1 00:00:46,370 --> 00:00:51,449 my name is Lee and I'm on a quest with 2 00:00:49,050 --> 00:00:52,890 my two friends jasmine and Barda we're 3 00:00:51,450 --> 00:00:54,960 searching for the missing gems of the 4 00:00:52,890 --> 00:00:57,150 belt of Deltora we've only got two more 5 00:00:54,960 --> 00:00:59,309 left to find but now the evil Shadow 6 00:00:57,150 --> 00:01:01,110 Lord knows of our quest he's after a man 7 00:00:59,309 --> 00:01:03,419 a boy and a wild girl with a black bird 8 00:01:01,110 --> 00:01:06,410 why do they always say wild girl just 9 00:01:03,420 --> 00:01:09,720 cuz I'm independent doesn't make me wild 10 00:01:06,410 --> 00:01:11,610 all I know is our quest just got more 11 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:13,229 dangerous right now we're heading 12 00:01:11,610 --> 00:01:16,369 towards the maze of the Beast where the 13 00:01:13,229 --> 00:01:16,369 sixth gem is hidden 14 00:01:22,080 --> 00:01:31,270 once it was an olio jolly Wally Oh leo 15 00:01:27,460 --> 00:01:36,250 what it was a no leo Piersol as could be 16 00:01:31,270 --> 00:01:47,259 I said to that only Oh jolly I know that 17 00:01:36,250 --> 00:01:50,049 else I said well well what you doing 18 00:01:47,259 --> 00:01:51,610 here all by yourself Master Dane how 19 00:01:50,049 --> 00:01:52,270 many times do I have to tell you to stop 20 00:01:51,610 --> 00:01:54,310 calling me that 21 00:01:52,270 --> 00:01:57,520 it's just Dane haven't you noticed I'm 22 00:01:54,310 --> 00:02:03,850 not a kid anymore whatever you say 23 00:01:57,520 --> 00:02:06,190 master ding all the towns along the 24 00:02:03,850 --> 00:02:08,649 river are abandoned like this there's 25 00:02:06,190 --> 00:02:11,140 absolutely no business for someone like 26 00:02:08,649 --> 00:02:12,790 me just can't get a break 27 00:02:11,140 --> 00:02:14,559 well you're in luck cuz I'd like to buy 28 00:02:12,790 --> 00:02:16,959 something from you we could buy a few 29 00:02:14,560 --> 00:02:18,730 things too hmm what are the chances of 30 00:02:16,959 --> 00:02:20,530 bumping into you I'm a bit surprised 31 00:02:18,730 --> 00:02:22,450 that you and Dane know each other yeah 32 00:02:20,530 --> 00:02:24,190 we don't see each other often but I'm 33 00:02:22,450 --> 00:02:26,560 always honored to meet any friend of 34 00:02:24,190 --> 00:02:29,040 young Dane here I hope I've got you 35 00:02:26,560 --> 00:02:33,100 gentlemen are looking for 36 00:02:29,040 --> 00:02:35,640 welcome to snn be fine where's bought 37 00:02:33,100 --> 00:02:35,640 and sold 38 00:02:41,260 --> 00:02:50,709 oh wow snn be fine where's bought and 39 00:02:47,739 --> 00:02:52,810 sold just like you said we've got 40 00:02:50,709 --> 00:02:55,060 everything from clothing fit for royalty 41 00:02:52,810 --> 00:02:57,549 to leather wallets to fancy little 42 00:02:55,060 --> 00:03:00,310 knickknacks oh go on have a look try 43 00:02:57,549 --> 00:03:04,870 things on find what you need how much do 44 00:03:00,310 --> 00:03:07,720 you want for this beautiful pendant well 45 00:03:04,870 --> 00:03:10,060 as master Dane got himself a girlfriend 46 00:03:07,720 --> 00:03:12,340 why would you say that maybe I just want 47 00:03:10,060 --> 00:03:14,769 to buy the thing for myself now no need 48 00:03:12,340 --> 00:03:16,390 to get worked