 got you yes and you too yep it's back to 258 00:14:21,139 --> 00:14:24,880 how it used to be just the three of us 259 00:14:34,850 --> 00:14:47,449 so should we get going now pirates not 260 00:14:46,759 --> 00:14:58,639 again 261 00:14:47,449 --> 00:15:00,709 I really hate running lucky there was 262 00:14:58,639 --> 00:15:03,019 only one pirate in that boat but just 263 00:15:00,709 --> 00:15:03,649 not as sharp as we were I don't think 264 00:15:03,019 --> 00:15:05,569 that's it 265 00:15:03,649 --> 00:15:07,519 up until now we had Jasmine getting 266 00:15:05,569 --> 00:15:10,189 information from the trees and Cree to 267 00:15:07,519 --> 00:15:12,079 keep watch overhead we relied on them 268 00:15:10,189 --> 00:15:14,559 too much let's go before the rest of 269 00:15:12,079 --> 00:15:14,559 them get here 270 00:15:39,590 --> 00:15:45,160 I don't get it why does she have to be 271 00:15:41,930 --> 00:15:56,060 so impulsive that's just how she is 272 00:15:45,160 --> 00:16:01,670 yeah I guess it's all right it's only a 273 00:15:56,060 --> 00:16:08,000 couple geese they're all they just 274 00:16:01,670 --> 00:16:10,339 thought that's weird why'd they fly off 275 00:16:08,000 --> 00:16:12,650 like that well they're looking for a man 276 00:16:10,339 --> 00:16:14,660 a boy and a girl with a black bird not a 277 00:16:12,650 --> 00:16:16,610 man traveling the two boys they have no 278 00:16:14,660 --> 00:16:19,400 reason to suspect we split up yet I 279 00:16:16,610 --> 00:16:21,410 guess that means Jasmine's strategy just 280 00:16:19,400 --> 00:16:22,819 saved us from a huge battle it sort of 281 00:16:21,410 --> 00:16:23,779 makes me glad that she didn't listen to 282 00:16:22,820 --> 00:16:27,110 us after all 283 00:16:23,779 --> 00:16:28,910 Dean huh don't ever say you're glad 284 00:16:27,110 --> 00:16:30,920 about that for all we know her strategy 285 00:16:28,910 --> 00:16:32,839 is putting her in danger right now she 286 00:16:30,920 --> 00:16:34,430 should be here with us Jasmine's like a 287 00:16:32,839 --> 00:16:40,640 sister to me so don't tell me you're 288 00:16:34,430 --> 00:16:42,949 glad she's not here I didn't mean it 289 00:16:40,640 --> 00:16:45,050 like that I was just trying to say that 290 00:16:42,950 --> 00:16:47,720 her plan did save us I don't like that 291 00:16:45,050 --> 00:16:49,219 she's not here either it was a selfish 292 00:16:47,720 --> 00:16:53,060 thing to say especially knowing how 293 00:16:49,220 --> 00:16:54,530 important she is to you guys I'm sorry I 294 00:16:53,060 --> 00:16:56,569 kind of blew up on you for no real 295 00:16:54,530 --> 00:16:58,010 reason she chose to leave us cuz she 296 00:16:56,570 --> 00:17:01,300 knew it would help I guess I never 297 00:16:58,010 --> 00:17:05,510 thought I'd miss her as much as I do 298 00:17:01,300 --> 00:17:06,800 yeah you're worried about her no I know 299 00:17:05,510 --> 00:17:10,670 she can take care of herself 300 00:17:06,800 --> 00:17:11,899 it's okay lief I feel the same you got 301 00:17:10,670 --> 00:17:14,540 that sick feeling in the pit of your 302 00:17:11,900 --> 00:17:15,620 stomach and that's fluttery feeling like 303 00:17:14,540 --> 00:17:18,050 a million butterflies 304 00:17:15,619 --> 00:17:19,969 you shouldn't split up again you're 305 00:17:18,050 --> 00:17:22,490 right I'd say