1 00:00:00,380 --> 00:00:08,970 the kingdom of Deltora is shrouded in 2 00:00:04,230 --> 00:00:10,889 darkness there once was a time when the 3 00:00:08,970 --> 00:00:12,210 belt of Deltora protected the kingdom 4 00:00:10,889 --> 00:00:15,268 from such evil 5 00:00:12,210 --> 00:00:17,250 it was Arden the first king who forged 6 00:00:15,269 --> 00:00:21,029 the belt and affixed the seven tribal 7 00:00:17,250 --> 00:00:23,369 gems to it each gem had a unique and 8 00:00:21,029 --> 00:00:28,980 magical palette and United they made 9 00:00:23,369 --> 00:00:31,198 Deltora unconquerable however the gems 10 00:00:28,980 --> 00:00:34,520 were stolen and scattered to seven of 11 00:00:31,199 --> 00:00:37,440 the most dangerous places in the land 12 00:00:34,520 --> 00:00:39,750 this was the doing of the evil Shadow 13 00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:43,320 Lord who then conquered and ruled the 14 00:00:39,750 --> 00:00:46,620 land by terror it is in dark hours that 15 00:00:43,320 --> 00:00:48,899 true hope and courage are born out of 16 00:00:46,620 --> 00:00:51,360 this despair a boy would step forward to 17 00:00:48,899 --> 00:00:54,449 defy the Shadow Lord and search for the 18 00:00:51,360 --> 00:00:58,850 seven gems these are the adventures of 19 00:00:54,449 --> 00:00:58,849 lief Barda and jasmine 20 00:01:14,190 --> 00:01:16,250 you 21 00:01:49,130 --> 00:01:54,420 they enter the territory of sorcerers 22 00:01:52,080 --> 00:01:56,900 taken leaf in his companions encounter 23 00:01:54,420 --> 00:01:59,370 the enigmatic journey 24 00:01:56,900 --> 00:02:01,410 they managed to solve his riddles 25 00:01:59,370 --> 00:02:06,660 thereby freeing him with takings 26 00:02:01,410 --> 00:02:08,758 horrible curse worried for his safety 27 00:02:06,660 --> 00:02:11,280 Jasmine orders Creed to return to the 28 00:02:08,758 --> 00:02:13,829 forests of silence after saying farewell 29 00:02:11,280 --> 00:02:17,730 Jasmine continues on the quest with leaf 30 00:02:13,830 --> 00:02:19,920 bombarda later that day our heroes come 31 00:02:17,730 --> 00:02:22,290 across a rabbit man held captive by grey 32 00:02:19,920 --> 00:02:24,299 guards risking everything to save him 33 00:02:22,290 --> 00:02:26,870 they once again find themselves in 34 00:02:24,300 --> 00:02:26,870 danger 35 00:02:36,570 --> 00:02:42,450 they're gaining on us and soon they'll 36 00:02:38,860 --> 00:02:42,450 start firing those poisonous blisters 37 00:02:53,580 --> 00:03:03,870 let's get out of here filly where'd you 38 00:03:00,010 --> 00:03:03,870 learn that huh that was nothing 39 00:03:13,069 --> 00:03:17,000 this isn't good the path is straight and 40 00:03:15,500 --> 00:03:19,370 there aren't so many trees it'll give 41 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:21,819 them a clear shot through here it's our 42 00:03:19,370 --> 00:03:21,819 only chance 43 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:35,000 I'll sweet plums they smell really 44 00:03:32,239 --> 00:03:37,510 delicious now the time to be thinking 45 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:37,510 about food 46 00:03:42,620 --> 00:03:49,470 you're not chasing us anymore what oh 47 00:03:46,910 --> 00:03:55,200 that's a relief 48 00:03:49,470 --> 00:03:58,910 I made this myself it's my mother's 49 00:03:55,200 --> 00:03:58,910 recipe it heals skin quickly 50 00:03:59,550 --> 00:04:08,250 oh you don't need to thank me we're 51 00:04:06,510 --> 00:04:10,890 still not completely out of danger 52 00:04:08,250 --> 00:04:15,480 we need to scout the area you should 53 00:04:10,890 --> 00:04:18,469 rest and wait for us here don't worry 54 00:04:15,480 --> 00:04:18,469 we'll be right back 55 00:04:34,060 --> 00:04:39,879 it's weird that there are no gray guards 56 00:04:36,440 --> 00:04:39,879 