1 00:00:48,829 --> 00:00:54,479 with all seven gems in their possession 2 00:00:51,600 --> 00:00:57,059 lief Barda and Jasmine must now find the 3 00:00:54,479 --> 00:00:59,070 air to Arden's throne they decide the 4 00:00:57,059 --> 00:01:01,289 time has come to unite the seven tribes 5 00:00:59,070 --> 00:01:04,409 calling upon representatives from each 6 00:01:01,289 --> 00:01:06,420 one to gather at with admire on the way 7 00:01:04,409 --> 00:01:09,750 they get stopped at a roadblock and 8 00:01:06,420 --> 00:01:12,000 Nevins goes on a vicious rampage in the 9 00:01:09,750 --> 00:01:14,970 chaos Barda is left injured and 10 00:01:12,000 --> 00:01:17,190 unconscious lief uses the amethyst to 11 00:01:14,970 --> 00:01:19,590 soothe Nevins and they continue their 12 00:01:17,190 --> 00:01:22,170 journey but when they arrive they are 13 00:01:19,590 --> 00:01:25,700 shocked to find it with admire is no 14 00:01:22,170 --> 00:01:25,700 more than a garbage dump 15 00:01:33,170 --> 00:01:45,180 this is with admire I can hardly breathe 16 00:01:38,640 --> 00:01:48,750 what was do thinking Marta are you okay 17 00:01:45,180 --> 00:01:50,190 yes the pain seems to be going away now 18 00:01:48,750 --> 00:01:53,850 if we could just do something to get rid 19 00:01:50,190 --> 00:01:55,500 of this stench I wish we could anyhow we 20 00:01:53,850 --> 00:01:57,390 need to get you somewhere where you can 21 00:01:55,500 --> 00:01:58,590 lie down and have your wounds looked at 22 00:01:57,390 --> 00:02:01,470 that's right 23 00:01:58,590 --> 00:02:03,870 I'd better go move the wagon before we 24 00:02:01,470 --> 00:02:05,400 draw attention to ourselves let's just 25 00:02:03,870 --> 00:02:07,680 hope we don't run into any more grey 26 00:02:05,400 --> 00:02:09,690 guards I still can't believe doom would 27 00:02:07,680 --> 00:02:13,140 pick this as the place for the tribes of 28 00:02:09,690 --> 00:02:15,810 Deltora to reunite good evening huh what 29 00:02:13,140 --> 00:02:18,269 brings you travelers here I wonder you 30 00:02:15,810 --> 00:02:25,410 do realize you're standing amongst L 31 00:02:18,270 --> 00:02:27,630 city's garbage my friend here is badly 32 00:02:25,410 --> 00:02:30,359 injured is there somewhere safe for him 33 00:02:27,630 --> 00:02:33,180 to rest awhile you seem to be in trouble 34 00:02:30,360 --> 00:02:36,930 I'll take you to my house please follow 35 00:02:33,180 --> 00:02:38,970 me so what do you think I don't know if 36 00:02:36,930 --> 00:02:40,740 we should trust him me neither but we 37 00:02:38,970 --> 00:02:43,730 don't have much of a choice Barda needs 38 00:02:40,740 --> 00:02:43,730 help let's go 39 00:02:46,130 --> 00:03:02,760 it looks like it's about to fall apart 40 00:02:50,420 --> 00:03:04,769 come in wow it sure is neat tightly yeah 41 00:03:02,760 --> 00:03:06,929 what a surprise he never would have 42 00:03:04,770 --> 00:03:09,390 guessed it from the outside that's true 43 00:03:06,930 --> 00:03:11,010 but I suppose that's what makes it such 44 00:03:09,390 --> 00:03:13,079 a safe place to get together with 45 00:03:11,010 --> 00:03:15,590 friends wouldn't you agree 46 00:03:13,080 --> 00:03:15,590 huh 47 00:03:15,709 --> 00:03:20,329 The Shadow Lord will never be able to 48 00:03:17,930 --> 00:03:23,109 sniff us out in all this garbage you can 49 00:03:20,329 --> 00:03:23,109 never be too careful 50 00:03:23,140 --> 