up if you did find true 49 00:03:14,769 --> 00:03:18,879 love can't blame me for being a little 50 00:03:16,390 --> 00:03:21,159 curious right wait a minute Dean do you 51 00:03:18,879 --> 00:03:22,690 even wear pendants no not really 52 00:03:21,159 --> 00:03:24,310 I actually am getting it for someone 53 00:03:22,690 --> 00:03:27,190 else and who would that be 54 00:03:24,310 --> 00:03:40,269 have you got anyone to buy something for 55 00:03:27,190 --> 00:03:43,239 huh well what's in this purple bag very 56 00:03:40,269 --> 00:03:46,510 fine toffee really popular that's why 57 00:03:43,239 --> 00:03:48,310 I've only got one bag of it left Jasmine 58 00:03:46,510 --> 00:03:50,769 would probably like some I mean who 59 00:03:48,310 --> 00:03:54,699 doesn't like toffee I'd like to buy this 60 00:03:50,769 --> 00:03:57,760 a wise choice enjoy how much you asking 61 00:03:54,699 --> 00:04:01,389 for the belt well I see you're a man of 62 00:03:57,760 --> 00:04:05,918 fine taste but that might be just a bit 63 00:04:01,389 --> 00:04:09,220 snug on you oh no it's not for me it's a 64 00:04:05,919 --> 00:04:11,349 gift for someone thank you kindly sir I 65 00:04:09,220 --> 00:04:14,680 hate to say it but that might be too big 66 00:04:11,349 --> 00:04:16,779 for jasmine I know it's for you huh 67 00:04:14,680 --> 00:04:18,070 the belts for me it's a reward for 68 00:04:16,779 --> 00:04:20,768 having made it this far 69 00:04:18,070 --> 00:04:24,150 well thanks Barda I take it then the 70 00:04:20,769 --> 00:04:24,150 three of you are finished shopping 71 00:04:24,190 --> 00:04:26,250 you 72 00:04:26,760 --> 00:04:34,140 I love how his card folds up like that 73 00:04:29,580 --> 00:04:36,870 smart design oh no it's fun master Danes 74 00:04:34,140 --> 00:04:39,860 a friend of ours remember what ma always 75 00:04:36,870 --> 00:04:42,930 says never make a profit off of friends 76 00:04:39,860 --> 00:04:45,030 hmm that's a little creepy I wonder what 77 00:04:42,930 --> 00:04:46,650 he's mumbling about I don't know it 78 00:04:45,030 --> 00:04:48,599 sounds like he's talking to someone else 79 00:04:46,650 --> 00:04:50,460 of course we're not gonna make any money 80 00:04:48,600 --> 00:04:52,860 here look around this town's been 81 00:04:50,460 --> 00:04:57,330 pillaged by pirates too let's just move 82 00:04:52,860 --> 00:05:01,950 on nevus yeah it does uh huh nervous 83 00:04:57,330 --> 00:05:03,270 negative well gentlemen thanks again it 84 00:05:01,950 --> 00:05:05,280 really has been a pleasure doing 85 00:05:03,270 --> 00:05:06,719 business with you today so where are you 86 00:05:05,280 --> 00:05:08,909 heading from here Steven if you don't 87 00:05:06,720 --> 00:05:10,200 mind me asking I think I can trust you 88 00:05:08,910 --> 00:05:11,850 so I'll let you in on a little secret 89 00:05:10,200 --> 00:05:14,670 I've got a rendezvous with the 90 00:05:11,850 --> 00:05:17,700 resistance ah which reminds me I almost 91 00:05:14,670 --> 00:05:19,680 forgot compliments of queen bee yourself 92 00:05:17,700 --> 00:05:22,740 I hope it comes in handy during your 93 00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:26,690 travels young Dame I know it will thanks 94 00:05:22,740 --> 00:05:30,120 Steven queen bee makes that stuff Shh 95 00:05:26,690 --> 00:05:32,280 why don't we