around true 57 00:04:43,750 --> 00:04:48,720 I don't believe it people live out here 58 00:04:52,230 --> 00:04:56,370 what's bothering you Philly huh 59 00:04:59,439 --> 00:05:09,259 what's this ring and enter 60 00:05:03,259 --> 00:05:21,020 I guess we're supposed to ring this 61 00:05:09,259 --> 00:05:21,740 hanging Bell someone's there it's 62 00:05:21,020 --> 00:05:23,479 alright 63 00:05:21,740 --> 00:05:25,819 they look to me like they're just a nice 64 00:05:23,479 --> 00:05:29,979 old couple let's go ask them for 65 00:05:25,819 --> 00:05:29,979 directions for me 66 00:05:48,219 --> 00:05:55,209 who's on to this you've gotta be kidding 67 00:05:51,529 --> 00:05:55,209 me hold on to that isn't gonna help 68 00:05:56,529 --> 00:06:02,769 we're saved took them long enough 69 00:06:06,170 --> 00:06:14,760 miss taki way see anything hey miss talk 70 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:16,500 away they're saying something but I 71 00:06:14,760 --> 00:06:19,020 can't understand what it is I've never 72 00:06:16,500 --> 00:06:21,780 heard that language before I wonder if 73 00:06:19,020 --> 00:06:24,620 they understand what we're saying thank 74 00:06:21,780 --> 00:06:24,619 you very much 75 00:06:28,130 --> 00:06:34,830 filly what are you so scared about they 76 00:06:31,620 --> 00:06:36,510 seem to be all right to me yeah well 77 00:06:34,830 --> 00:06:38,280 let's not forget that we rang the bell 78 00:06:36,510 --> 00:06:40,469 like it told us to on their sign and 79 00:06:38,280 --> 00:06:42,450 ended up in danger because of it but 80 00:06:40,470 --> 00:06:50,010 that's because the sign was broken into 81 00:06:42,450 --> 00:06:55,560 ah now I see 82 00:06:50,010 --> 00:06:56,400 I grabbed the other half warning ring of 83 00:06:55,560 --> 00:07:01,020 quicksand 84 00:06:56,400 --> 00:07:02,520 do not enter that's what was written 85 00:07:01,020 --> 00:07:04,530 yeah but they know the sign is broken 86 00:07:02,520 --> 00:07:06,359 and why leave a bell there they're 87 00:07:04,530 --> 00:07:07,890 surrounded by a ring of quicksand they 88 00:07:06,360 --> 00:07:11,460 probably don't know what's out there 89 00:07:07,890 --> 00:07:14,760 nitch me up guys yeah my name's Leif 90 00:07:11,460 --> 00:07:19,289 this is Barda jasmine and the little 91 00:07:14,760 --> 00:07:22,020 guys filling NEMA road Lima good NEMA me 92 00:07:19,290 --> 00:07:24,300 McCoy so what do you think let's at 93 00:07:22,020 --> 00:07:26,789 least go in and dry off hang on a minute 94 00:07:24,300 --> 00:07:28,830 I don't get it tell me wouldn't be this 95 00:07:26,790 --> 00:07:29,940 scared for nothing I have a bad feeling 96 00:07:28,830 --> 00:07:32,849 about this 97 00:07:29,940 --> 00:07:34,920 ya gonna lie you pie here 98 00:07:32,850 --> 00:07:36,660 I had my doubts too but the fact is 99 00:07:34,920 --> 00:07:39,000 these two people just saved our lives 100 00:07:36,660 --> 00:07:41,130 what about the relative an he'll wake up 101 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:44,480 and find us gone we'll leave as soon as 102 00:07:41,130 --> 00:07:44,480 we've eaten and our clothes are dry 103 00:08:04,130 --> 00:08:13,310 boy I feel shit slow shots boy oh thank 104 00:08:07,790 --> 00:08:17,620 you oh it's so nice to be warm and dry 105 00:08:13,310 --> 00:08:17,620 again yeah no kidding 106 00:08:22,600 --> 00:08:30,830 hey have you noticed there are no 107 00:08:25,160 --> 00:08:32,990 windows hmm what do you mean there's one 108 00:08:30,830 --> 00:08:35,900 up there there's something about this 109 00:08:32,990 --> 00:08:37,280 place it creeps me out I really think we 110 00:08:35,900 --> 00:08:48,590 should leave as soon as our clothes are 111 00:08:37,280 --> 00:08:52,329 dry oh you a fog you you hey stop it she 112 00:08:48,590 --> 