1 00:00:00,329 --> 00:00:08,849 the kingdom of Deltora is shrouded 2 00:00:03,770 --> 00:00:10,769 darkness there once was a time when the 3 00:00:08,849 --> 00:00:11,880 belt of Deltora protected the kingdom 4 00:00:10,769 --> 00:00:15,120 from such evil 5 00:00:11,880 --> 00:00:17,130 it was Aden the first king who forged 6 00:00:15,120 --> 00:00:20,939 the belt and affixed the seven tribal 7 00:00:17,130 --> 00:00:23,220 gems to it each gem had a unique in 8 00:00:20,939 --> 00:00:28,890 magical part and United they made 9 00:00:23,220 --> 00:00:31,080 Deltora unconquerable however the gems 10 00:00:28,890 --> 00:00:34,399 were stolen and scattered to seven of 11 00:00:31,080 --> 00:00:37,349 the most dangerous places in the land 12 00:00:34,399 --> 00:00:39,629 this was the doing of the evil Shadow 13 00:00:37,350 --> 00:00:43,170 Lord who then conquered and ruled the 14 00:00:39,629 --> 00:00:46,230 land by terror it is in dark hours that 15 00:00:43,170 --> 00:00:48,840 true hope and courage are born out of 16 00:00:46,230 --> 00:00:51,209 this despair a boy would step forward to 17 00:00:48,840 --> 00:00:54,300 defy the Shadow Lord and search for the 18 00:00:51,210 --> 00:00:58,730 seven gems these are the adventures of 19 00:00:54,300 --> 00:00:58,730 lief Barda and jasmine 20 00:01:48,030 --> 00:01:52,720 deep in the forest our heroes come 21 00:01:50,650 --> 00:01:55,540 across a kind elderly couple who call 22 00:01:52,720 --> 00:01:57,520 themselves niche in Dodge Leaf soon 23 00:01:55,540 --> 00:01:59,979 realizes that their hosts are actually 24 00:01:57,520 --> 00:02:02,800 sorceress thaegan's children Jin and 25 00:01:59,979 --> 00:02:04,509 jawed Barda is poisoned and the two 26 00:02:02,800 --> 00:02:07,450 monsters bear down on them 27 00:02:04,509 --> 00:02:09,910 just then Manas the Ralad man and Kree 28 00:02:07,450 --> 00:02:12,850 who they thought had flown home come to 29 00:02:09,910 --> 00:02:17,430 their rescue after defeating Jin injured 30 00:02:12,850 --> 00:02:17,430 they continued toward the lake of teeth 31 00:02:30,410 --> 00:02:35,540 just as I thought he's still following 32 00:02:32,480 --> 00:02:36,890 us we've got to say something the more 33 00:02:35,540 --> 00:02:45,799 of us there are the easier it becomes 34 00:02:36,890 --> 00:02:52,480 for taken to find us manis huh I'm sorry 35 00:02:45,800 --> 00:02:56,240 but you can't come with us hmm 36 00:02:52,480 --> 00:02:58,940 the three of you have twice saved me 37 00:02:56,240 --> 00:03:04,430 once when the grey guards once from gin 38 00:02:58,940 --> 00:03:06,109 and jawed now my life is yours who wants 39 00:03:04,430 --> 00:03:08,330 to repay us for what we've done 40 00:03:06,110 --> 00:03:11,780 he doesn't have to do that but you saved 41 00:03:08,330 --> 00:03:14,680 us from gin and jaw to Manas remember so 42 00:03:11,780 --> 00:03:14,680 I'd say we're even 43 00:03:15,020 --> 00:03:18,620 yeah Manas don't you see you're 44 00:03:16,910 --> 00:03:22,510 completely free from those evil monsters 45 00:03:18,620 --> 00:03:22,510 you can go back home if you want to 46 00:03:28,620 --> 00:03:34,620 I get it 47 00:03:31,940 --> 00:03:36,150 in order to get to the lake of tears 48 00:03:34,620 --> 00:03:39,629 we've got to go through the village of 49 00:03:36,150 --> 00:03:41,970 raladin that's manases home isn't it 50 00:03:39,629 --> 00:03:44,040 yeah and that means he could probably 51 00:03:41,970 --> 00:03:47,790 lead us right to the lake of Tears 52 00:03:44,040 --> 00:03:51,829 huh that's good this could save us time 53 00:03:47,790 --> 00:03:54,900 looks like we've got ourselves a new guy 54 00:03:51,830 --> 00:03:57,239 and so it was that Leif and his 55 00:03:54,900 --> 00:04:01,739 companions continued their journey with 56 00:03:57,239 --> 00:04:03,840 Manas leading the way according to him 57 00:04:01,739 --> 00:04:06,870 