the three of us are better 306 00:17:19,970 --> 00:17:27,740 off together sometimes being cautious 307 00:17:22,490 --> 00:17:29,360 just isn't worth it hmm I envy the 308 00:17:27,740 --> 00:17:31,280 relationship the three of you seemed to 309 00:17:29,360 --> 00:17:33,290 have I hope I'll be able to gain your 310 00:17:31,280 --> 00:17:35,990 trust enough for you to accept me too 311 00:17:33,290 --> 00:17:37,909 well we should get going we've got to 312 00:17:35,990 --> 00:17:40,420 start being more careful there are oils 313 00:17:37,910 --> 00:17:40,420 everywhere 314 00:17:49,070 --> 00:17:53,919 I hope Jazmin found a safe place to 315 00:17:51,470 --> 00:17:53,920 sleep tonight 316 00:18:41,789 --> 00:18:47,169 look there's smoke let's go check it out 317 00:18:44,589 --> 00:18:50,379 no wait they could be old yeah but it 318 00:18:47,169 --> 00:18:52,979 could be Jasman even if it is her don't 319 00:18:50,379 --> 00:18:52,978 let your guard down 320 00:18:58,320 --> 00:19:06,029 just carve the boss's name here is that 321 00:19:01,419 --> 00:19:06,029 right yeah 322 00:19:14,180 --> 00:19:18,740 I can't believe it they're acting like 323 00:19:16,880 --> 00:19:20,660 gray guards branding houses they've just 324 00:19:18,740 --> 00:19:22,550 pillaged they're making sure people know 325 00:19:20,660 --> 00:19:24,620 this is their territory they want to 326 00:19:22,550 --> 00:19:26,270 make it clear that they rule here you 327 00:19:24,620 --> 00:19:27,679 mean instead of the Shadow Lord you 328 00:19:26,270 --> 00:19:29,600 think they'd really risk their lives to 329 00:19:27,680 --> 00:19:31,250 do that if you think about it these guys 330 00:19:29,600 --> 00:19:32,929 are another resistance group I bet they 331 00:19:31,250 --> 00:19:35,630 hate the gray guards as much as we do 332 00:19:32,930 --> 00:19:36,950 I don't care huh everyone's suffering 333 00:19:35,630 --> 00:19:38,390 enough already 334 00:19:36,950 --> 00:19:40,040 who do they think they are stealing 335 00:19:38,390 --> 00:19:46,130 people's stuff and destroying their 336 00:19:40,040 --> 00:19:50,240 lives I can't stand these guys what are 337 00:19:46,130 --> 00:19:57,590 you doing what was that what I thought 338 00:19:50,240 --> 00:20:00,010 we left those survivors in his town you 339 00:19:57,590 --> 00:20:00,010 paper 340 00:20:02,580 --> 00:20:05,639 why you 341 00:20:16,500 --> 00:20:23,050 this isn't over you know you better come 342 00:20:21,790 --> 00:20:25,360 back with more friends 343 00:20:23,050 --> 00:20:27,909 yeah keep running don't they see that 344 00:20:25,360 --> 00:20:31,479 we're all people why can't everyone just 345 00:20:27,910 --> 00:20:33,780 live together in peace what are you 346 00:20:31,480 --> 00:20:33,780 doing 347 00:20:34,710 --> 00:20:43,750 got it out of your system 348 00:20:37,110 --> 00:20:48,540 yeah I guess so once it was a no leo 349 00:20:43,750 --> 00:20:52,420 jolly Wally Oh leo once a lozano leo 350 00:20:48,540 --> 00:20:55,750 fearsome as could be I said to that Oh 351 00:20:52,420 --> 00:20:59,140 Leo jolly Wally Oh leo 352 00:20:55,750 --> 00:21:02,590 I said to that only oh you don't bother 353 00:20:59,140 --> 00:21:07,210 me Holly Warlow leo 354 00:21:02,590 --> 00:21:11,429 Charlie wobbly Oh leo Colly wobbly 355 00:21:07,210 --> 00:21:11,430 you don't bother me