keep that between us you 96 00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:35,490 bye and safe travels I'm sure our paths 97 00:05:32,280 --> 00:05:38,969 will cross again one day once it was an 98 00:05:35,490 --> 00:05:40,680 olio jolly Wally oh-lee oh-lee queen bee 99 00:05:38,970 --> 00:05:42,870 honey was only made in small amounts at 100 00:05:40,680 --> 00:05:45,120 that orchard just outside of Richmond so 101 00:05:42,870 --> 00:05:46,680 why is Steven giving it away that's 102 00:05:45,120 --> 00:05:51,630 because even is the son of the orchard 103 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:54,530 owner oh personís really that grumpy 104 00:05:51,630 --> 00:05:57,180 old lady has family 105 00:05:54,530 --> 00:06:00,869 he seems like a really nice guy but he 106 00:05:57,180 --> 00:06:02,190 is a little odd yeah kind of come on I 107 00:06:00,870 --> 00:06:03,870 think we've spent enough time in this 108 00:06:02,190 --> 00:06:08,060 ghost town Jasmine's probably way ahead 109 00:06:03,870 --> 00:06:08,060 of us by now mm-hmm 110 00:06:19,860 --> 00:06:24,880 Wow the rivers a lot wider than when we 111 00:06:22,660 --> 00:06:26,290 started out that's good we must be 112 00:06:24,880 --> 00:06:28,510 getting closer to its mouth which is 113 00:06:26,290 --> 00:06:29,740 where we want to go that means it 114 00:06:28,510 --> 00:06:33,310 shouldn't take much longer to get to 115 00:06:29,740 --> 00:06:35,200 Turin now great this is exactly what I 116 00:06:33,310 --> 00:06:39,730 needed to get my energy up what about 117 00:06:35,200 --> 00:06:41,170 you wanna race master Dane hey I thought 118 00:06:39,730 --> 00:06:55,450 it made it perfectly clear that I don't 119 00:06:41,170 --> 00:06:57,580 like being called master I wonder where 120 00:06:55,450 --> 00:06:59,940 Jasmine is I hope she found a safe place 121 00:06:57,580 --> 00:06:59,940 to rest 122 00:07:00,120 --> 00:07:04,270 she's probably way down the river she 123 00:07:02,740 --> 00:07:07,210 got a good head start and we've had a 124 00:07:04,270 --> 00:07:08,830 few delays along the way that's true but 125 00:07:07,210 --> 00:07:11,020 I bet she's getting pretty lonely by now 126 00:07:08,830 --> 00:07:14,859 it's been two days she's always got 127 00:07:11,020 --> 00:07:16,570 curry in Philly yeah yeah I know and I 128 00:07:14,860 --> 00:07:22,040 know that she's close to them but it's 129 00:07:16,570 --> 00:07:26,180 just not the same I know 130 00:07:22,040 --> 00:07:33,050 ah that reminds me Dane would you like 131 00:07:26,180 --> 00:07:39,650 some toffee oh he's asleep I bet these 132 00:07:33,050 --> 00:07:41,330 are really good mmm they're disgusting 133 00:07:39,650 --> 00:07:44,239 serves you right for buying something 134 00:07:41,330 --> 00:07:46,130 you know nothing about yeah 135 00:07:44,240 --> 00:07:47,750 but Stephen said it was top quality 136 00:07:46,130 --> 00:07:49,280 toffee he said the reason he only had 137 00:07:47,750 --> 00:07:50,960 one bag left was cuz they're really 138 00:07:49,280 --> 00:07:54,289 popular but did you hear what he said 139 00:07:50,960 --> 00:07:57,020 after that no popular with one or two 140 00:07:54,290 --> 00:07:58,660 people anyway sorry to break it to you 141 00:07:57,020 --> 00:08:01,159 thanks a lot 142 00:07:58,660 --> 00:08:01,670 