it would take only three days for them 58 00:04:03,840 --> 00:04:12,690 to get to raladin however it would not 59 00:04:06,870 --> 00:04:15,000 be an easy journey in order not to 60 00:04:12,690 --> 00:04:17,790 attract any unwanted attention they 61 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:20,039 slept on the cold hard ground without 62 00:04:17,790 --> 00:04:22,229 the warmth of a fire this was especially 63 00:04:20,039 --> 00:04:27,990 difficult for Jasmin who was still 64 00:04:22,229 --> 00:04:30,330 recovering from her wound they had to be 65 00:04:27,990 --> 00:04:33,030 careful during the day as well and kept 66 00:04:30,330 --> 00:04:35,070 the small well hidden paths this slowed 67 00:04:33,030 --> 00:04:38,729 them down but at least they were able to 68 00:04:35,070 --> 00:04:40,830 travel at ease Jasmine could also talk 69 00:04:38,729 --> 00:04:45,030 to the trees and make sure that tagging 70 00:04:40,830 --> 00:04:47,039 was nowhere nearby but eventually they 71 00:04:45,030 --> 00:04:50,479 were forced into the open as the trees 72 00:04:47,039 --> 00:04:50,479 became all more sparse 73 00:04:53,610 --> 00:05:00,160 Dumanis hmm oh I think we need to stop 74 00:04:58,030 --> 00:05:02,440 and let Jasmine rest I don't need to 75 00:05:00,160 --> 00:05:04,180 especially not here I mean we might as 76 00:05:02,440 --> 00:05:07,900 well put up a big sign telling tagging 77 00:05:04,180 --> 00:05:10,240 where we are manis why are you running 78 00:05:07,900 --> 00:05:20,620 away from us I think maybe he has 79 00:05:10,240 --> 00:05:29,110 something he'd like us to see a log 80 00:05:20,620 --> 00:05:33,300 cabin hello is anybody home doesn't seem 81 00:05:29,110 --> 00:05:33,300 like it huh wait a sec 82 00:05:42,080 --> 00:05:49,628 I thought so 83 00:05:46,879 --> 00:05:56,720 this place was attacked by grey guards 84 00:05:49,629 --> 00:06:03,500 yeah take a look at this it's been 85 00:05:56,720 --> 00:06:04,310 marked by the shadowlord's brand this 86 00:06:03,500 --> 00:06:05,930 isn't good 87 00:06:04,310 --> 00:06:08,780 if the grey guards have come this far 88 00:06:05,930 --> 00:06:11,870 then it's quite possible that they have 89 00:06:08,780 --> 00:06:14,448 reached relative and there's no time to 90 00:06:11,870 --> 00:06:16,069 waste we've got a hurry but Jasmine your 91 00:06:14,449 --> 00:06:17,270 wounds still healing you need to rest 92 00:06:16,069 --> 00:06:20,710 I'm fine 93 00:06:17,270 --> 00:06:20,710 what is it Manus 94 00:06:31,669 --> 00:06:37,159 is he for real could he be saying we 95 00:06:34,430 --> 00:06:38,569 should take a bath in that thing doesn't 96 00:06:37,159 --> 00:06:41,830 he realize we don't have time to sit 97 00:06:38,569 --> 00:06:41,830 around seriously 98 00:06:45,930 --> 00:06:53,550 oh well the bucket wait I get it 99 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:56,160 um there's nothing left to get he wants 100 00:06:53,550 --> 00:06:57,750 us to take a bath actually I think Manus 101 00:06:56,160 --> 00:06:59,669 is really worried about that wound of 102 00:06:57,750 --> 00:07:01,680 yours jasmine he wants you to clean it 103 00:06:59,669 --> 00:07:03,810 before we continue but we don't have 104 00:07:01,680 --> 00:07:04,710 time I agree with Manus you should take 105 00:07:03,810 --> 00:07:06,360 care of it while you have the chance 106 00:07:04,710 --> 00:07:08,280 course you take his side 107 00:07:06,360 --> 00:07:10,020 you know sometimes it's good to listen 108 00:07:08,280 --> 00:07:11,638 to other people's opinions don't you 109 00:07:10,020 --> 00:07:21,659 remember that's how I got the wound in 110 00:07:11,639 --> 00:07:24,630 the first place that mark again it's a 111 00:07:21,660 --> 00:07:27,630 bird is that what you're saying but what 112 00:07:24,630 --> 00:07:29,400 does it mean I know that mark now it's 113 00:07:27,630 --> 00:07:31,469 the secret signal used by resistance 114 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:35,429 fighters they struggle against the 115 00:07:31,470 --> 00:07:37,770 tyranny of the Shadow Lord so so their 116 00:07:35,430 --> 00:07:41,669 symbol looks like a bird flying freely 117 00:07:37,770 --> 00:07:43,948 in the sky and since the mark is carved 118 00:07:41,669 --> 00:07:47,330 on this post that means the resistance 119 00:07:43,949 --> 00:07:47,330 group has been here too 120 00:07:56,060 --> 00:08:01,060 I'm okay now I think I'm ready to go on 121 00:08:02,530 --> 00:08:08,059 um 122 00:08:04,520 --> 00:08:09,560 oh man it's really delicious I think 123 00:08:08,060 --> 00:08:12,860 Barda should do all the cooking from now 124 00:08:09,560 --> 00:08:17,320 on hmm and you were right telling us to 125 00:08:12,860 --> 00:08:22,370 stay and rest here good call Manus hmm 126 00:08:17,320 --> 00:08:23,990 yes I'm worried about raladin - but why 127 00:08:22,370 --> 00:08:26,510 would the Shadow Lord be interested in 128 00:08:23,990 --> 00:08:28,700 them anyway he knew that the relic lever 129 00:08:26,510 --> 00:08:30,320 and strong workers I'm sure he wanted to 130 00:08:28,700 --> 00:08:34,340 make them his slaves as soon as he took 131 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:35,720 control of the land when the relish at 132 00:08:34,340 --> 00:08:37,760 Oh Lords eyes were fixed on their 133 00:08:35,720 --> 00:08:39,410 village Manas went to Dell for help 134 00:08:37,760 --> 00:08:44,210 thinking he would find the strongest 135 00:08:39,409 --> 00:08:46,339 resistance group there I see but any 136 00:08:44,210 --> 00:08:49,580 resistance in Dell was crushed a long 137 00:08:46,340 --> 00:08:51,620 time ago no way I know it still exists 138 00:08:49,580 --> 00:08:53,000 they may be in hiding but I believe 139 00:08:51,620 --> 00:08:54,140 there are many people who would fight 140 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:56,540 against the Shadow Lord 141 00:08:54,140 --> 00:08:58,610 lise right I'm sure there are members of 142 00:08:56,540 --> 00:09:02,829 the resistance protecting raladin even 143 00:08:58,610 --> 00:09:02,830 now that's why we need to go 144 00:09:09,150 --> 00:09:13,230 hey Manas do you think we could slow 145 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:16,529 down a little bit 146 00:09:13,230 --> 00:09:19,460 he won't but we've got to be close 147 00:09:16,529 --> 00:09:19,460 we'll be there soon 148 00:09:25,639 --> 00:09:30,829 well looks like we go through the 149 00:09:28,560 --> 00:09:30,829 waterfall 150 00:09:38,180 --> 00:09:45,290 yeah you got it we're following you to 151 00:09:42,780 --> 00:09:45,290 raladin 152 00:09:50,050 --> 00:09:54,410 it's a good thing we have manis with us 153 00:09:52,550 --> 00:10:01,120 we would never have known this tunnel 154 00:09:54,410 --> 00:10:01,120 existed huh this must be it 155 00:10:10,940 --> 00:10:15,560 so this is raladin 156 00:10:31,940 --> 00:10:42,020 it's a ghost town whatever has happened 157 00:10:37,230 --> 00:10:42,020 here it can't be good 158 00:10:54,110 --> 00:10:59,029 Mena's I can't imagine what it must be 159 00:10:57,290 --> 00:11:00,680 like to know that all your people have 160 00:10:59,029 --> 00:11:01,430 been taken to the Shadowlands to be 161 00:11:00,680 --> 00:11:03,439 slaves 162 00:11:01,430 --> 00:11:05,089 maybe they fled somewhere first the 163 00:11:03,440 --> 00:11:08,000 ralads would never have left their 164 00:11:05,089 --> 00:11:09,920 village of their own accord from the 165 00:11:08,000 --> 00:11:13,940 very beginning this has always been 166 00:11:09,920 --> 00:11:15,890 their home look around the mark of the 167 00:11:13,940 --> 00:11:20,019 shadow lord is all over the village 168 00:11:15,890 --> 00:11:20,019 so he's claimed this place to 169 