00:03:31,579 doom it's you are Dana and the others 51 00:03:26,900 --> 00:03:33,890 here - yes Zeon fardeep they're all here 52 00:03:31,580 --> 00:03:36,500 that's great huh 53 00:03:33,890 --> 00:03:41,839 I was wondering what the cat dragged in 54 00:03:36,500 --> 00:03:44,660 oh hello Glock I see you still haven't 55 00:03:41,840 --> 00:03:46,520 learned any manners listen I'm only here 56 00:03:44,660 --> 00:03:49,100 because Doom asked me so don't give me 57 00:03:46,520 --> 00:03:50,720 any lip you got that little girl I don't 58 00:03:49,100 --> 00:03:52,239 care what your reasons are no get your 59 00:03:50,720 --> 00:03:55,130 finger out of my face 60 00:03:52,239 --> 00:03:57,590 stop this is not the time to be fighting 61 00:03:55,130 --> 00:03:59,510 amongst ourselves Glock is the only one 62 00:03:57,590 --> 00:04:01,370 left of the jawless tribe and we need 63 00:03:59,510 --> 00:04:03,920 him yeah 64 00:04:01,370 --> 00:04:07,180 the only way this is gonna work is if 65 00:04:03,920 --> 00:04:08,869 all seven tribes can work together ah 66 00:04:07,180 --> 00:04:11,450 what's the point 67 00:04:08,870 --> 00:04:13,370 this whole meetings ridiculous anyway I 68 00:04:11,450 --> 00:04:15,799 mean do you really think this rotten 69 00:04:13,370 --> 00:04:19,959 world is gonna change yeah we do 70 00:04:15,800 --> 00:04:19,959 it has to huh 71 00:04:25,820 --> 00:04:30,320 hmm Barda needs your help right of 72 00:04:29,840 --> 00:04:35,929 course 73 00:04:30,320 --> 00:04:37,940 hey Jake's sir ah the palace guard it is 74 00:04:35,930 --> 00:04:41,630 two young friends I've been waiting to 75 00:04:37,940 --> 00:04:43,969 see you again mm-hmm follow me I'll show 76 00:04:41,630 --> 00:04:46,219 you where your beds are we also need 77 00:04:43,970 --> 00:04:49,460 some medicine I can make it myself if 78 00:04:46,220 --> 00:04:52,100 you have the herbs well if you need 79 00:04:49,460 --> 00:04:54,289 supplies you'll have to talk to Glock ah 80 00:04:52,100 --> 00:04:55,220 he's just got a few bruises take care of 81 00:04:54,290 --> 00:04:57,290 it yourselves 82 00:04:55,220 --> 00:04:59,810 we've got resistance members who are 83 00:04:57,290 --> 00:05:02,000 really injured here I don't want to 84 00:04:59,810 --> 00:05:03,020 waste what we have on scratches how can 85 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:07,540 you be so cold 86 00:05:03,020 --> 00:05:12,760 you're really wicked you know that no 87 00:05:07,540 --> 00:05:12,760 he's right huh Barda 88 00:05:12,980 --> 00:05:22,280 listen I should be fine right now we've 89 00:05:17,720 --> 00:05:22,970 got to focus on working together to stop 90 00:05:22,280 --> 00:05:25,369 talking 91 00:05:22,970 --> 00:05:27,970 jazmine help me get him to bed will you 92 00:05:25,370 --> 00:05:27,970 of course 93 00:05:38,200 --> 00:05:45,520 you're in a lot of pain aren't you 94 00:05:41,380 --> 00:05:47,890 it's okay I'd been worse where Jasmine 95 00:05:45,520 --> 00:05:50,099 go she went out with Zeon and far deep 96 00:05:47,890 --> 00:05:54,909 to try and find some water 97 00:05:50,100 --> 00:05:56,650 they're here already yeah they must have 98 00:05:54,910 --> 00:06:02,020 come with doom they were here when we 99 00:05:56,650 --> 00:06:04,810 arrived well I'm glad you're safe so how 100 00:06:02,020 --> 00:06:06,280 are you we are well and full of hope 101 00:06:04,810 --> 