1 00:00:00,439 --> 00:00:06,670 the kingdom of Deltora is shrouded 2 00:00:03,950 --> 00:00:09,469 darkness 3 00:00:06,670 --> 00:00:11,420 there once was a time when the belt of 4 00:00:09,469 --> 00:00:12,260 Deltora protected the kingdom from such 5 00:00:11,420 --> 00:00:15,290 evil 6 00:00:12,260 --> 00:00:17,300 it was odd in the first king who forged 7 00:00:15,290 --> 00:00:21,110 the belt and affixed the seven tribal 8 00:00:17,300 --> 00:00:23,420 gems to it each gem had a unique in 9 00:00:21,110 --> 00:00:29,029 magical part and United they made 10 00:00:23,420 --> 00:00:31,250 Deltora unconquerable however the gems 11 00:00:29,029 --> 00:00:34,600 were stolen and scattered to seven of 12 00:00:31,250 --> 00:00:37,489 the most dangerous places in the land 13 00:00:34,600 --> 00:00:39,739 this was the doing of the evil Shadow 14 00:00:37,489 --> 00:00:43,370 Lord who then conquered and ruled the 15 00:00:39,739 --> 00:00:46,669 land by terror it is in dark hours that 16 00:00:43,370 --> 00:00:49,038 true hope and courage are born out of 17 00:00:46,670 --> 00:00:51,410 this despair a boy would step forward to 18 00:00:49,039 --> 00:00:54,500 defy the Shadow Lord and search for the 19 00:00:51,410 --> 00:00:58,989 seven gems these are the adventures of 20 00:00:54,500 --> 00:00:58,989 lief Barda and jasmine 21 00:01:46,810 --> 00:01:53,180 recent barter challenge gold the golden 22 00:01:49,700 --> 00:01:56,520 Knight of jawless however Barda is no 23 00:01:53,180 --> 00:01:59,410 match for gone and is badly needed 24 00:01:56,520 --> 00:02:01,929 coming to the rescue yet again Jack 25 00:01:59,410 --> 00:02:04,570 manages to defeat Gore with a little 26 00:02:01,930 --> 00:02:07,240 help from an old tree 27 00:02:04,570 --> 00:02:10,660 at last leaf has the first of the seven 28 00:02:07,240 --> 00:02:13,180 gems the Topaz this talisman reveals to 29 00:02:10,660 --> 00:02:15,579 Jasmine her destiny to join lief and 30 00:02:13,180 --> 00:02:17,410 Barda on their quest together they 31 00:02:15,580 --> 00:02:20,340 traveled towards the realm of the 32 00:02:17,410 --> 00:02:20,340 sorceress Dain 33 00:02:26,610 --> 00:02:34,120 until pass was taken follow I most 34 00:02:32,560 --> 00:02:36,400 humbly apologize my boy 35 00:02:34,120 --> 00:02:38,560 recover the jacket once and bring those 36 00:02:36,400 --> 00:02:42,150 who stole from me back here's why they 37 00:02:38,560 --> 00:02:42,150 punish them mercilessly 38 00:02:55,709 --> 00:02:59,970 looks like the rivers going to flood 39 00:03:00,930 --> 00:03:05,970 afraid of a little thunder huh what a 40 00:03:03,400 --> 00:03:05,970 big baby 41 00:03:15,800 --> 00:03:19,890 jazzmin 42 00:03:17,010 --> 00:03:21,299 you're not still mad are you it's crazy 43 00:03:19,890 --> 00:03:23,519 to go through the land to the north 44 00:03:21,300 --> 00:03:25,319 we're pretty much begging to run into 45 00:03:23,520 --> 00:03:28,650 the sorceress taken by going this way 46 00:03:25,319 --> 00:03:30,238 yes that may be true but this is the 47 00:03:28,650 --> 00:03:32,400 most direct route to the Lake of tears 48 00:03:30,239 --> 00:03:34,110 but the lake is at the edge of Takens 49 00:03:32,400 --> 00:03:35,550 lands if we come from the south we 50 00:03:34,110 --> 00:03:38,220 wouldn't have to worry about it till the 51 00:03:35,550 --> 00:03:40,620 very end we've discussed this that way 52 00:03:38,220 --> 00:03:42,420 is far too long it will only increase 53 00:03:40,620 --> 00:03:44,310 the chance of us running into great 54 00:03:42,420 --> 00:03:46,109 guards I'm sorry Jasmine but I agree 55 00:03:44,310 --> 00:03:48,480 with Barda about this there will be 56 00:03:46,110 --> 00:03:50,160 danger no matter which path we take so I 57 00:03:48,480 --> 00:03:52,470 think the shortest route is the best way 58 00:03:50,160 --> 00:03:54,750 to go I don't believe it we actually 59 00:03:52,470 --> 00:03:55,640 agree on something so it's two against 60 00:03:54,750 --> 00:03:58,230 one 61 00:03:55,640 --> 00:04:02,579 it looks like lief doesn't know how to 62 00:03:58,230 --> 00:04:04,649 count that makes it three against two 63 00:04:02,580 --> 00:04:07,080 Kree and filli aren't humans they can't 64 00:04:04,650 --> 00:04:08,970 vote on this tagging is 10 times more 65 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:10,860 powerful now than before the Shadow Lord 66 00:04:08,970 --> 00:04:12,750 has only made her stronger now she's 67 00:04:10,860 --> 00:04:14,760 just full of fana tea and wickedness if 68 00:04:12,750 --> 00:04:16,649 we keep going on this path the quest 69 00:04:14,760 --> 00:04:18,750 will be over before we even get to the 70 00:04:16,649 --> 00:04:21,089 lake but we don't really have a choice 71 00:04:18,750 --> 00:04:25,220 look we're certain that one of the gems 72 00:04:21,089 --> 00:04:25,219 we seek is hidden at the lake of Tears 73 00:04:27,140 --> 00:04:30,570 Jasmine has lived on her own for a very 74 00:04:29,460 --> 00:04:32,700 long time now 75 00:04:30,570 --> 00:04:34,909 it will slowly haze not accustomed to 76 00:04:32,700 --> 00:04:37,130 making decisions that involve others 77 00:04:34,910 --> 00:04:40,570 yeah yeah I get all that but it doesn't 78 00:04:37,130 --> 00:04:40,570 mean she has to be so stubborn 79 00:04:42,310 --> 00:04:53,300 apparently greed takes offense to that 80 00:04:44,690 --> 00:04:55,460 comment what of you sure is peaceful 81 00:04:53,300 --> 00:04:57,730 animals that live here don't think it's 82 00:04:55,460 --> 00:04:57,729 peaceful 83 00:05:03,310 --> 00:05:10,510 what is that I don't know but whatever 84 00:05:06,650 --> 00:05:10,510 it is it seems to be blocking the bridge 85 00:05:13,480 --> 00:05:30,650 wait by the look of him I don't think 86 00:05:17,720 --> 00:05:34,970 this giant wants to attack us joint is 87 00:05:30,650 --> 00:05:37,219 he maybe want to take it you I may have 88 00:05:34,970 --> 00:05:39,350 been forced to guard this vile bridge by 89 00:05:37,220 --> 00:05:46,100 the sorceress taken but I am the 90 00:05:39,350 --> 00:05:48,260 property no it was many years ago I 91 00:05:46,100 --> 00:05:51,050 tried to deceive the witch to save a 92 00:05:48,260 --> 00:05:57,010 friend from being cursed this anger 93 00:05:51,050 --> 00:06:01,040 taken so she found me to this P summer I 94 00:05:57,010 --> 00:06:02,450 am doomed to God this bridge until truth 95 00:06:01,040 --> 00:06:05,180 and lies are one 96 00:06:02,450 --> 00:06:06,409 how can truth and lies ever be one what 97 00:06:05,180 --> 00:06:07,210 you're saying doesn't even make any 98 00:06:06,410 --> 00:06:11,480 sense 99 00:06:07,210 --> 00:06:13,460 excuse