leaf come here there's something I need 143 00:08:01,160 --> 00:08:07,490 to show you 144 00:08:01,670 --> 00:08:10,700 hmm there's actually a good reason why I 145 00:08:07,490 --> 00:08:14,600 got this for you I was thinking we could 146 00:08:10,700 --> 00:08:16,430 hide the belt of Deltora inside it it's 147 00:08:14,600 --> 00:08:17,660 not that I don't trust Dane I just don't 148 00:08:16,430 --> 00:08:21,370 think it had hurt to be extra careful 149 00:08:17,660 --> 00:08:21,370 while we travel with him mm-hmm 150 00:08:28,599 --> 00:08:35,439 there now nobody will be the wiser 151 00:08:31,490 --> 00:08:35,440 it's a bit bulky but it should be fine 152 00:08:50,040 --> 00:08:54,280 well this isn't good looks like we're 153 00:08:52,450 --> 00:08:55,870 heading into mud flats I don't know 154 00:08:54,280 --> 00:08:58,750 about you but I don't want to walk in 155 00:08:55,870 --> 00:09:03,690 that yeah would that said there's really 156 00:08:58,750 --> 00:09:09,820 not much choice here goes Oh Barda and 157 00:09:03,690 --> 00:09:12,700 now I'm stuck it's no good 158 00:09:09,820 --> 00:09:20,410 I can't move an inch grab my hand sorry 159 00:09:12,700 --> 00:09:22,360 about this it's okay and pull I'm 160 00:09:20,410 --> 00:09:31,030 thinking it's time for Plan B I sure 161 00:09:22,360 --> 00:09:32,800 don't want to try that again well this 162 00:09:31,030 --> 00:09:34,839 isn't gonna work either going over the 163 00:09:32,800 --> 00:09:36,939 mountain is gonna take us too long yeah 164 00:09:34,840 --> 00:09:39,930 but what are we gonna do maybe we should 165 00:09:36,940 --> 00:09:42,950 go back down to that village 166 00:09:39,930 --> 00:09:47,160 I've got a better idea check this out 167 00:09:42,950 --> 00:09:49,440 the river Queen doc what makes you think 168 00:09:47,160 --> 00:09:51,000 this boat is still operating why not I'm 169 00:09:49,440 --> 00:09:52,830 sure we're not the only ones wanting to 170 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:54,570 travel down the river I don't know I've 171 00:09:52,830 --> 00:09:56,670 never heard of the River Queen before 172 00:09:54,570 --> 00:09:58,320 this could be perfect for us it'd be 173 00:09:56,670 --> 00:09:59,130 much faster than walking and a lot more 174 00:09:58,320 --> 00:10:01,170 fun too 175 00:09:59,130 --> 00:10:03,590 come on what do you say it can't hurt to 176 00:10:01,170 --> 00:10:03,589 try it 177 00:10:17,649 --> 00:10:23,029 we've been waiting for a long time you'd 178 00:10:21,799 --> 00:10:25,399 think there'd be some sort of schedule 179 00:10:23,029 --> 00:10:26,479 posted I'm beginning to wonder if this 180 00:10:25,399 --> 00:10:28,549 is such a good idea 181 00:10:26,479 --> 00:10:30,349 I mean for all we know there could be 182 00:10:28,549 --> 00:10:32,720 only one boat a week and it already came 183 00:10:30,349 --> 00:10:34,339 yesterday I feel like we're probably 184 00:10:32,720 --> 00:10:36,769 just wasting our time here 185 00:10:34,339 --> 00:10:38,989 exactly or maybe the whole thing is just 186 00:10:36,769 --> 00:10:40,429 an elaborate trap they put up this dock 187 00:10:38,989 --> 00:10:43,369 and that sign and wait for people like 188 00:10:40,429 --> 00:10:45,919 Leif shoulda left you back in that swamp 189 00:10:43,369 --> 00:10:47,569 Barta anyway