00:06:09,540 that what will happen here will change 102 00:06:06,280 --> 00:06:13,900 our world for the better 103 00:06:09,540 --> 00:06:15,570 that's good anyway you just relax and 104 00:06:13,900 --> 00:06:18,570 get some rest 105 00:06:15,570 --> 00:06:18,570 Thanks 106 00:06:24,280 --> 00:06:33,309 so how's our patient doing he finally 107 00:06:27,910 --> 00:06:35,800 fell asleep is there anything I can do 108 00:06:33,310 --> 00:06:38,350 to help out around here sure you could 109 00:06:35,800 --> 00:06:40,660 go on watch I don't think the Shadow 110 00:06:38,350 --> 00:06:43,090 Lord is aware of this place just yet but 111 00:06:40,660 --> 00:06:48,190 bad things can happen when you let your 112 00:06:43,090 --> 00:06:50,020 guard down trouble sir there's a pot of 113 00:06:48,190 --> 00:06:52,540 grey guards heading west from the city 114 00:06:50,020 --> 00:06:53,650 we have to hurry they'll beat you any 115 00:06:52,540 --> 00:06:56,200 minute 116 00:06:53,650 --> 00:06:59,380 have you seen jasmine I don't get their 117 00:06:56,200 --> 00:07:02,700 back this isn't good we'll be in really 118 00:06:59,380 --> 00:07:02,700 big trouble if they get caught 119 00:07:07,960 --> 00:07:12,049 there you are 120 00:07:09,590 --> 00:07:16,070 what's wrong gray guards are on their 121 00:07:12,050 --> 00:07:18,680 way here we've got to hide now what what 122 00:07:16,070 --> 00:07:19,670 do you mean how do you know there's no 123 00:07:18,680 --> 00:07:24,650 time to explain 124 00:07:19,670 --> 00:07:27,790 he's got to get out of the open fast all 125 00:07:24,650 --> 00:07:27,789 right you're almost there 126 00:07:37,430 --> 00:07:54,289 Oh looks like they didn't notice us that 127 00:07:44,540 --> 00:08:01,070 was a little too close I'm so glad to 128 00:07:54,289 --> 00:08:07,210 see you then that must mean we leave we 129 00:08:01,070 --> 00:08:10,010 made it Ailsa glatthorn 130 00:08:07,210 --> 00:08:12,380 it had been a while since leaf had seen 131 00:08:10,010 --> 00:08:16,370 Elsa of the Kings and glatthorn of the 132 00:08:12,380 --> 00:08:18,469 dread gnomes leaf it's good to see you 133 00:08:16,370 --> 00:08:22,280 I'm really thankful you were able to 134 00:08:18,470 --> 00:08:24,740 come glass on you too we left as soon as 135 00:08:22,280 --> 00:08:27,559 we received your message so are we the 136 00:08:24,740 --> 00:08:28,900 last to arrive uh uh we're still waiting 137 00:08:27,560 --> 00:08:31,099 for one more Oh 138 00:08:28,900 --> 00:08:31,940 hopefully it won't be long I can't wait 139 00:08:31,099 --> 00:08:35,059 to get started 140 00:08:31,940 --> 00:08:37,159 yeah meets you come on let's get inside 141 00:08:35,059 --> 00:08:37,669 we shouldn't stand around out here are 142 00:08:37,159 --> 00:08:42,620 you hungry 143 00:08:37,669 --> 00:08:45,470 I'm sure we can find something I'm so 144 00:08:42,620 --> 00:08:49,520 happy they got here safely now we just 145 00:08:45,470 --> 00:08:51,420 have to wait for menace to arrive mm-hmm 146 00:08:49,520 --> 00:08:55,740 what's wrong 147 00:08:51,420 --> 00:08:59,910 you look so sad I've just been thinking 148 00:08:55,740 --> 00:09:01,290 about the Shadow Lord you mean because 149 00:08:59,910 --> 00:09:04,800 of what happened this afternoon 150 00:09:01,290 --> 00:09:05,550 hmm a knock Baba came to the valley of 151 00:09:04,800 --> 00:09:08,760 the Lost 152 00:09:05,550 --> 