me sir Jasmin I can see that 100 00:06:11,480 --> 00:06:16,180 you're a reasonable giant we're enemies 101 00:06:13,460 --> 00:06:22,159 I've taken two please let us pass 102 00:06:16,180 --> 00:06:24,290 Jasmine very well I will tell you a 103 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:26,840 riddle to test your intelligence if you 104 00:06:24,290 --> 00:06:28,730 answer correctly I'll allow you to cross 105 00:06:26,840 --> 00:06:31,438 over the bridge and if we answer 106 00:06:28,730 --> 00:06:33,689 incorrectly I will eliminate you 107 00:06:31,439 --> 00:06:40,559 in your try - here is the riddle that 108 00:06:33,689 --> 00:06:44,159 you must answer change 5 to 3 without 109 00:06:40,559 --> 00:06:46,139 removing any sticks that's impossible 110 00:06:44,159 --> 00:06:48,179 there's no way you can end up with 3 111 00:06:46,139 --> 00:06:51,259 sticks without taking two of the 5 away 112 00:06:48,179 --> 00:06:54,239 boy is right 113 00:06:51,259 --> 00:06:57,679 the question has been asked it must be 114 00:06:54,239 --> 00:07:00,359 answered before all the sand has fallen 115 00:06:57,679 --> 00:07:01,188 there's not much time Barda do you know 116 00:07:00,360 --> 00:07:04,789 the answer 117 00:07:01,189 --> 00:07:04,789 fraid not to leave 118 00:07:06,840 --> 00:07:14,279 change 5 to 3 without removing any 119 00:07:09,910 --> 00:07:18,179 sticks change 5 to 3 120 00:07:14,279 --> 00:07:20,219 I know the answer you said without 121 00:07:18,179 --> 00:07:25,219 removing any sticks but you didn't say 122 00:07:20,219 --> 00:07:25,219 we couldn't move them here is your three 123 00:07:30,949 --> 00:07:39,539 that was very good we pass who you stay 124 00:07:38,909 --> 00:07:41,519 there 125 00:07:39,539 --> 00:07:43,979 only those who solve my riddles are 126 00:07:41,519 --> 00:07:44,669 allowed to cross the bridge Jasmine go 127 00:07:43,979 --> 00:07:48,508 on ahead 128 00:07:44,669 --> 00:07:50,519 your meet on the other side you see be 129 00:07:48,509 --> 00:07:58,729 quite a confident man therefore you will 130 00:07:50,519 --> 00:08:01,949 answer the next arrange these in orange 131 00:07:58,729 --> 00:08:04,010 there's an order I don't know what these 132 00:08:01,949 --> 00:08:06,740 characters me 133 00:08:04,010 --> 00:08:10,090 I've never seen them before perhaps 134 00:08:06,740 --> 00:08:10,090 there's some sort of code 135 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:19,940 Barda I can't figure it out 136 00:08:16,580 --> 00:08:30,609 there's no other way just have to fight 137 00:08:19,940 --> 00:08:32,840 him that's it there are two sides 138 00:08:30,610 --> 00:08:36,500 reflection of my sword in the puddle 139 00:08:32,840 --> 00:08:42,530 give me a hint to the riddle mirror 140 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:46,540 images one the halves are symmetric put 141 00:08:42,530 --> 00:08:46,540 together to look like bizarre characters 142 00:08:54,220 --> 00:09:05,210 correct you two made a pass now here is 143 00:09:02,150 --> 00:09:07,130 the third question Barda and Jasmine 144 00:09:05,210 --> 00:09:09,080 could solve your little riddles so I 145 00:09:07,130 --> 00:09:11,689 don't see why I should have any problem 146 00:09:09,080 --> 00:09:13,400 I will sing you a song and you must tell 147 00:09:11,690 --> 