00:08:55,370 doesn't like that be nice jasmine hmm 113 00:08:52,330 --> 00:08:57,470 they've been nothing but kind to us the 114 00:08:55,370 --> 00:08:58,700 quicksand had me worried too but it's 115 00:08:57,470 --> 00:09:00,580 for people like them that we're trying 116 00:08:58,700 --> 00:09:03,680 to save Deltora 117 00:09:00,580 --> 00:09:08,980 hey leaf tell me is the belt still safe 118 00:09:03,680 --> 00:09:08,979 and is the Topaz still in place uh yeah 119 00:09:28,540 --> 00:09:33,939 am i hallucinating is this a dream 120 00:09:47,520 --> 00:10:09,600 this can't be real what's happening he's 121 00:10:07,390 --> 00:10:09,600 awesome 122 00:10:10,890 --> 00:10:20,949 miss hunky way see anything net talky 123 00:10:16,630 --> 00:10:24,450 way yeah we caught them see fee and if 124 00:10:20,950 --> 00:10:28,930 they hear oh we're having a feast ah 125 00:10:24,450 --> 00:10:32,130 they're speaking backwards Wow why am I 126 00:10:28,930 --> 00:10:35,170 the only one that can see the truth 127 00:10:32,130 --> 00:10:39,370 wait it must be because I touched the 128 00:10:35,170 --> 00:10:41,469 Topaz the Topaz protects its wearer from 129 00:10:39,370 --> 00:10:43,660 the terrors of the night it has the 130 00:10:41,470 --> 00:10:48,270 power to open doors into the spirit 131 00:10:43,660 --> 00:10:48,270 world it strengthens and clears the mind 132 00:10:53,019 --> 00:11:01,630 son you can sleep forever we'll have 133 00:10:57,170 --> 00:11:01,630 fresh meat these clothes I've no idea 134 00:11:13,480 --> 00:11:21,780 don't drink that what did you do that 135 00:11:17,500 --> 00:11:21,780 for have you lost your mind or something 136 00:11:26,490 --> 00:11:35,050 hey stay awake Barta Barta 137 00:11:30,730 --> 00:11:37,750 come on get up Barda get up I knew there 138 00:11:35,050 --> 00:11:40,770 was poison in that tea huh what are you 139 00:11:37,750 --> 00:11:40,770 doing hey wait a minute 140 00:11:46,190 --> 00:12:00,470 this room everything's different fresh 141 00:11:56,870 --> 00:12:03,760 meat fresh meat it's been so long since 142 00:12:00,470 --> 00:12:03,760 we've eaten fresh me 143 00:12:08,230 --> 00:12:15,580 shall we share some with you still this 144 00:12:13,780 --> 00:12:17,860 was all a trap to have us as their 145 00:12:15,580 --> 00:12:18,970 dinner I don't believe it but why 146 00:12:17,860 --> 00:12:23,080 couldn't we see it 147 00:12:18,970 --> 00:12:28,600 Oh Nugent dodge read backwards our gin 148 00:12:23,080 --> 00:12:31,420 and Cha sorceress tayghen gobs her 149 00:12:28,600 --> 00:12:35,400 favorite food in her cave with all her 150 00:12:31,420 --> 00:12:39,939 brood and the names of her children our 151 00:12:35,400 --> 00:12:42,699 hot tot gently George or John 152 00:12:39,940 --> 00:12:45,190 their names are gin and jawed their 153 00:12:42,700 --> 00:12:46,540 sorceress thaegan's children I thought 154 00:12:45,190 --> 00:12:48,520 it was strange that the grey guards 155 00:12:46,540 --> 00:12:51,189 stopped searching for us it's just not 156 00:12:48,520 --> 00:12:53,530 like them to give up so quickly but now 157 00:12:51,190 --> 00:12:55,360 I understand why the grey guards must 158 00:12:53,530 --> 00:12:56,860 have guessed we were hiding nearby and 159 00:12:55,360 --> 00:12:59,350 they knew we'd eventually wander into 160 00:12:56,860 --> 00:13:02,350 the quicksand only to be caught and 161 00:12:59,350 --> 00:13:04,590 eaten by gin and jawed let's get out of 162 00:13:02,350 --> 00:13:04,590 here 163 00:13:05,600 --> 00:13:11,190 that's why the only windows way up there 164 00:13:08,220 --> 00:13:12,690 it's impossible to escape so there's no 165 00:13:11,190 --> 00:13:20,510 way to get out without passing through 166 00:13:12,690 --> 00:13:20,510 the kitchen Hey look is that a door 167 00:13:23,689 --> 00:13:32,069 