00:09:11,459 and then today those grey guards were 153 00:09:08,760 --> 00:09:14,550 going west in such a hurry I've got a 154 00:09:11,459 --> 00:09:16,859 bad feeling that no matter what we do 155 00:09:14,550 --> 00:09:21,300 the Shadow Lord knows exactly what it is 156 00:09:16,860 --> 00:09:23,519 we're up to hmm there is a way that I 157 00:09:21,300 --> 00:09:25,199 might be able to find out though you 158 00:09:23,519 --> 00:09:28,820 still got some of that dreaming spring 159 00:09:25,200 --> 00:09:28,820 water right yeah but 160 00:09:30,740 --> 00:09:34,520 if I think about that man who was 161 00:09:32,630 --> 00:09:36,589 questioning my father before I go to 162 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:45,090 sleep I'll be able to see what he's up 163 00:09:36,589 --> 00:09:46,710 to and like give me some answers huh 164 00:09:45,090 --> 00:09:49,130 you don't have to worry about a thing 165 00:09:46,710 --> 00:10:05,490 I'll be right here watching over you 166 00:09:49,130 --> 00:10:06,990 thank you I know this won't be easy but 167 00:10:05,490 --> 00:10:09,450 I need to find out what the Shadow Lord 168 00:10:06,990 --> 00:10:13,280 already knows now what was that guy's 169 00:10:09,450 --> 00:10:13,280 name Paulo 170 00:10:29,960 --> 00:10:33,740 what is this place 171 00:10:38,800 --> 00:10:47,559 what's he doing oh mighty Lord what is 172 00:10:43,749 --> 00:10:50,649 it then that must be the Shadow Lord 173 00:10:47,559 --> 00:10:52,118 I was wondering shall i interrogate the 174 00:10:50,649 --> 00:10:54,429 blacksmith further my lord 175 00:10:52,119 --> 00:10:57,999 I believe his son could be a threat to 176 00:10:54,429 --> 00:11:02,769 us if he restores the belt if he 177 00:10:57,999 --> 00:11:05,350 restores it fallow what Turner who the 178 00:11:02,769 --> 00:11:08,350 boy has already found all seven gems 179 00:11:05,350 --> 00:11:08,980 and he has restored the belt even as we 180 00:11:08,350 --> 00:11:11,399 speak 181 00:11:08,980 --> 00:11:16,559 he has begun the search for an gongsun 182 00:11:11,399 --> 00:11:19,119 Master Oh No how could he know all that 183 00:11:16,559 --> 00:11:21,969 well then we shall put a tracking team 184 00:11:19,119 --> 00:11:24,699 on him at once mighty chef silence he 185 00:11:21,970 --> 00:11:27,220 will do nothing you have proven yourself 186 00:11:24,699 --> 00:11:30,939 unable to accomplish any task I am asked 187 00:11:27,220 --> 00:11:35,619 of you forgive me master there's someone 188 00:11:30,939 --> 00:11:39,959 else you know my master I have come 189 00:11:35,619 --> 00:11:39,959 alone someone is here 190 00:11:41,820 --> 00:11:54,910 yeah it's okay it's not well what do you 191 00:11:48,730 --> 00:11:57,399 mean were you here the whole time I 192 00:11:54,910 --> 00:11:58,029 slept of course I was I promised you 193 00:11:57,399 --> 00:12:01,890 didn't I 194 00:11:58,029 --> 00:12:11,290 so come on leave what is it 195 00:12:01,890 --> 00:12:13,959 he knows Manas at last you got here 196 00:12:11,290 --> 00:12:14,829 really fast did I it didn't feel that 197 00:12:13,959 --> 00:12:17,729 way to me 198 00:12:14,830 --> 00:12:21,430 I felt it took forever even on horseback 199 00:12:17,730 --> 00:12:23,440 horseback yes a shopkeeper we know got a 200 00:12:21,430 --> 00:12:27,160 hold of this really fast horse for us 201 00:12:23,440 --> 00:12:29,500 nan Yin you too