00:09:16,160 me how many living creatures are in the 148 00:09:13,400 --> 00:09:18,819 song I sing to you it's long so listen 149 00:09:16,160 --> 00:09:18,819 very carefully 150 00:09:20,290 --> 00:09:27,560 sorceress tayghen gots her favorite and 151 00:09:23,150 --> 00:09:30,410 in her cave with all her brood and the 152 00:09:27,560 --> 00:09:36,069 names of her children are 153 00:09:30,410 --> 00:09:42,100 tart gin jawed lies and Zod pick snick 154 00:09:36,069 --> 00:09:42,099 nun God and of course the dreaded Ingham 155 00:09:43,209 --> 00:09:52,758 child holds a slimy toad on each toad 156 00:09:48,410 --> 00:09:57,079 squirm two fat grubs on each grub right 157 00:09:52,759 --> 00:10:00,079 - please brave here's my riddle and so 158 00:09:57,079 --> 00:10:00,829 beware answer this riddle now if you 159 00:10:00,079 --> 00:10:03,439 dare 160 00:10:00,829 --> 00:10:09,769 how many things are living in pagans 161 00:10:03,439 --> 00:10:11,360 hairs do Italy if you sing the song to 162 00:10:09,769 --> 00:10:17,360 yourself it'll help you remember 163 00:10:11,360 --> 00:10:20,180 hmm hmm sorcerer is tagging gulper 164 00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:24,100 favorite food in her cave with all her 165 00:10:20,180 --> 00:10:28,790 brew and the names of her children on 166 00:10:24,100 --> 00:10:33,500 hot taught jinn jawed fifa's and Zod 167 00:10:28,790 --> 00:10:39,500 pick snake one log and of course the 168 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:44,149 dreaded Ichabod whose child holds a 169 00:10:39,500 --> 00:10:49,480 slimy toad on each toad squirms two fat 170 00:10:44,149 --> 00:10:53,449 grubs on each grub rides two fleas brave 171 00:10:49,480 --> 00:10:55,550 here's my riddle and so beware answer 172 00:10:53,449 --> 00:10:58,219 this riddle now if you dare 173 00:10:55,550 --> 00:11:00,579 how many things are living in Diggins 174 00:10:58,220 --> 00:11:00,579 cave 175 00:11:02,889 --> 00:11:08,660 figured out the answer if you're free 176 00:11:06,439 --> 00:11:11,899 children each have a slimy coat then 177 00:11:08,660 --> 00:11:15,769 there are 13 toes if on each toads worms 178 00:11:11,899 --> 00:11:18,290 to fat grubs in there 26 rubs and if on 179 00:11:15,769 --> 00:11:21,379 each grub rides to please brave that 180 00:11:18,290 --> 00:11:26,449 means there are 52 please if I add all 181 00:11:21,379 --> 00:11:27,739 these together it equals 104 you see my 182 00:11:26,449 --> 00:11:30,290 mother used to make me do arithmetic 183 00:11:27,739 --> 00:11:31,819 every single afternoon coming up with 184 00:11:30,290 --> 00:11:38,959 the answer to your riddle is a piece of 185 00:11:31,819 --> 00:11:42,738 cake it's 104 hmm oh wait I forgot to 186 00:11:38,959 --> 00:11:49,819 add sorceress taken to that my answer is 187 00:11:42,739 --> 00:11:51,859 105 hmm wrong answer 188 00:11:49,819 --> 00:11:54,139 what what do you mean all my 189 00:11:51,859 --> 00:11:56,929 calculations are correct they are 190 00:11:54,139 --> 00:11:58,609 correct but you forgot to add sorceress 191 00:11:56,929 --> 00:12:04,249 thaegan's favorite food that you gulped 192 00:11:58,609 --> 00:12:07,160 down one raven hole and alive so the 193 00:12:04,249 --> 00:12:09,019 answer is 106 what are you talking about 194 00:12:07,160 --> 00:12:10,699 you never