well look at all that stuff this must 168 00:13:30,360 --> 00:13:36,050 belong to all the travelers that have 169 00:13:32,069 --> 00:13:36,050 been tracked and eaten by jinn and jawed 170 00:13:46,640 --> 00:13:53,330 looks as though they drank all the tea 171 00:13:49,230 --> 00:13:53,330 we're sleeping soundly 172 00:13:55,279 --> 00:14:00,120 what should we do we have to pass 173 00:13:58,290 --> 00:14:01,529 through the kitchen we don't stand a 174 00:14:00,120 --> 00:14:03,480 chance against sorceress thaegan's 175 00:14:01,529 --> 00:14:06,389 children it's better than doing nothing 176 00:14:03,480 --> 00:14:07,829 and being eaten alive but Barda looks 177 00:14:06,389 --> 00:14:11,610 like he's almost unconscious 178 00:14:07,829 --> 00:14:13,638 you took Oh leave me behind that's not 179 00:14:11,610 --> 00:14:17,149 gonna happen 180 00:14:13,639 --> 00:14:17,149 someone's out front 181 00:14:17,540 --> 00:14:23,990 we'll run away while the two of them are 182 00:14:19,950 --> 00:14:23,990 preoccupied it's our only chance 183 00:14:28,760 --> 00:14:36,500 I'm sorry Leif don't worry about it huh 184 00:14:46,910 --> 00:14:51,750 the Ralad man it's a trap don't come any 185 00:14:50,940 --> 00:14:53,430 closer 186 00:14:51,750 --> 00:14:55,680 there's a bit of quicksand in front of 187 00:14:53,430 --> 00:14:57,029 you just great those maggots really 188 00:14:55,680 --> 00:15:00,140 pretending they were asleep 189 00:14:57,029 --> 00:15:00,140 oh yeah are they 190 00:15:04,810 --> 00:15:10,449 we're surrounded by quicksand as useless 191 00:15:07,870 --> 00:15:12,610 we know those two monsters have to get 192 00:15:10,450 --> 00:15:14,230 out to visit their sorceress mother so 193 00:15:12,610 --> 00:15:18,460 there's got to be a way to get to the 194 00:15:14,230 --> 00:15:30,670 other side we've been looking forward 195 00:15:18,460 --> 00:15:35,320 for this face we saved his life now he's 196 00:15:30,670 --> 00:15:42,400 saving our target 197 00:15:35,320 --> 00:15:44,320 oh wait a minute there's no mud on you 198 00:15:42,400 --> 00:15:47,670 you're totally clean how did you get 199 00:15:44,320 --> 00:15:47,670 across the circle of quicksand 200 00:15:50,640 --> 00:15:52,670 ah 201 00:15:56,690 --> 00:16:03,230 what is it it's some kind of path 202 00:15:59,670 --> 00:16:05,639 that'll take us to the other side hmm 203 00:16:03,230 --> 00:16:09,149 there must be one of these over there 204 00:16:05,639 --> 00:16:11,009 too he risked his life to come here to 205 00:16:09,149 --> 00:16:16,470 show us how to escape from gin and jawed 206 00:16:11,009 --> 00:16:18,360 oh they'll be here very soon even if we 207 00:16:16,470 --> 00:16:20,810 get across I'm not sure we'll be able to 208 00:16:18,360 --> 00:16:20,810 lose them 209 00:16:22,040 --> 00:16:26,310 it looks like he's saying you were right 210 00:16:24,329 --> 00:16:27,899 Jasmine but the other device you might 211 00:16:26,310 --> 00:16:30,029 be able to close the bridge you want to 212 00:16:27,899 --> 00:16:33,440 trap gin John in their own quicksand 213 00:16:30,029 --> 00:16:33,439 that's right you go ahead 214 00:16:35,439 --> 00:16:40,118 late you should go to you're in no 215 00:16:37,839 --> 00:16:42,899 condition to fight if I can move then I 216 00:16:40,119 --> 00:16:42,899 can fight boy 217 00:16:57,359 --> 00:17:02,679 don't worry rallied people can carry up 218 00:17:00,009 --> 00:17:03,309 to ten times their own weight now where 219 00:17:02,679 --> 00:17:04,839 were we 220 00:17:03,309 --> 00:17:07,480 this is not the full extent of our 221 00:17:04,839 --> 00:17:11,158 abilities we are children of pain you 222 00:17:07,480 --> 00:17:11,159 haven't seen anything yet 223 00:17:20,560 --> 00:17:23,669 garner boy 224 00:17:44,900 --> 00:17:59,150 Jasmine hey Lee now's our chance 