we'll have to get going at 190 00:10:45,919 --> 00:10:49,728 some point you two we can't wait here 191 00:10:47,569 --> 00:10:52,059 forever yeah I know let's just wait a 192 00:10:49,729 --> 00:10:52,059 little longer 193 00:10:54,609 --> 00:11:00,699 what is it did you see something no but 194 00:10:57,739 --> 00:11:00,699 I think I heard something 195 00:11:02,060 --> 00:11:06,219 yeah now I'm starting to hear it too 196 00:11:10,150 --> 00:11:13,660 well well 197 00:11:18,860 --> 00:11:23,020 look I was right it's the River Queen 198 00:11:36,690 --> 00:11:41,050 well you three are surprised I haven't 199 00:11:39,220 --> 00:11:42,970 seen anybody on this dog for years now 200 00:11:41,050 --> 00:11:45,790 you got money to pay for the ride 201 00:11:42,970 --> 00:11:48,130 yes of course we do hmm how far down the 202 00:11:45,790 --> 00:11:49,630 river do you want to go well my eldest 203 00:11:48,130 --> 00:11:54,010 son and I have some business to take 204 00:11:49,630 --> 00:11:55,840 care of on the coast and let me guess 205 00:11:54,010 --> 00:11:57,460 you're not able to disclose the nature 206 00:11:55,840 --> 00:11:59,730 of this business right don't take it the 207 00:11:57,460 --> 00:12:02,920 wrong way but it is private yeah 208 00:11:59,730 --> 00:12:04,750 easy big guy I was only kidding you 209 00:12:02,920 --> 00:12:06,819 don't have to tell me anything I'm only 210 00:12:04,750 --> 00:12:08,830 interested in your money you pay you're 211 00:12:06,820 --> 00:12:12,370 on board you can't pay a levy on the 212 00:12:08,830 --> 00:12:12,700 dock it's really that simple that'll do 213 00:12:12,370 --> 00:12:14,830 it 214 00:12:12,700 --> 00:12:16,420 by the way I want to drop my other son 215 00:12:14,830 --> 00:12:18,910 off at Tora will that be a problem 216 00:12:16,420 --> 00:12:21,010 what are you serious don't you know you 217 00:12:18,910 --> 00:12:22,449 can't get there by boat anymore they've 218 00:12:21,010 --> 00:12:25,390 closed down their docks 219 00:12:22,450 --> 00:12:26,860 is that so then he'll just have to get 220 00:12:25,390 --> 00:12:29,380 off at the closest stop and walk the 221 00:12:26,860 --> 00:12:33,160 rest of the way okay well welcome aboard 222 00:12:29,380 --> 00:12:34,810 the River Queen ah there are two rules I 223 00:12:33,160 --> 00:12:37,360 gotta tell you before you get on board 224 00:12:34,810 --> 00:12:39,280 first I'm the captain of the ship not 225 00:12:37,360 --> 00:12:41,230 your bodyguard you get into a scrap 226 00:12:39,280 --> 00:12:43,150 don't look at me for help you got to be 227 00:12:41,230 --> 00:12:46,090 able to protect yourselves we can do 228 00:12:43,150 --> 00:12:47,860 that secondly if your all's it's not a 229 00:12:46,090 --> 00:12:49,810 problem it's none of my business and I 230 00:12:47,860 --> 00:12:50,710 don't care why would you think that any 231 00:12:49,810 --> 00:12:52,719 of us are old 232 00:12:50,710 --> 00:12:54,430 calm down sport all I'm saying is that 233 00:12:52,720 --> 00:12:56,680 no matter who you are if you pay you're 234 00:12:54,430 --> 00:12:58,449 welcome aboard the River Queen unless of 235 00:12:56,680 --> 00:13:00,250 course you start hassling any of my 236 00:12:58,450 --> 00:13:01,780 other passengers then I'll have to throw 237 00:13:00,250 --> 00:13:04,170 you