said anything about their 195 00:12:09,019 --> 00:12:13,850 being alive Raven and sorceress 196 00:12:10,699 --> 00:12:15,469 thaegan's cave come now the first line 197 00:12:13,850 --> 00:12:17,929 of a song says that she gulped her 198 00:12:15,470 --> 00:12:20,290 favorite food that was just a trick not 199 00:12:17,929 --> 00:12:20,290 fair 200 00:12:38,310 --> 00:12:41,310 carefully 201 00:12:41,360 --> 00:12:45,680 I gotta protect the belt at all costs 202 00:12:43,880 --> 00:12:46,310 I'll throw it to Bart as soon as I get 203 00:12:45,680 --> 00:12:48,529 the chance 204 00:12:46,310 --> 00:12:50,890 if only I could distract the Giants 205 00:12:48,529 --> 00:12:50,890 somehow 206 00:12:53,760 --> 00:13:01,530 hmm look you're a trickster and a 207 00:12:58,860 --> 00:13:03,390 deceiver don't blame me because you are 208 00:13:01,530 --> 00:13:06,150 a fool and we're unable to solve my 209 00:13:03,390 --> 00:13:08,010 riddle now I can see why taking decided 210 00:13:06,150 --> 00:13:11,130 to put a curse on a mean giant like you 211 00:13:08,010 --> 00:13:13,050 you deserve it Watson you enjoy it when 212 00:13:11,130 --> 00:13:16,170 other people fail no wonder you're 213 00:13:13,050 --> 00:13:19,949 doomed to guard this bridge until truth 214 00:13:16,170 --> 00:13:22,140 and lies are one I neither a liar nor a 215 00:13:19,950 --> 00:13:24,330 trickster as you say my suffering was 216 00:13:22,140 --> 00:13:26,340 not justly earned and it was for pure 217 00:13:24,330 --> 00:13:30,300 spite that taken took my freedom and 218 00:13:26,340 --> 00:13:32,070 cursed me to this bridge but you said 219 00:13:30,300 --> 00:13:34,530 something very interesting just now 220 00:13:32,070 --> 00:13:36,750 since you seem so concerned with truth 221 00:13:34,530 --> 00:13:40,319 and lies I will allow you to play one 222 00:13:36,750 --> 00:13:42,600 more game in this game you'll decide a 223 00:13:40,320 --> 00:13:44,850 method of your own demise you may say 224 00:13:42,600 --> 00:13:46,770 one thing and one thing only if you 225 00:13:44,850 --> 00:13:50,190 decide to tell me something that is true 226 00:13:46,770 --> 00:13:51,960 I will crush you with my bare hands if 227 00:13:50,190 --> 00:13:55,340 what you say is false I will then be 228 00:13:51,960 --> 00:13:55,340 obliged to use my sword 229 00:13:56,150 --> 00:14:00,569 so you're gonna win either way that is 230 00:13:59,730 --> 00:14:02,910 correct 231 00:14:00,570 --> 00:14:05,420 will you tell the truth or will you tell 232 00:14:02,910 --> 00:14:05,420 me a lie 233 00:14:05,690 --> 00:14:10,520 we can't just stand around and watch him 234 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:12,440 be defeated like this what should I do 235 00:14:10,520 --> 00:14:14,620 please lend me your strength belt of 236 00:14:12,440 --> 00:14:14,620 Deltora 237 00:14:17,100 --> 00:14:23,640 my answer is you will use your sword 238 00:14:20,330 --> 00:14:26,510 well didn't you hear my answer is it 239 00:14:23,640 --> 00:14:26,510 true or false 240 00:14:27,629 --> 00:14:33,970 not your knees seeing anything great 241 00:14:31,059 --> 00:14:35,709 answer leave the giant said he chose to 242 00:14:33,970 --> 00:14:39,129 tell the truth he would crush leaf with 243 00:14:35,709 --> 00:14:41,559 his bare hands so it leaves statement 