225 00:17:56,789 --> 00:17:59,150 come on 226 00:18:19,400 --> 00:18:27,710 Oh Cree you saved us oh are you hurt 227 00:18:25,040 --> 00:18:29,960 don't worry leaf I'm alright you didn't 228 00:18:27,710 --> 00:18:35,240 go home you naughty boy now you're poor 229 00:18:29,960 --> 00:18:37,580 wing is hurt don't worry Crete look at 230 00:18:35,240 --> 00:18:40,450 this you'll be well enough to fly again 231 00:18:37,580 --> 00:18:42,449 in no time at all 232 00:18:40,450 --> 00:18:42,450 ah 233 00:18:56,960 --> 00:19:02,360 let me is the nectar on your shoulder 234 00:18:59,300 --> 00:19:03,830 you've been hurt badly as well we need 235 00:19:02,360 --> 00:19:08,990 to save the nectar for important things 236 00:19:03,830 --> 00:19:11,290 I have an ointment my wounds not that 237 00:19:08,990 --> 00:19:11,290 serious 238 00:19:20,470 --> 00:19:26,280 Thank You lief barda how are you feeling 239 00:19:23,740 --> 00:19:29,500 I'll be fine thanks 240 00:19:26,280 --> 00:19:33,399 what's he drawing characters of the 241 00:19:29,500 --> 00:19:36,790 Ralad tribe he says his name is manis 242 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:38,710 hello Manas it seems that before the 243 00:19:36,790 --> 00:19:42,850 great guards caught him he was enslaved 244 00:19:38,710 --> 00:19:45,460 and tortured by jinn and jawed in that 245 00:19:42,850 --> 00:19:48,639 corner that's how he knew how to get 246 00:19:45,460 --> 00:19:54,940 across the quicksand he says he wants to 247 00:19:48,640 --> 00:19:57,250 thank us you have saved me twice now my 248 00:19:54,940 --> 00:19:59,770 life is yours 249 00:19:57,250 --> 00:20:03,100 the reason I'm thanking you in writing 250 00:19:59,770 --> 00:20:05,530 is because long ago taken place to spell 251 00:20:03,100 --> 00:20:09,879 on old relic people from then on we 252 00:20:05,530 --> 00:20:11,800 could not speak out of spite and 253 00:20:09,880 --> 00:20:13,870 jealousy taggin created the Lake of 254 00:20:11,800 --> 00:20:16,120 tears from the beauty of d'Or the 255 00:20:13,870 --> 00:20:18,429 relative that time raised their voices 256 00:20:16,120 --> 00:20:20,379 against her she put a stop to it 257 00:20:18,430 --> 00:20:24,030 there have been no words spoken in 258 00:20:20,380 --> 00:20:24,030 relevant for a hundred years 259 00:20:28,049 --> 00:20:34,840 I'm sure Hagen will find out what 260 00:20:30,549 --> 00:20:36,519 happened to our children soon enough we 261 00:20:34,840 --> 00:20:39,760 should leave this place right away 262 00:20:36,519 --> 00:20:42,419 well good-bye manis you take care don't 263 00:20:39,760 --> 00:20:42,419 you get caught again 264 00:20:42,510 --> 00:20:47,529 that's enough Crete I'm sure Manus will 265 00:20:45,309 --> 00:20:50,110 be more careful hey Creed you know you 266 00:20:47,529 --> 00:20:51,429 were a real hero back there I feel safer 267 00:20:50,110 --> 00:20:55,178 having a friend like him along 268 00:20:51,429 --> 00:20:59,950 I think Barda feels the same yes I do 269 00:20:55,179 --> 00:21:01,929 I think that's three to one I guess it 270 00:20:59,950 --> 00:21:04,240 can't be helped then I still don't think 271 00:21:01,929 --> 00:21:09,399 it's a good idea but everyone else wants 272 00:21:04,240 --> 00:21:12,880 you to come you still only have one gem 273 00:21:09,399 --> 00:21:16,779 but now together as friends we can hurry 274 00:21:12,880 --> 00:21:19,080 and find the remaining six alright let's 275 00:21:16,779 --> 00:21:19,080 get going 276 00:22:18,950 --> 00:22:25,169 with manases our God we finally arrived 277 00:22:21,960 --> 00:22:28,230 at raladin but it's empty as ghost town 278 00:22:25,169 --> 00:22:32,090 what happened here how are we ever gonna 279 00:22:28,230 --> 00:22:34,990 get the second gem next 280 00:22:32,090 --> 00:22:34,990 the lake of Tears