00:11:25,850 --> 00:11:30,500 it's not fair the worst part is there's 170 00:11:28,490 --> 00:11:34,660 nothing we can do to help him there's 171 00:11:30,500 --> 00:11:34,660 got to be something huh 172 00:11:55,750 --> 00:11:57,810 you 173 00:12:09,370 --> 00:12:16,200 mmm Manas there's just too much 174 00:12:45,450 --> 00:12:47,450 uh 175 00:13:01,430 --> 00:13:05,870 ralads am I dreaming 176 00:13:28,900 --> 00:13:34,990 these people they're incredible to dig 177 00:13:32,740 --> 00:13:38,260 this huge secret cave and then build an 178 00:13:34,990 --> 00:13:40,839 underground village I mean it must have 179 00:13:38,260 --> 00:13:43,029 taken them years to make all this like I 180 00:13:40,839 --> 00:13:44,290 said before I've always known the rally 181 00:13:43,029 --> 00:13:46,300 people were hard-working and 182 00:13:44,290 --> 00:13:48,969 exceptionally clever and I knew that 183 00:13:46,300 --> 00:13:50,920 they would never abandon raladin mm-hmm 184 00:13:48,970 --> 00:13:54,760 but even I never imagined they could 185 00:13:50,920 --> 00:13:57,219 build something like this yeah yeah it's 186 00:13:54,760 --> 00:13:58,480 all very beautiful and stuff now get 187 00:13:57,220 --> 00:14:01,510 over here and eat something 188 00:13:58,480 --> 00:14:03,010 you're right by this time tomorrow we'll 189 00:14:01,510 --> 00:14:05,410 finally be on our way to the lake of 190 00:14:03,010 --> 00:14:08,069 Tears I suggest we stay here and rest 191 00:14:05,410 --> 00:14:10,779 for another two or three days huh 192 00:14:08,070 --> 00:14:12,580 I'm sure Manas would agree and tell you 193 00:14:10,779 --> 00:14:15,400 that your first priority is to heal that 194 00:14:12,580 --> 00:14:19,500 wound huh why do you have to be so bossy 195 00:14:15,400 --> 00:14:19,500 but in the meantime 196 00:14:24,410 --> 00:14:28,980 don't always try to resist my attacks 197 00:14:27,060 --> 00:14:33,270 with strength alone remember that you 198 00:14:28,980 --> 00:14:37,260 have speed as well foolish boys there 199 00:14:33,270 --> 00:14:39,630 was so much energy showing off Leif and 200 00:14:37,260 --> 00:14:41,280 his companions were able to relax and be 201 00:14:39,630 --> 00:14:44,430 at peace in the safety of the 202 00:14:41,280 --> 00:14:46,319 underground village of raladin this was 203 00:14:44,430 --> 00:14:48,959 also the first time Jasmine had ever 204 00:14:46,320 --> 00:14:51,770 slept on a soft bed and she had never 205 00:14:48,960 --> 00:14:51,770 slept better 206 00:14:52,429 --> 00:14:58,639 the days passed quickly and they were 207 00:14:55,019 --> 00:15:00,449 once again ready to continue their quest 208 00:14:58,639 --> 00:15:02,730 thanks for everything 209 00:15:00,449 --> 00:15:04,790 we'll never forget you it was very kind 210 00:15:02,730 --> 00:15:07,559 of you to give us food and shelter and 211 00:15:04,790 --> 00:15:09,449 we are grateful to Manas of course for 212 00:15:07,559 --> 00:15:16,350 agreeing to be our guide we promise to 213 00:15:09,449 --> 00:15:21,299 protect them with our lives hmm - where 214 00:15:16,350 --> 00:15:23,309 will he be guiding you don't tell me you 215 00:15:21,299 --> 00:15:24,839 didn't say anything you should have told 216 00:15:23,309 --> 00:15:26,959 them that you're taking us to the lake 217 00:15:24,839 --> 00:15:38,959 of Tears 218 00:15:26,959 --> 00:15:38,959 I don't think they want him to go 219 00:15:41,180 --> 00:15:51,800 evil and wickedness and what's this 220 00:15:47,950 --> 00:15:55,880 soldeen that seems to be what they're 221 00:15:51,800 --> 00:15:58,219 afraid of so what's a soul team I have 222 00:15:55,880 --> 00:15:59,689 no idea but whatever it is it's clearly 223 00:15:58,220 --> 00:16:00,500 something we should try and avoid if at 224 00:15:59,690 --> 00:16:06,470 all possible 225 00:16:00,500 --> 00:16:14,720 just like the sorceress taken you will 226 