244 00:14:39,129 --> 00:14:43,720 you will use your sword as true the 245 00:14:41,559 --> 00:14:47,589 giant would crush leaf thus making what 246 00:14:43,720 --> 00:14:49,149 leaf said falls oh and then the giant 247 00:14:47,589 --> 00:14:52,179 said he would have to use his sword if 248 00:14:49,149 --> 00:14:53,829 leaf lied that was a good answer because 249 00:14:52,179 --> 00:14:55,569 of what we've said is false then the 250 00:14:53,829 --> 00:14:57,519 giant would have to use his sword up but 251 00:14:55,569 --> 00:14:59,079 that would make what we've said true so 252 00:14:57,519 --> 00:15:01,019 he would have to crush leap with his 253 00:14:59,079 --> 00:15:03,729 bare hands 254 00:15:01,019 --> 00:15:04,509 so that means he wouldn't be able to do 255 00:15:03,730 --> 00:15:08,519 what he says 256 00:15:04,509 --> 00:15:08,519 way to go even I think you've got a beat 257 00:15:25,290 --> 00:15:30,189 actually a bird until the truth turns 258 00:15:28,300 --> 00:15:35,469 into a lie and the light turns into the 259 00:15:30,190 --> 00:15:39,029 truth I can't believe it it looks like 260 00:15:35,470 --> 00:15:39,029 you've broken sorceress thaegan's curse 261 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:50,300 you gave me back my life someday I will 262 00:15:44,220 --> 00:15:50,300 repay this debt to you you're free again 263 00:15:55,769 --> 00:16:08,369 ah he seems more free than ever before 264 00:16:03,929 --> 00:16:10,529 ah the giant explained that sorceress 265 00:16:08,369 --> 00:16:12,480 thaegan's favorite food was a raven live 266 00:16:10,529 --> 00:16:15,569 in home that's why you're so afraid of 267 00:16:12,480 --> 00:16:20,420 her isn't it cream these entire family 268 00:16:15,569 --> 00:16:20,420 was all taken by that evil sorceress 269 00:16:25,210 --> 00:16:32,890 he was just a baby he hadn't even flown 270 00:16:28,300 --> 00:16:36,250 out of the nest yet so in a way he's 271 00:16:32,890 --> 00:16:38,699 like me cuz I was very young when the 272 00:16:36,250 --> 00:16:40,840 grey guards took my mother and father to 273 00:16:38,700 --> 00:16:45,670 Korea and I have been living together 274 00:16:40,840 --> 00:16:47,470 for a long time now ah but I think it's 275 00:16:45,670 --> 00:16:50,740 time for us to go our separate ways 276 00:16:47,470 --> 00:16:53,050 ah I can't stand the thought that I'm 277 00:16:50,740 --> 00:16:59,880 leading you towards danger so I want you 278 00:16:53,050 --> 00:17:02,979 to go home huh wait Jasmine are you sure 279 00:16:59,880 --> 00:17:05,560 if I survive I promise I'll come back 280 00:17:02,980 --> 00:17:09,310 for you but if I don't at least you'll 281 00:17:05,560 --> 00:17:13,230 be safe now go go 282 00:17:09,310 --> 00:17:13,230 I told you to go home 283 00:17:14,829 --> 00:17:18,990 well then I think we should get going 284 00:17:20,140 --> 00:17:22,200 you 285 00:17:29,570 --> 00:17:33,860 why don't we rest yeah 286 00:17:35,470 --> 00:17:41,570 Jasmine I'm sorry 287 00:17:39,590 --> 00:17:43,519 you had really good reasons for not 288 00:17:41,570 --> 00:17:47,259 wanting to go through taegons territory 289 00:17:43,519 --> 00:17:50,330 I didn't realize they were that personal 290 00:17:47,259 --> 00:17:53,090 taken seems to hate any living creature 291 00:17:50,330 --> 00:17:55,749 that is