it's been so long I'm 202 00:12:27,160 --> 00:12:32,350 surprised he came here how could I not 203 00:12:29,500 --> 00:12:34,779 that shopkeeper you mentioned what his 204 00:12:32,350 --> 00:12:37,060 name happen to be Tom mm-hmm 205 00:12:34,779 --> 00:12:38,380 so he's finally decided to be on our 206 00:12:37,060 --> 00:12:41,349 side hmm 207 00:12:38,380 --> 00:12:43,810 who knows I can't say whose side he's on 208 00:12:41,350 --> 00:12:45,970 but he was very helpful good thing 209 00:12:43,810 --> 00:12:49,270 because at last all seven tribes are 210 00:12:45,970 --> 00:12:52,329 gathered together I thank you both of 211 00:12:49,270 --> 00:12:54,069 you for coming here I'm honored we came 212 00:12:52,329 --> 00:12:58,930 because now there's hope for all Dale 213 00:12:54,070 --> 00:13:03,490 Torrens thanks to you three hmm now 214 00:12:58,930 --> 00:13:05,410 there's hope once introductions were out 215 00:13:03,490 --> 00:13:07,570 of the way Manus told everyone that 216 00:13:05,410 --> 00:13:11,219 rallied scouts had spotted a growing 217 00:13:07,570 --> 00:13:12,490 number of grey guards moving to the west 218 00:13:11,220 --> 00:13:14,890 hmm 219 00:13:12,490 --> 00:13:17,140 it seems our decoys worked the shadow 220 00:13:14,890 --> 00:13:19,000 Lords attention is clearly there there's 221 00:13:17,140 --> 00:13:21,310 something I need to tell you 222 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:23,439 he knows about the gems and our search 223 00:13:21,310 --> 00:13:30,310 for an heir I heard him speaking about 224 00:13:23,439 --> 00:13:32,680 it to one of his servants hmm just one 225 00:13:30,310 --> 00:13:34,449 question since you've had that water 226 00:13:32,680 --> 00:13:37,839 this whole time why didn't you spy on 227 00:13:34,449 --> 00:13:39,310 the Shadow Lord a long time ago I guess 228 00:13:37,839 --> 00:13:40,600 I never thought to do it it doesn't 229 00:13:39,310 --> 00:13:44,500 matter anyway 230 00:13:40,600 --> 00:13:46,870 does it the only way I can see him 231 00:13:44,500 --> 00:13:50,910 getting that sort of information would 232 00:13:46,870 --> 00:13:53,050 be if there's a spy in our group a spy 233 00:13:50,910 --> 00:13:55,509 that's just great 234 00:13:53,050 --> 00:14:02,069 we all finally get together but can't 235 00:13:55,509 --> 00:14:04,899 trust each other huh huh hey Glock huh 236 00:14:02,069 --> 00:14:06,939 why are you so late where have you been 237 00:14:04,899 --> 00:14:11,319 anyway I don't have to tell you anything 238 00:14:06,939 --> 00:14:14,019 little girl you all heard he's got 239 00:14:11,319 --> 00:14:18,009 secrets come on don't do this Jasmine 240 00:14:14,019 --> 00:14:19,600 hmm but Leafs right this really isn't 241 00:14:18,009 --> 00:14:22,689 the time to start fighting each other 242 00:14:19,600 --> 00:14:25,360 yeah we finally have all the seven 243 00:14:22,689 --> 00:14:28,540 tribes together would it be possible to 244 00:14:25,360 --> 00:14:30,430 have the ceremony tomorrow morning good 245 00:14:28,540 --> 00:14:30,910 idea the sooner we get started the 246 00:14:30,430 --> 00:14:33,638 better 247 00:14:30,910 --> 00:14:41,829 all right Glock we're counting on you to 248 00:14:33,639 --> 00:14:44,620 represent the jawless tribe hmm yeah um 249 00:14:41,829 --> 00:14:48,128 were you able to see how your mom and 250 00:14:44,620 --> 00:14:50,829 dad were