00:16:06,470 --> 00:16:18,920 never be able to defeat taken huh why do 227 00:16:14,720 --> 00:16:22,360 you say that the only way someone can 228 00:16:18,920 --> 00:16:26,329 defeat the witch is to draw her blood 229 00:16:22,360 --> 00:16:29,750 even a single drop in this world will be 230 00:16:26,330 --> 00:16:32,959 free of her for all eternity 231 00:16:29,750 --> 00:16:38,329 the problem is taegons whole body is 232 00:16:32,959 --> 00:16:43,579 protected by magic many have tried to 233 00:16:38,329 --> 00:16:49,180 penetrate this magic not one of them has 234 00:16:43,579 --> 00:16:49,180 ever succeeded or returned 235 00:16:49,300 --> 00:16:54,030 but you don't understand we have to go 236 00:16:54,240 --> 00:17:02,410 why we can't tell you but please just 237 00:17:00,610 --> 00:17:03,850 believe us we're telling the truth when 238 00:17:02,410 --> 00:17:07,440 we say that it's for the good of Deltora 239 00:17:03,850 --> 00:17:07,440 and its people that we get there 240 00:17:27,700 --> 00:17:38,490 I'm sorry Manas for asking you to come 241 00:17:30,970 --> 00:17:38,490 with us hmm right let's go 242 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:58,650 what's the matter you seem scared is it 243 00:17:56,700 --> 00:18:02,430 because the lake is just beyond those 244 00:17:58,650 --> 00:18:04,860 rocks hmm it's okay Thank You manis 245 00:18:02,430 --> 00:18:09,530 you've done enough already you should go 246 00:18:04,860 --> 00:18:09,530 home now back to your friends and family 247 00:18:11,830 --> 00:18:17,800 well yeah but won't everybody in raledi 248 00:18:14,870 --> 00:18:17,800 be worried about you 249 00:18:20,870 --> 00:18:26,870 all right if you're gonna be stubborn 250 00:18:23,870 --> 00:18:26,870 hmm 251 00:18:34,700 --> 00:18:40,879 is this it yeah this is it all right 252 00:18:37,580 --> 00:18:43,340 this used to be the town of door it was 253 00:18:40,879 --> 00:18:45,918 full of plants and trees like a big 254 00:18:43,340 --> 00:18:49,480 beautiful garden then the sorceress 255 00:18:45,919 --> 00:18:49,480 tayghen did this to it 256 00:18:51,390 --> 00:18:56,430 if the belt warm doesn't feel the 257 00:18:53,880 --> 00:19:04,770 presence of a gem 258 00:18:56,430 --> 00:19:06,840 no nothing at least not yet this is what 259 00:19:04,770 --> 00:19:09,510 we came here for there's a special gem 260 00:19:06,840 --> 00:19:12,480 hidden somewhere around this lake but 261 00:19:09,510 --> 00:19:14,370 it's a big secret if we do find the gem 262 00:19:12,480 --> 00:19:16,820 you can't tell anyone no matter what 263 00:19:14,370 --> 00:19:16,820 happens 264 00:19:24,549 --> 00:19:28,490 we should be careful there could be 265 00:19:26,899 --> 00:19:34,820 something waiting for us out there 266 00:19:28,490 --> 00:19:37,570 well there's only one way to find out it 267 00:19:34,820 --> 00:19:37,570 seems all right 268 00:19:43,120 --> 00:19:50,560 the gyms here the belt senses it now it 269 00:19:47,150 --> 00:19:50,560 must be somewhere under the water 270 00:20:06,350 --> 00:20:13,570 that can't be it no there's more the 271 00:20:10,010 --> 00:20:13,570 belt is hot now 272 00:20:22,910 --> 00:20:27,190 there it is soldi 273 00:20:51,830 --> 00:20:58,320 li are you all right I'm fine whatever 274 00:20:55,740 --> 00:21:01,370 you do keep moving we'll wait for our 275 00:20:58,320 --> 00:21:05,149 chance to attack I got ya 276 00:21:01,370 --> 00:21:05,149 Barda watch out 277 00:22:17,730 --> 00:22:22,660 just when we're about to find the second 278 00:22:20,290 --> 00:22:25,240 gem tagging shows up we're completely 279 00:22:22,660 --> 00:22:26,770 helpless against her magic if only there 280 00:22:25,240 --> 00:22:29,080 was a way we could make her shed one 281 00:22:26,770 --> 00:22:33,960 drop of blood then she'd be finished for 282 00:22:29,080 --> 00:22:33,960 good next episode sorceress taken