beautiful happy and lives freely 292 00:17:53,090 --> 00:17:55,749 in this world 293 00:17:58,450 --> 00:18:01,509 you hear those two birds well that's 294 00:18:00,429 --> 00:18:03,429 what they're talking about 295 00:18:01,509 --> 00:18:04,509 they're saying that in the land around 296 00:18:03,429 --> 00:18:08,249 the lake of Tears 297 00:18:04,509 --> 00:18:08,249 there was once a town called dure dure 298 00:18:08,549 --> 00:18:16,299 means the town of gold beautiful flowers 299 00:18:13,720 --> 00:18:19,239 bloomed full of life and tall trees were 300 00:18:16,299 --> 00:18:22,539 found throughout the town there was a 301 00:18:19,239 --> 00:18:26,830 magnificent Tower the people here were 302 00:18:22,539 --> 00:18:27,429 happy but now there's nothing left of 303 00:18:26,830 --> 00:18:30,418 the town 304 00:18:27,429 --> 00:18:36,359 all because of taken and her children 305 00:18:30,419 --> 00:18:36,359 Hagen is evil she destroys everything 306 00:18:41,250 --> 00:18:46,350 the trees became frightened suddenly I 307 00:18:43,730 --> 00:18:49,500 think great guards are headed towards us 308 00:18:46,350 --> 00:18:58,139 what we don't have time to run quick 309 00:18:49,500 --> 00:19:11,130 follow me well climb up the tree we can 310 00:18:58,140 --> 00:19:12,960 hide under the cloak like before it 311 00:19:11,130 --> 00:19:17,900 seems these guard to escorting a 312 00:19:12,960 --> 00:19:20,550 prisoner he's a rabbit what's a Ralad 313 00:19:17,900 --> 00:19:22,650 ralads are a race of buildings they were 314 00:19:20,550 --> 00:19:25,500 loved by Aden and all the kings and 315 00:19:22,650 --> 00:19:27,330 queens of del Torres early times their 316 00:19:25,500 --> 00:19:31,020 buildings were famous for their strength 317 00:19:27,330 --> 00:19:32,850 and design I think I've heard of them 318 00:19:31,020 --> 00:19:36,050 before they're the ones who built the 319 00:19:32,850 --> 00:19:36,050 palace of del aren't they 320 00:19:51,050 --> 00:19:57,090 we have to go and save the Ralad no 321 00:19:54,570 --> 00:19:59,639 leave our only objective in this quest 322 00:19:57,090 --> 00:20:01,500 is to find the seven gems of Deltora we 323 00:19:59,640 --> 00:20:03,690 mustn't be distracted by anything else 324 00:20:01,500 --> 00:20:06,090 but I can't just leave him there's 325 00:20:03,690 --> 00:20:08,100 nothing we can do for now if you won't 326 00:20:06,090 --> 00:20:11,490 help him I'll do it myself 327 00:20:08,100 --> 00:20:14,010 wait well here we go again 328 00:20:11,490 --> 00:20:16,460 I have to go where the belt goes wait a 329 00:20:14,010 --> 00:20:16,460 sec 330 00:20:38,670 --> 00:20:43,500 there's no need to be afraid my friend 331 00:20:49,850 --> 00:20:53,030 let's go 332 00:20:57,070 --> 00:21:08,450 the scrag is in there 333 00:20:59,440 --> 00:21:12,190 where'd he go over there there's a whole 334 00:21:08,450 --> 00:21:12,190 patrol of gray car chasing us 335 00:21:30,179 --> 00:21:32,240 you 336 00:22:11,520 --> 00:22:13,550 Oh 337 00:22:16,400 --> 00:22:21,300 saved by a kind elderly couple and 338 00:22:19,260 --> 00:22:23,670 invited to their home you have yet to 339 00:22:21,300 --> 00:22:28,050 discover their horrible plan and their 340 00:22:23,670 --> 00:22:30,920 true identities next episode niche and 341 00:22:28,050 --> 00:22:30,919 dodges trap