overboard and feed you to the 238 00:13:01,780 --> 00:13:06,370 serpent fish that's always fun to watch 239 00:13:04,170 --> 00:13:07,630 you've got nothing to worry about coz 240 00:13:06,370 --> 00:13:10,600 we're not old and we're not gonna be 241 00:13:07,630 --> 00:13:15,360 bothering anyone hmm that's what they 242 00:13:10,600 --> 00:13:15,360 all say kid yeah I guess they would 243 00:13:27,930 --> 00:13:38,770 hmm hey hey that monkey took some of my 244 00:13:34,150 --> 00:13:40,030 toffee jetsam polly pan not a monkey so 245 00:13:38,770 --> 00:13:42,569 of course he checked to see what's in 246 00:13:40,030 --> 00:13:42,569 your pockets 247 00:13:52,470 --> 00:13:56,940 have you ever heard of Pauli pans no but 248 00:13:55,290 --> 00:13:59,279 I think we saw some of them in rithmere 249 00:13:56,940 --> 00:14:00,629 collecting money for the performers huh 250 00:13:59,279 --> 00:14:02,699 I bet it was doing more than just 251 00:14:00,629 --> 00:14:04,440 collecting money Paulie pans are 252 00:14:02,699 --> 00:14:06,359 pickpockets they can steal the shirt off 253 00:14:04,440 --> 00:14:07,259 your back without you even noticing no 254 00:14:06,360 --> 00:14:09,540 kidding huh 255 00:14:07,259 --> 00:14:11,519 yeah the fact the captain has a Polly 256 00:14:09,540 --> 00:14:13,889 pen as a pet makes me think this isn't 257 00:14:11,519 --> 00:14:15,300 gonna be an easy ride for us I kind of 258 00:14:13,889 --> 00:14:17,370 figured that at the very beginning when 259 00:14:15,300 --> 00:14:18,870 he accused us of being old I wouldn't 260 00:14:17,370 --> 00:14:20,670 worry too much about that if I were you 261 00:14:18,870 --> 00:14:22,829 the captain said the same thing to us 262 00:14:20,670 --> 00:14:25,500 when we came on boy how do you do 263 00:14:22,829 --> 00:14:27,540 gentlemen my name is Sandra and this is 264 00:14:25,500 --> 00:14:27,959 my dear husband James has you to meet 265 00:14:27,540 --> 00:14:29,730 you 266 00:14:27,959 --> 00:14:32,099 we're here on our honeymoon we just got 267 00:14:29,730 --> 00:14:34,290 married yesterday congratulations I'm 268 00:14:32,100 --> 00:14:36,600 Gordon and these two boys are my sons 269 00:14:34,290 --> 00:14:40,800 this is Henry and his little brother 270 00:14:36,600 --> 00:14:42,180 Edward well wonderful names and you two 271 00:14:40,800 --> 00:14:50,849 seem like a couple of very handsome 272 00:14:42,180 --> 00:14:53,579 well-mannered boys uh thanks your 273 00:14:50,850 --> 00:15:12,750 service this is for all music lovers out 274 00:14:53,579 --> 00:15:14,339 there this is a much better way to 275 00:15:12,750 --> 00:15:16,500 travel than having to walk through the 276 00:15:14,339 --> 00:15:17,639 mud I seem to remember someone making 277 00:15:16,500 --> 00:15:21,540 fun of me for wanting to wait on the 278 00:15:17,639 --> 00:15:23,670 dock yeah you were right the problem is 279 00:15:21,540 --> 00:15:26,219 what if there are oles on board this 280 00:15:23,670 --> 00:15:28,079 ship well let's think if it's true that 281 00:15:26,220 --> 00:15:29,699 they usually travel in pairs there are a 282 00:15:28,079 --> 00:15:32,489 few passengers we should be careful 283 00:15:29,699 --> 00:15:34,769 there's the newlyweds Sandra and James 284 00:15:32,490 --> 00:15:36,620 and then those two card players but the 