doing last night no but I'm 251 00:14:48,129 --> 00:14:53,050 sure they're okay oh that's good why do 252 00:14:50,829 --> 00:14:55,479 you ask have you been missing your 253 00:14:53,050 --> 00:14:57,790 parents lately maybe but it's all right 254 00:14:55,480 --> 00:15:01,140 I don't get as lonely as I used to now 255 00:14:57,790 --> 00:15:05,040 that I've got so many new friends hmm 256 00:15:01,140 --> 00:15:07,710 I just hope we find end-on son soon yeah 257 00:15:05,040 --> 00:15:11,930 I kinda have a feeling he's closer than 258 00:15:07,710 --> 00:15:11,930 we think I don't really know why 259 00:15:12,090 --> 00:15:16,280 I wonder if she thinks that it's Dane 260 00:15:14,010 --> 00:15:16,280 too 261 00:15:20,510 --> 00:15:25,160 all that stuff can go on the seller 262 00:15:22,980 --> 00:15:27,420 come on guys let's pick up the pace I 263 00:15:25,160 --> 00:15:29,189 thought it'd be nice to clear up the 264 00:15:27,420 --> 00:15:33,209 place for the historic event 265 00:15:29,190 --> 00:15:34,320 nice what are you doing I told you to 266 00:15:33,210 --> 00:15:36,900 get out of my way 267 00:15:34,320 --> 00:15:38,310 are you deaf or something I'm helping to 268 00:15:36,900 --> 00:15:41,730 get ready for the ceremony 269 00:15:38,310 --> 00:15:43,380 you get out of the way Jasmine you know 270 00:15:41,730 --> 00:15:45,960 I'm really sorry we didn't have our 271 00:15:43,380 --> 00:15:47,850 matching riskier maybe then I would have 272 00:15:45,960 --> 00:15:49,530 been able to beat some manners into you 273 00:15:47,850 --> 00:15:51,690 what do we need to gain for what are you 274 00:15:49,530 --> 00:15:54,300 trying to do it now oh well if you 275 00:15:51,690 --> 00:15:59,070 insist but let's do it after the meeting 276 00:15:54,300 --> 00:16:02,510 okay cut it out Marta you're up who 277 00:15:59,070 --> 00:16:02,510 could sleep through all that bickering 278 00:16:02,690 --> 00:16:11,760 I'm sorry are you okay to be standing it 279 00:16:07,710 --> 00:16:13,650 beats doing nothing huh 280 00:16:11,760 --> 00:16:15,660 careful you don't push yourself too hard 281 00:16:13,650 --> 00:16:18,120 he's like this because you won't give 282 00:16:15,660 --> 00:16:20,850 him the medicine he needs don't you 283 00:16:18,120 --> 00:16:22,040 worry about me you should get ready for 284 00:16:20,850 --> 00:16:26,610 the ceremony 285 00:16:22,040 --> 00:16:28,829 yeah listen to me Glock your little feud 286 00:16:26,610 --> 00:16:32,540 with the girl is your business but you 287 00:16:28,830 --> 00:16:32,540 gave me your word you'd help us 288 00:16:40,660 --> 00:16:47,529 this is it men today's the day the Carn 289 00:16:44,029 --> 00:16:47,529 squad finally gets that belt 290 00:17:00,730 --> 00:17:09,620 it's happening yeah now with each of the 291 00:17:07,430 --> 00:17:13,300 representatives of the tribes of Deltora 292 00:17:09,619 --> 00:17:13,300 please come forward 293 00:17:19,530 --> 00:17:29,710 why does he going on 294 00:17:23,210 --> 00:17:29,710 oh no clusters where babies act 295 00:17:31,440 --> 00:17:40,450 it's them the Carn squad how did they 296 00:17:39,669 --> 00:17:42,309 find us 297 00:17:40,450 --> 00:17:44,410 what do you mean how I already told you 298 00:17:42,309 --> 00:17:47,700 there's a rack narc group they can't get 299 00:17:44,410 --> 00:17:47,700 in the stronghold right 300 00:17:50,900 --> 00:17:55,760 white