285 00:15:34,769 --> 00:15:39,120 others seem to be traveling on their own 286 00:15:36,620 --> 00:15:41,339 doom said there are oles that can take 287 00:15:39,120 --> 00:15:44,250 the shape of objects too that's a good 288 00:15:41,339 --> 00:15:46,440 point so we should keep an eye on that 289 00:15:44,250 --> 00:15:48,509 musician in his accordion 290 00:15:46,440 --> 00:15:52,529 and then there's that lady sitting on 291 00:15:48,509 --> 00:15:53,579 the bench with her parasol no no she 292 00:15:52,529 --> 00:15:55,319 doesn't worry me 293 00:15:53,579 --> 00:15:57,870 she seems pretty well-bred looks like 294 00:15:55,319 --> 00:16:00,120 she comes from a wealthy family yeah 295 00:15:57,870 --> 00:16:01,800 have you already forgotten how Marie and 296 00:16:00,120 --> 00:16:03,389 I two tricked you bowls we'll do 297 00:16:01,800 --> 00:16:04,920 whatever it takes for you to not suspect 298 00:16:03,389 --> 00:16:06,949 them that way they can catch you off 299 00:16:04,920 --> 00:16:06,949 guard 300 00:16:12,150 --> 00:16:15,569 that's the case then the most suspicious 301 00:16:13,589 --> 00:16:17,670 passenger is actually that lady in the 302 00:16:15,570 --> 00:16:21,480 purple shawl I probably would have let 303 00:16:17,670 --> 00:16:23,279 my guard down around her but the way the 304 00:16:21,480 --> 00:16:24,630 captain talked about oles it seems like 305 00:16:23,279 --> 00:16:26,070 he's dealt with them before so I think 306 00:16:24,630 --> 00:16:27,960 we'll be safe as long as we're on the 307 00:16:26,070 --> 00:16:29,700 boat don't forget his first rule though 308 00:16:27,960 --> 00:16:31,940 we shouldn't count on him to do anything 309 00:16:29,700 --> 00:16:34,770 if we're attacked oh yeah you're right 310 00:16:31,940 --> 00:16:42,589 in any case we just need to be careful 311 00:16:34,770 --> 00:16:42,589 keep our eyes open paws off 312 00:16:53,939 --> 00:16:57,539 I think it was a mistake Jasmine 313 00:16:56,099 --> 00:16:59,759 shouldn't have gone off on her own she 314 00:16:57,539 --> 00:17:01,139 should have stayed with us I agree I 315 00:16:59,759 --> 00:17:03,209 mean after all they're looking for a 316 00:17:01,139 --> 00:17:04,289 group of three not four maybe need 317 00:17:03,209 --> 00:17:06,928 joining you guys would have been enough 318 00:17:04,289 --> 00:17:08,759 to throw them off well I guess there's 319 00:17:06,929 --> 00:17:10,970 no point worrying about it what's done 320 00:17:08,759 --> 00:17:10,970 is done 321 00:17:20,099 --> 00:17:25,240 I'm sorry Leif but I had to push you 322 00:17:23,140 --> 00:17:27,190 you almost got chomped by a serpent fish 323 00:17:25,240 --> 00:17:28,660 I don't think you realize how high those 324 00:17:27,190 --> 00:17:40,000 things can jump out of the water 325 00:17:28,660 --> 00:17:42,660 really hmm you see I was just trying to 326 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:42,660 help you out Oh 327 00:17:44,550 --> 00:17:59,190 are you okay no hard feelings right of 328 00:17:47,610 --> 00:18:00,719 course not hey thanks a lot Dame folks 329 00:17:59,190 --> 00:18:03,060 we've dropped anchor for the night 330 00:18:00,720 --> 00:18:04,920 please make yourself comfortable and do 331 00:18:03,060 --> 00:18:16,050 as you like and enjoy the evening until 332 00:18:04,920 --> 