leaf everything's going as planned 301 00:17:53,630 --> 00:17:57,820 they won't be able to hold out much 302 00:17:55,760 --> 00:17:57,820 longer 303 00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:05,230 they're up to something we've got to 304 00:18:03,429 --> 00:18:07,000 stick together everyone they're trying 305 00:18:05,230 --> 00:18:10,149 to split us up because they know will be 306 00:18:07,000 --> 00:18:11,860 easier to defeat individually the only 307 00:18:10,149 --> 00:18:16,779 way we're going to defeat them as if we 308 00:18:11,860 --> 00:18:18,309 fight as one hey get over here what's 309 00:18:16,779 --> 00:18:21,269 everybody doing didn't you hear what he 310 00:18:18,309 --> 00:18:21,269 said get in formation 311 00:18:22,840 --> 00:18:27,750 we've got to stick together this way we 312 00:18:25,240 --> 00:18:29,740 can focus on fighting their frontline 313 00:18:27,750 --> 00:18:36,060 please over there 314 00:18:29,740 --> 00:18:36,060 look hey Glock get over here 315 00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:54,250 are you just gonna watch for a big tough 316 00:18:52,420 --> 00:18:56,470 fighter you don't do much fighting huh 317 00:18:54,250 --> 00:19:00,180 don't listen to her clock just remember 318 00:18:56,470 --> 00:19:00,180 we're all in this together now all right 319 00:19:02,730 --> 00:19:10,080 careful not to let your guard down hey 320 00:19:06,940 --> 00:19:10,080 you're pretty good 321 00:19:13,750 --> 00:19:19,669 I've had enough let's finish them off 322 00:19:16,789 --> 00:19:22,250 yeah it's time for the seven tribes to 323 00:19:19,669 --> 00:19:24,909 fight together again fraid not this 324 00:19:22,250 --> 00:19:24,909 party's over 325 00:19:38,890 --> 00:19:41,730 so we meet again 326 00:19:44,210 --> 00:19:47,020 get up 327 00:19:48,210 --> 00:19:53,760 this days too important I won't let you 328 00:19:51,279 --> 00:19:53,760 ruin it 329 00:20:04,539 --> 00:20:09,840 oh no we'll never give up you got that 330 00:20:18,180 --> 00:20:22,620 hey leaf nicely done 331 00:20:24,600 --> 00:20:30,330 it was only possible because today we 332 00:20:27,610 --> 00:20:30,330 worked as one 333 00:20:33,340 --> 00:20:37,230 you know I've got to admit that was 334 00:20:34,810 --> 00:20:40,750 pretty great what you did back there 335 00:20:37,230 --> 00:20:45,780 yeah well you too 336 00:20:40,750 --> 00:20:50,530 not that you care but you see my life oh 337 00:20:45,780 --> 00:20:55,420 wait a minute clock I don't care you 338 00:20:50,530 --> 00:20:59,139 saved me too hey come on give me a break 339 00:20:55,420 --> 00:21:01,660 and I was just starting to like you ah I 340 00:20:59,140 --> 00:21:06,100 don't have time for all this I've got to 341 00:21:01,660 --> 00:21:10,630 get barda's medicine huh I didn't see 342 00:21:06,100 --> 00:21:12,010 that coming you should be very proud of 343 00:21:10,630 --> 00:21:17,520 yourself leaf for what you've 344 00:21:12,010 --> 00:21:17,520 accomplished here yeah 345 00:22:04,010 --> 00:22:08,879 the seven tribes all pledged their 346 00:22:06,570 --> 00:22:11,189 loyalty to the next king now we just 347 00:22:08,880 --> 00:22:14,010 have to find him I was hoping to bail 348 00:22:11,190 --> 00:22:17,220 might help with that wait maybe it is 349 00:22:14,010 --> 00:22:19,550 him next episode the oath of the seven 350 00:22:17,220 --> 00:22:19,550 tribes