00:18:17,220 lights out I have a feeling that the 333 00:18:16,050 --> 00:18:19,649 polly pan is gonna be up to no good 334 00:18:17,220 --> 00:18:22,410 tonight we should watch our stuff yeah 335 00:18:19,650 --> 00:18:25,110 that's a good idea is something the 336 00:18:22,410 --> 00:18:26,760 matter well I'm really starting to think 337 00:18:25,110 --> 00:18:30,090 that the lady with the umbrella isn't 338 00:18:26,760 --> 00:18:31,800 all why do you say that I've noticed 339 00:18:30,090 --> 00:18:33,290 that she keeps looking over at us like 340 00:18:31,800 --> 00:18:35,340 she's keeping an eye on what we're up to 341 00:18:33,290 --> 00:18:37,950 you know I was thinking the same thing 342 00:18:35,340 --> 00:18:39,510 I've seen her doing that too really so 343 00:18:37,950 --> 00:18:39,930 now you think she's an OL what should we 344 00:18:39,510 --> 00:18:44,750 do 345 00:18:39,930 --> 00:18:44,750 Oh belief yeah 346 00:18:45,450 --> 00:18:50,310 how dare you accuse me of being in all I 347 00:18:47,790 --> 00:18:54,560 leave you guys alone for a few days and 348 00:18:50,310 --> 00:18:57,870 you're already calling me a monster Jam 349 00:18:54,560 --> 00:19:00,899 mmm-hmm you boys have a very nice night 350 00:18:57,870 --> 00:19:03,649 and I hope you sleep well you too miss 351 00:19:00,900 --> 00:19:03,650 good night ma'am 352 00:19:04,510 --> 00:19:08,650 I didn't recognize her I wonder where 353 00:19:07,120 --> 00:19:11,139 she got all those fancy clothes from 354 00:19:08,650 --> 00:19:13,740 maybe she ran into Steven along the way 355 00:19:11,140 --> 00:19:13,740 like we did 356 00:19:14,580 --> 00:19:29,129 Oh Dane where are you going just going 357 00:19:18,179 --> 00:19:34,440 for a walk hmm hmm excuse me miss would 358 00:19:29,130 --> 00:19:36,390 you mind if I sat here uh I'm glad 359 00:19:34,440 --> 00:19:38,640 you're all right I was really worried 360 00:19:36,390 --> 00:19:40,380 about you okay but this isn't right 361 00:19:38,640 --> 00:19:43,019 we're supposed to be strangers what if 362 00:19:40,380 --> 00:19:44,519 someone notices us I know it's just 363 00:19:43,019 --> 00:19:50,210 there's something I wanted to give you 364 00:19:44,519 --> 00:19:52,260 huh it's a present I hope you like it oh 365 00:19:50,210 --> 00:19:56,450 it's so pretty 366 00:19:52,260 --> 00:19:56,450 Thank You Dane here let me put it on 367 00:19:59,700 --> 00:20:05,190 Wow it looks good on you Jasmine thanks 368 00:20:02,670 --> 00:20:09,800 it's really nice you could learn a thing 369 00:20:05,190 --> 00:20:09,800 or do leaf shut up 370 00:20:11,250 --> 00:20:19,140 I was a bit nervous I thought she 371 00:20:14,880 --> 00:20:21,870 wouldn't like it well it does look good 372 00:20:19,140 --> 00:20:23,850 on her all right everyone listen up I'm 373 00:20:21,870 --> 00:20:32,429 gonna be turning the lights out sleep 374 00:20:23,850 --> 00:20:34,560 tight now oh sure he says that and then 375 00:20:32,430 --> 00:20:36,900 he locks himself in his quarters that 376 00:20:34,560 --> 00:20:38,280 doesn't seem right well he did warn us 377 00:20:36,900 --> 00:20:41,090 from the beginning that we'd have to be 378 00:20:38,280 --> 00:20:41,090 able to protect ourselves 379 00:21:12,749 --> 00:21:19,889 I sure did 380 00:21:16,239 --> 00:21:19,889 I got a bad feeling about this